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Strongest/Most forcefull Launch

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^ I agree, but with Speed in Las Vegas coming in at a VERY close second. I don't know if they are technically the strongest, but they feel like it. The fact that the track is above you and you can't see anything in any seat except the front definitely plays a factor. Only a few launches take away my stomach anymore, and Wicked Twister is one of them. This summer I'll have to see if Voodoo still does, because it did when it was at Geauga Lake, but that was years ago.



Here are all the LIM/LSM launched coasters I have been on in order from most intense to least:


1) Wicked Twister (Cedar Point)

2) Speed (Nascar Cafe in Las Vegas)

3) Superman: Ultimate Escape/Steel venom (Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure/Geauga Lake)

4) Maverick (Cedar Point)

5) Flight of Fear (Kings Island)

6) Superman: The Escape (Six Flags Magic Mountain)

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Even though I've only been on three launches, Kingda Ka will probably always remain one of the most forceful. The launch was absolutely incredible, and it is one of my all time favorite coaster moments. While the rest of the ride isn't that great, the launch(and drop) is why I like this ride so much.



While not as forceful, the launch on Mr. Freeze is my favorite. Even though I rode this just a few weeks after Kingda Ka, this was still an impressive launch. Although slower(in speed and acceleration), Mr. Freeze's launch was just incredibly fun. Of course, I also might also like this ride so much because I finally got to ride after my previous two visits to the park were unsuccessful as the ride was closed.

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Restricting it to purely LIM's as per the topic I would have to say Chiller is the most intense launch I have been on, none of the other LIM's I have been on have been that intense - Superman the Escape, Tower of Terror, V2, Wicked Twister, and Flight of Fear.


If I was including LSM's, then the second launch on Maverick would get my vote.


Question: Just what is the difference between LIMs and LSMs? And... does anyone think there's a difference in the force of the launch each gives?

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I think the LSMs have developed a little more kick than LIMs.


For LIMs I think Xcelerator has the best from what I've been on.


The best launch I've been on is with G-Force in Florida. My car went 115mph in 2 seconds, then it stops in 2 seconds.

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^I've actually heard the opposite, that LIMs have a little more kick than LSMs (I think a few people were a little perplexed as to why Maverick was LSM when an LIM could've been just as feasible). And Xcelerator is hydraulic, not LIM.


My favorite LIM/LSM would be Rn'R at MGM--er, Hollywood Studios...FoF was fun, but didn't seem quite as strong. Maverick depends on whether you near-stop or just slow down (personally, I enjoy the near-stops more). I really had to pee in the queue for Wicked Twister, so my mind was focused on not peeing during the ride, so I don't remember much about that launch (or the ride in general for that matter).

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I really didn't think Wicked Twister had a powerful launch, but maybe that's because I just came over from TTD!


Maverick seemed like a better launch when you had a full stop. I was in the front row and we were the second train to dispatch; so we waited under the station for abit. It was pretty cool to look around then all of a sudden...BAM! We launched right out of there. Smaller train = quicker acceleration?



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It's not a coaster, but what does G-force at Old Town use? That had one hell of a kick, I just went "f***ing hell" it was a shock.


I'd love to try Dodonpa, I've never been on an air launch coaster, and KD has robbed me of an opportunity this year on Hypersonic.

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I feel stupid. yeah Rock'n Rollercoaster is amazing.


^ G-Force is air powered like most S&S rides. When the car stops all you hear is BROOOOOSH! That launch had a nasty kick to it!


The episode of the Simpsons where Homer sits on the spinemelter 3000 pretty much is what happens to you on the launch lol.

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(I think a few people were a little perplexed as to why Maverick was LSM when an LIM could've been just as feasible).


LSM's are much more efficient. Each individual LSM turns off after the train passes through. LIM's just all turn on and off at the same time, so even the one at the back of the launch that isn't being used anymore has to remain on until the train is completely clear.

