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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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yup, if the nolimits simulation of the ride I saw on youtube is any refference then the top of the loop will ahve little to no airtime, and it will coast along it rather slowly, much like rocket coasters at the top of their hill.



Videos don't really give as accurate of details such as, how much airtime a ride will have!

My guess is that the train will need to have plenty of speed generated to complete the loop everytime. Therefore, there will be plenty of airtime as you crest and start the descent of that hill. They aren't going to design this element so that there is just barely enough speed to get around the loop. If so there would be frequent rollbacks and by the look of the ride, it isn't going to be an easy task to get the train out of there.

Moral of the story, don't judge a coaster by a video. Especially an animated video!

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by the way, I know the simulation on youtube probably isn't accurate, but look at the height of the loop next to the height of the lift hill. There is no way in heck that the train goes fast over the top. Might be some nice flaoter airtime during the twist itself, though.

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OH... MY... GAWD....


That is one of the best-looking coaster's I've ever seen. Those low to the ground transitions look INSANE! And I love the way the ride interacts with the buildings.


PS: I don't think the non-inverting loop looks THAT scary.

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It's funny how they went through all this effort to create the non-inverting loop because inversions frighten people, and yet this element looks more terrifying than any loop I've seen.


Yeah but I think if the GP knows they won't be going upside down and they're scared of inversions, they'll ride it.

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It's funny how they went through all this effort to create the non-inverting loop because inversions frighten people, and yet this element looks more terrifying than any loop I've seen.


Yeah but I think if the GP knows they won't be going upside down and they're scared of inversions, they'll ride it.


Even if the GP knows that they aren't going to go "upside down" I still think, just by the height and shape of the "non-inverting" loop, the GP will still be reluctant to ride.... but that's just IMO.

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^ I agree there are elements on coasters like overbanked turns that the GP swear they went upside down, so just the shape of this alone the GP are still going to swear it's going upside down.


I can just hear the GP coming off of this saying it went upside down, right side up and upside down again then dropped str8 down


Anyways sick looking element that i've made many times in Nolimts glad to see one finally being made in the real world. I can't wait to ride this coaster mainly b/c of this element.

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I think the "loop" is going to have a good amount of speed and therefore air time at the top. It still has to get up a pretty big hill upon exiting the loop. For those who haven't seen it in person there is a good amount of ground to cover between the exit of the loop and the top of the first brake run. As someone has already mentioned, a roll back would keep this ride on the shelf for a while so the designers would have built plenty of speed into it.

I have seen the ride be built in person from big pile of dirt to the lovely machine we see now. No one will be disappointed. It looks amazing!

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I have been trying to get my son to go on any coaster for about two years now. I have done everything from bribing him $50 per coaster, to pep talks. He has seen this one, and he said, nope. I even showed him how it doesn't go upside down. It seems his main reasoning is the feeling in his stomach from the drops. I really cannot talk much, because I used to be that way. I was a member here actually before ever getting on my first coaster. But once I did, it was all over! I also didn't like the funny feeling in my stomach, but I have learned how to breathe for the drops so I do not feel it strongly. We are going to Orlando in July. I hope he changes his mind! This may be the perfect one for him to ride! I can't wait to try out this element!

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Yeah, that structure (or structures...) seem massive! I have never seen so much of it. I am so impatient. I cannot wait to see this complete. I am very upset that I am not scheduled to be in the Orlando area for this opening. I may have to just plan an excursion just for HP.

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