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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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We'll be hearing this in the near future: "As we continue to provide excellent attractions for our guest, 2018 is going to be a great year. 'Donkey Kong VS King Kong: The Ultimate Battle' will be unlike any other attraction! Come to face with both apes as your fully immersed in a world full of excitement and wonder." This is all from my imagination so take it as you wish!


How about a 4D coaster where you ride in the barrels the big apes are rolling at each other?

Edited by cfc
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We'll be hearing this in the near future: "As we continue to provide excellent attractions for our guest, 2018 is going to be a great year. 'Donkey Kong VS King Kong: The Ultimate Battle' will be unlike any other attraction! Come to face with both apes as your fully immersed in a world full of excitement and wonder." This is all from my imagination so take it as you wish!


How about a 4D coaster where you ride in the barrels the big apes are rolling at each other?

Now that would be great!

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I don't see why whenever there's a new annoucement, people think Marvel is going away....it is not going anywhere! They're actually planning a new attraction for Marvel in the area, if most of my sources are correct.

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We'll be hearing this in the near future: "As we continue to provide excellent attractions for our guest, 2018 is going to be a great year. 'Donkey Kong VS King Kong: The Ultimate Battle' will be unlike any other attraction! Come to face with both apes as your fully immersed in a world full of excitement and wonder." This is all from my imagination so take it as you wish!


How about a 4D coaster where you ride in the barrels the big apes are rolling at each other?


When can they start construction on this?

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I think people need to realize that whatever fee Universal has to pay to Disney to use their IP is insignificant compared to the cost of having to redo an entire land. This isn't Six Flags or Cedar Fair, Universal isn't just going to take out all the Marvel IP and try to re-use what they can under some new IP. If Universal was to ever re-theme the area, it would most likely be a complete overhaul. Do I see Universal using the Nintendo opportunity to rid itself of Disney IP? No I don't. Hulk is by far one of the most popular and efficient attractions and I don't think it really fits the Nintendo IP. The Nintendo attractions will be family attractions, not high speed roller coasters. Quite frankly I don't ever see Universal tearing out Hulk so I think that idea is completely out the window. There are many other areas around both parks that need to be revamped and one of those will most definitely be the area that Nintendo takes over, not Marvel Super Hero Island.

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Very true. Toon Lagoon is the one land built on some pretty dated material. That would be the best place to put a Nintendo world make over. Attractio wise, the basing a Nintendo world dark ride off the tech behind Spider-man, either HP ride, would be great to see. Don't know if Orlando has the room, but what if they could actually do a trackless racing attraction for Mario Kart? Be fascinating to see what they develop.

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I think people need to realize that whatever fee Universal has to pay to Disney to use their IP is insignificant compared to the cost of having to redo an entire land. This isn't Six Flags or Cedar Fair, Universal isn't just going to take out all the Marvel IP and try to re-use what they can under some new IP. If Universal was to ever re-theme the area, it would most likely be a complete overhaul. Do I see Universal using the Nintendo opportunity to rid itself of Disney IP? No I don't. Hulk is by far one of the most popular and efficient attractions and I don't think it really fits the Nintendo IP. The Nintendo attractions will be family attractions, not high speed roller coasters. Quite frankly I don't ever see Universal tearing out Hulk so I think that idea is completely out the window. There are many other areas around both parks that need to be revamped and one of those will most definitely be the area that Nintendo takes over, not Marvel Super Hero Island.


Marvel Super Hero Island is not the eye-popping "WOW!!" level of theme that can be found these days, including in Universal with the Harry Potter areas. The area is due for a re-theme. The only real question is when. Spider-Man is a great ride, but those plywood cutouts hanging about the midways IMO look rather hideous and subpar. The Hulk theme can be replaced rather easily since there isn't a whole lot of it to begin with.


To me it looks more like one of those cases where both Disney and Universal can up their games a great deal by agreeing to release the use of Marvel to Disney. That way Disney can fully use the Marvel IPs to their standards (which is not going on in Marvel Super Hero Island), and Universal is free to build up something like Nintendo to the levels recently seen with Potter, Springfield, new Kong, etc. The Nintendo theme can absolutely be applied to thrilling rides such as Hulk Coaster and Spider-Man. The whole idea of Nintendo being kids-only is a misconception similar to the idea that Walt Disney World is kids-only. There's no reason at all why one of Nintendo's franchises wouldn't do as a replacement theme for Hulk.

