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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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They probably put a lot of extra days in the schedule due to the potential harsh weather in the smokies. If the weather is good then they get done early.


Very smart construction scheduling if you ask me.



*COUGH* Magic Mountain *COUGH*

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Wasn't Wild Eagle's track completed ridiculously early too? I don't know what it is about Dollywood but they get these coasters built really quickly.


Wild Eagle's track was completed in early November, so yes. Dollywood makes sure that their new coasters are ready by opening day, so they get the trackwork done early, so that they can work out all of the kinks in the testing phase and account for any winter weather.

Edited by ernierocker
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Sorry, I haven't keep too up to date on the Dollywood topic.


Can someone let me know why Adventure Mountain was removed? I really enjoyed it. Has it been sent to another park or place?


It looks from some photos that some of the supporting buildings of Adventure Mountain have been kept. Are those staying?


Maybe it was just case of things come and go and Adventure Mountain needed to go but I guess you guys will let me know.




Adventure Mountain was moved to make way for Firechaser Express. It was taken apart carefully so it could end up somewhere else, no decision was ever made. Not sure why Firechaser Express was planned for that exact plot of land because Adventure Mountain was still a popular attraction.


The removal of it was rumored to be because Dollywood needed the space for a new path to reach the train loop which is their future expansion area. I guess the actual AM was blocking their needed route.

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This ride is going to be awesome! I'm interested to see how that switch-track thing in front of the station works.


You can see it in the preview video. A freshly loaded train will launch out of the station going forwards. The switch track will then flip to the other side and allow a backwards-facing-train to back in to the station for unloading and reloading. Then there's a second switch track at the top of the hill that will let it go in to the 'explosion room' or whatever they call it...while the show is going on the track will flip and it will launch backwards back to the main station. It's a pretty clever set up i think...similar to Expedition Everest and Big Grizzly Mtn in China. I can't remember ever being excited about a junior coaster before, but i am.

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This ride is going to be awesome! I'm interested to see how that switch-track thing in front of the station works.


You can see it in the preview video. A freshly loaded train will launch out of the station going forwards. The switch track will then flip to the other side and allow a backwards-facing-train to back in to the station for unloading and reloading. Then there's a second switch track at the top of the hill that will let it go in to the 'explosion room' or whatever they call it...while the show is going on the track will flip and it will launch backwards back to the main station. It's a pretty clever set up i think...similar to Expedition Everest and Big Grizzly Mtn in China. I can't remember ever being excited about a junior coaster before, but i am.


I know how it works I meant to say I can't wait to see it at work in person. Has there ever been any coaster that has used that kind of switch-track before (the one in front of the station)?

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I'm not sure of another one like this where the switch happens in front of the station like this one will do. Lots of other coasters have switches to divide a station up into two zones, like Kingda Ka, Firehawk, some, maybe all the Big Thunders do i think....im sure there are many more that use switches as part of the layout that i'm not familar with. The Mummy?? Thirteen?? there are probably many many more.

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I hadn't been overly impressed with Gerstlauer's previous junior shuttle coasters but it looks like they worked with Dollywood to create something totally unique and thrilling. I'm actually really anticipating getting to experience this attraction (and of course, Cinammon Bread) when I next visit Dollywood!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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