^The words "of a" are missing in the middle of the title of that movie.
These _____ Movie's are just a bunch of crassly placed subliminal advertisement:
"OMG!!!!111ONE!11! Hannah Montana is dead" - some dumb chick
"Goodbye my fans! Keep Rockin'! And don't forget to buy my two new CD's in stores now!"
with irrelevant pop culture references and unfunny racial stereotypes. How could these moronic writers possibly think what they are writing is funny? I mean, from the trailer alone... they reuse the same "getting hit/crushed by something big" joke 3 times! I felt my IQ was lowering just from watching the trailer. To make matters worse, they are spoofing movies that are still in theaters. Didn't The Dark Knight, Hulk, & Iron Man JUST come out? Also, if they wanted to spoof a disaster movie, why didn't they spoof an actual disaster movie? (ie: Titanic, Armageddon, Independence Day, The Poesideon Adventure, etc.) This movie doesn't even know what it's spoofing! Juno? Sex & The City? Enchanted? WTF! What is that!
Please, don't pay to see this mindless garbage! You're only encouraging them to make MORE! THINK OF THE CHILDREN MY GOD THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!