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It's also a matter of what to do with Spider-Man. It's the best attraction in the park/resort for many people, so removing/retheming it could cause a lot of controversy, regardless of its replacement. I agree with others that I personally would rather see Kid Zone in Studios get the boot and remove E.T. for an E-ticket dark ride.

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It's also a matter of what to do with Spider-Man. It's the best attraction in the park/resort for many people, so removing/retheming it could cause a lot of controversy, regardless of its replacement. I agree with others that I personally would rather see Kid Zone in Studios get the boot and remove E.T. for an E-ticket dark ride.


As far as I'm concerned, that's the most likely option for a Nintendo-land. Gut the E.T. building and make it a trip through Bowser's Castle, retheme the play area to Super Mario World or Donkey Kong, and switch out Woody Woodpecker for Yoshi or the Koopas and you've got yourself a nice little area that's relevant to kids and nerds alike.


Granted, I can also totally picture the Dudley Do-Right's building redone to look like green mountains with pipes and Piranha Plants all over the place.

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^Obviously you have no respect for classics.

E.T is the last original rides.


Yeah.... I'm well aware that it's a classic. So were most of the other rides that have already been replaced. Doesn't change the fact that that entire area would be perfect for a NintendoLand/Major attraction.


The best thing about E.T. is the queue anyway.

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My idea comes in 2 phases:

Phase 1 includes removing Kid Zone and E.T.

-Put a theater that looks like Bowser's Castle in the current area occupying George George, the theater will play a 4D show for the family with Mario. I think a possible plot or this show would be something along the lines of: "Mario and his pals are hosting a show and they could possibly parody game shows or something and Bowser obviously would have a hand in this. What could be awesome is if they have some sort of Bowser animatronic.

- Retheme Woody Woodpeckers to a Yoshi themed coaster.

- Replace playgrounds with Pokemon themed flat rides.

- Remove E.T. completely and replace with an indoor/outdoor family minecart roller coaster. The ride is themed to Donkey Kong and will have an impressive exterior and feature top quality animations and combine screen technology for inside cave sequences. (e-ticket attraction)

Phase 2 included removing Animal Actors and Barney

- Replace Animal Actors with a Legend of Zelda attraction, this one is sorta tricky because I don't really think many types of attractions lend themselves well to LoZ. So I think either a Falcon's Treehouse Spheron theater or a Dynamic Attractions Suspended Theater.



- Replace Barney with the second e-ticket attraction of Nintendo Land, Luigi's Ghost Mansion which is the worlds first 3D trackless-motion shooting dark ride, which will mix physical and simulated sets.


Now this probably isn't very realistic, but it mostly depends on how much Uni feels Nintendo is worth representing. I'll explain my choices for e-ticket attractions, I think generally Donkey Kong and Luigi's Ghost Mansion attractions are great for all ages and aren't viewed as kiddy. Pokemon and Yoshi I find are viewed on a younger scale so that's why they are represented the way they are. Mario suits itself well to a 4D show.

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I would hate for ET to be removed. When I come with my grandmother, who has a bad back, loves to ride it as its one of the only ones she can ride. It's also a classic, and a movie that should continue to be shown to children. Maybe they might remake the movie as it seems like many 80's and 90's movies are being remade rn. If that happens, they can refurb the whole attraction.

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CRAP. I can't believe I forgot about Pokémon. Raze the whole place, fill it with chihuahuas, and let the kids run free!

Pokémon is a little weird, as you rarely see it alongside Nintendo's other properties. Nintendo kind of gives The Pokémon Company free reign.

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What's great about the Nintendo partnership is that there are SO many possibilities it's awesome to even think about. Nintendo properties could work as a show, interactive activity in the park, character meet & greet, interactive ride, dark ride, roller coaster...

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Just to take attention away from Nintendo for a bit, I've got a question about Halloween horror nights 2015


Lucky this year I've managed to book my annual holiday so it falls during this event! Yey! My partner and I are staying in Cabana Bay Beach Hotel and have a 14 day pass to universal studios and islands of adventure. Of course we're planning on attending Halloween horror nights and prefable we'd like to visit for two nights so we can do all the houses without paying for fast pass.


Whats the cheapest way to do this?


Or is it cheaper and easier just to buy one night and buy fasspass?

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Would probably be cheaper to get the stay and scream passes for each night of your visit since you would already have park passes. You stay in the park in holding areas and have first dibs on the houses!

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