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What is the best coaster in your home park?

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I don't count Rye Playland or Quassy since I never go there, so my home park for all intents and purposes is Six Flags New England and obviously the best coaster there is Cyclone.


... Just kidding obviously. SROS/Bizzaro. That park is a one trick pony.

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Mine is Adventureland NY... and proud of it!




Best coaster there is obviously The Hurricane.

Best flat ride, used to be Surf Dance, but they're getting rid of that to make room for a frezbee . So now the best flat is between Top Scan(runs an INSANE program, too bad somebody flew off it and died. I'm not kidding. ), and the pirate ship.


! I was at the park the day the lady flew off it. I have never been on it, it was closed all that day. I guess, unfortunately thats my home park. I prefer to say it's Great Adventure though.


Adventureland: Hurricane, Frisbee


Great Adventure: El Toro, Twister

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