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About ProwlerPrey

  • Birthday 01/13/1994

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  1. It was really great to see the Royals bounce back in game two. Hopefully they can carry the momentum into SF. I honestly still have a hard time believing this is all happening, I've never seen a sport take over KC like this before. Royals in six.
  2. Interesting, I believe he was at Valleyfair this summer when I visited (didn't see the show though). I hope it goes well. Also, I was looking through the WOF website and they're now offering a 3rd level of Fright Lane passes, the Fright Lane Max. https://www.worldsoffun.com/halloween-haunt/experiences
  3. Wow. I'm curious as to what exactly caused it. Hopefully it wont be too much of an issue for RMC as they build the new ride.
  4. While I would love to see a coaster like Maverick, I dont think the park is big enough yet to justify a $20+ million ride investment. I do agree about Timberwolf though.
  5. Looking good. Hopefully they replaced some of the parts that were causing the excessive downtime.
  6. Nice to see construction starting on SteelHawk. Hopefully it won't be too long until the tower starts going up.
  7. Would Thunderation at Silver Dollar City count? Or does that not count as a pre-lift because it's basically an entire ride?
  8. Yes, Worlds of Fun recently posted a photo on Facebook showing the start of Grand Prix demolition to make way for the ride. https://www.facebook.com/WorldsofFun
  9. Silver Dollar City without a doubt. I don't remember much from my visit to Dollywood, but none of Dollywood's coasters can compare to Outlaw Run.
  10. It's really exciting to see that construction has picked up some speed.
  11. I've only been to WoF, Cedar Point, and SFStl. Cedar Fair parks tend to have more well rounded rides, nicer landscaping, better operations, and seem to be headed in a better direction with the new CEO. While i believe Six Flags has some good parks, it feels the Cedar Fair parks are overall better.
  12. I've only been to WoF, Cedar Point, and SFStl. Cedar Fair parks tend to have more well rounded rides, nicer landscaping, better operations, and seem to be headed in a better direction with the new CEO. While i believe Six Flags has some good parks, it feels the Cedar Fair parks are overall better.
  13. I had no idea there was gonna be a custom train building option. This game just got a lot better.
  14. Is this ride an exact copy of Jetline at Grona Lund or is there a difference in track layout? The two seem almost identical to me.
  15. Wow, I never thought that a little wooden coaster would look like it's as much fun as the video shows. I feel a lot of smaller parks could benefit from a small wooden coaster like this.
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