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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I'm going to universal in a few weeks for the first time, anything I should know?


Be sure to get on Dueling Dragons before it closes forever.


Ah, it'll be relocated and will open in another park shortly.

Piss off, all of you.

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I'm going to universal in a few weeks for the first time, anything I should know?


Be sure to get on Dueling Dragons before it closes forever.


Ah, it'll be relocated and will open in another park shortly.

Piss off, all of you.

Thanks for the help!


I wish I could ride Dueling Dragons, and I don't think it's coming back.

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I just read that Universal just changed the configuration of the splashdown pools for their three "drop pod" serpentine slides at Volcano Bay... but even worse - they changed the weight limit on 2 of the 3 slides from 300 lbs to 200 lbs!?!? It can't be the drop pods, as 1 is still operating with a 300 lb limit. Not sure why the others were changed... but again - this probably could have been figured out with extensive testing instead of setting an unrealistic opening date to try and compete with WDW's Pandora.


Thanks for eliminating 75% of your adult male population on these slides, Volcano Bay! Can Universal do anything right lately? What a mess...

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Yeah, 200 pounds is just absurd, you can be a perfectly healthy person in great shape and easily weigh more than 200 pounds. I guess the straight path drop pod slide still has a 300 pound limit which is quite a bit more reasonable, but still makes me wonder why the change on the other two?

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It's certainly curious - speed slides like those typically have extended shallow run-outs at the end as opposed to splash pools. It's definitely an...unpleasant experience to be gliding along at 20 MPH or more and suddenly be dumped head-over-heels into a pool. With the run-outs, you really only have to deal with water getting shot up your nose. Still unpleasant, but not disorientating.

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It's certainly curious - speed slides like those typically have extended shallow run-outs at the end as opposed to splash pools. It's definitely an...unpleasant experience to be gliding along at 20 MPH or more and suddenly be dumped head-over-heels into a pool. With the run-outs, you really only have to deal with water getting shot up your nose. Still unpleasant, but not disorientating.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see those slides modified to a run-out in the near future some time. Has that ever been done before that anyone knows of ? Certainly seems feasible.

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They are regular body slides but the 3 Jumpin Jack Splash slides at Dorney were modified to run outs in 2014. It made them worse because you sometimes hit the run out on an angle (the slides have a lot of compact turns) and can hurt your legs.

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Question, going to Halloween horror nights tomorrow night. Heard it'll be busy with Friday the 13th. We will be staying in the holding area until hhn opens. Also have fast pass but want to use without as much as can! What is the best strategy for everything on hhn?


Also, I will be going to IOA in the morning. What is the best strategy for IOA while getting there at open?



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This probably has to be the most incredible coaster photo I've ever seen. That loop standing alone is so incredibly powerful and yet all so disheartening.


I can't believe the ride is already almost completely gone - just like that. It looks as if Universal took pleasure in making a mess out of Dueling Dragons. Wow. I couldn't even recognize where things once stood at first.



Source: Screamscape

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I feel so awful that I didn't get that coaster credit. My first and only visit to Universal was back in 2006, and I remember seeing Dueling Dragons in the background as I walked by. I was just starting fresh in the "theme park world," and considering Universal Studios was my second park, and then Islands of Adventures my third (my first was Disney's Magic Kingdom in 2005), let's just say I haven't worked my nerves up just yet to ride those massive roller coasters just yet. Oh well, life goes on.

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