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^Acute observation. I had learned that at one point, but obviously didn't remember it. It makes sense then. Though I think the people were saying the launch wouldn't be as good as an LIM would've been. Or I could just be making this all up in my fantasy world. Wouldn't be the first time...


Woo-hoo, 200th post used as an illustration of how people on this site help others and clarify and know what they are talking about!

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(I think a few people were a little perplexed as to why Maverick was LSM when an LIM could've been just as feasible).


LSM's are much more efficient. Each individual LSM turns off after the train passes through. LIM's just all turn on and off at the same time, so even the one at the back of the launch that isn't being used anymore has to remain on until the train is completely clear.


I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that LIM launches also utilize some timing pattern to turn individual or blocks of motors on and off in a specified sequence. This is not necessary, since turning them all on at once as you described would work fine, but it would be highly inefficient. I think a timing pattern that "follows" the train is used so that the spike in electricity needed to launch is greatly reduced. This timing, however, does not need to be as precise or sophisticated as the one needed for LSM's.

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^That figure might actually be low, considering there's 3 (?) electric surges (launches) on WT.


^^I've never heard of LIM's having some sort of relay to conserve power by shutting off the "unused" motors before the launch is complete.


As far as I've been told once they start doing that, it's an LSM.


Keep in mind LIM and LSM do get thrown around a lot when it comes to talking launched coasters, I see the connotations being used wrong all the time. Especially with LSM's being a form of LIM's, but not the other way around.

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I haven't been on too many LIM Launched coasters, but for me, it has to be Speed: The Ride in Las Vegas.

I remember hearing from my friend that used to be a manager there that during testing the LIMs were launching the train way too fast. So as you can see in this picture they don't use the last 4 sets of LIM's when they launch the train. You can clearly see the difference in color.




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I know "Rita", Thunderlooper" and "Turbine" are't lim'd power, but worth including due to their launch's.


I've finally ridden "Rita" at AT, she gave me my fix and twice.


I can say "Rita" has one of the best launches which I have had. Enough power and not 2 forceful on being pinned to the seats.


Can't beat "Turbine" or "Thunderlooper" launches, they are amazing in the front seat with your hands in the air.




Wonder how fast a Rocket Coaster like "Rita" and "Stealth" can go before the G's are 2 much.

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From http://www.coaster-net.com/


Top 10:

- Acceleration (MPH per sec):


1. Dodonpa, Fujikyu Highlands; 64mphps/102.9kphps (2.91 accel. g's)


2. HyperSonic XLC, Paramount's Kings Dominion; 47mphps/75.6kphps (2.1 accel. g's)


3. Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure; 36.5mphps/58.7kphps (1.7 accel. g's)


4. Storm Runner, Hersheypark; 36mphps/57.9kphps (1.6 accel. g's)


5. Xcelerator, Knott's Berry Farm; 35.6mphps/57.2kphps (1.6 accel. g's)


6. Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point; 30mphps/48.2kphps (1.4 accel. g's)


7. Joker's Jinx, Six Flags America / Mad Cobra, Suzuka Circuit / Poltergeist, Six Flags Fiesta Texas; 21mphps/33.7kphps (1 accel. g)


8. Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, Disneyland Resort Paris / Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, Disney's MGM Studios; 20.3mphps/32.6kphps (.9 accel. g's)


9. Incredible Hulk Coaster, Islands of Adventure; 20mphps/32.1kphps (.9 accel. g's)


10. Superman: the Ride/ Xpress, Walibi World; 19.9mphps/32kphps (.9 accel. g's)


I'm sure Stealth (Thorpe Park) should be on there. It goes from 0.80mp/h in 1.9 seconds - only 0.1 seconds slower than Hypersonic


EDIT: just realised Stealth wasn't open when you posted that

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^ It isn't just time, though, it's speed attained. I can accelerate from 0-3 mph in 1.2 seconds, but the forces aren't that powerful.


But Stealth is on the present-day list. It has a kick of 42.1mphps, good enough for third on the above list. I don't know where other accelerators built since weigh in, though a quick check of stats on rcdb indicate Stealth is the quickest of the accelerators.

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