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What's your closest coaster?

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My closest coaster is Orca Ride, a Max Tivoli by Zerier at the little Boudewijn Seapark in Buges, West Flanders. Its about an hour drive. I've never been on it before (not yet anyway) but if im close enough sometime and i have spare time i might just try it some day.




But when i really want to ride a coaster in the neigbourhood, i'd most likely go to Bobbejaanland.

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The Hurricane at Adventureland! Hell yeah, be jealous! Just wait, that thing is going to kill someone, too! Then the entirety of slightly decent rides shall close there! Let's see, we got Top Scan (threw off a mentally retarded woman), Surf Dance (being removed for some Frisbee clone), and then there will be our Hurricane, which is now the only thing I go to the park for! Woohoo! Yay America! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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The closest coaster to me would be Goliath at La Ronde (yay !) but last year it was Le Monstre, also at La Ronde because I live on the east shore of the park and now there building Goliath on that side of the park .

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Let's see... for me, probably Storm Runner or Lightning Racer depending on the way I travel.


Of course, it depends on the direction...

West: Hersheypark 15-20 minutes depending on traffic

North: Knoebels, fourty-five minutes, relative

East: Dorney Park, hour and 45 minutes

South: PA Turnpike to Six Flags Great Adventure, two and a half hours

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