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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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For the Florida residents (they're cool, because they live in Florida), I think Manta will be more a draw for them simply because it will most likely be their first flyer. And flyers are quite unique. However, for more enthusiasts, I think Rockit will get more attention as it will probably be more intense/thrilling, assuming the block brakes aren't trims!


I couldn't agree more. Most people in Florida are going to get more hyped over Manta simply cause they have not ridden or maybe not even seen a flying coaster. However, I think most coaster enthusiast aren't nearly as hyped for Manta as they are for HRRR.

I think Manta is a beautiful looking ride and the trains look great, but the Ride itself just looks blah. I could care less about going out of my way to ride it. HRRR, on the other hand, looks very fun and unique with a very interesting layout, unlike Manta. I would schedule a trip simply to ride it.

As far as American coasters go, Manta would be last on my list behind Diamondback, HRRR, and what ever else is being built around the country. Hell, I would rather go all the way to SFMM to ride terminator than go out of my way for Manta. Maybe a good fit for Sea World but will definitely leave riders with something left to desire. IMO

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Yeah I read the first 20 pages and then skipped around too then read the last ten... Too much speculation on the overall design at first. So I came up with my own theory.


Has it been 100% confirmed that the castle is going on top of the big box? I am still hoping that they put it in the area I highlighted in the picture I posted... Which would make the picture "owl's eye view" more accurate.


It would be nice to know what the rides are going to consist of. There are so many people on this forum with great ideas. I wonder if the parks take these to heart during the design process? I am also a Disney freak and don't know anything that they have to compare to these new rides. Down the pike even...

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Those look amazing! I can't wait for this ride to open. Now I just need to find a couple of other losers to go with me.


I am a loser and I'll go with you when it opens.


I cannot wait to ride this. After seeing it in person in February, I got really excited about it. It looks amazing.

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according to a magazine called "steam railway" (yes i'm a train geek as well as a rollercoaster geek) here in the uk, there might well be a replica Hogwarts Express or rather the engine from it built for the new area:


"Nate Mitchell, a designer acting on behalf of Universal Studios has confirmed: "our intention is to build a full size non-working replica. As guests will be able to touch it, it has to contain every minute detail down to the rivets""


Will try and scan the article now but thats a big chunk of theming!

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There's a train in the "owl's eye view" so that makes sense!


I think the castle will go up on top of the big box. I just hope its not just eye candy and its something people can actually walk through. Doesn't look like it will be though. It would correspond with the "Owl's Eye view" art if it went on top of the box though. How are you looking at the picture?


Like I said.. I'm really excited about the whole project and it looks amazing so far! My main concern is how much is going to be "eye candy" and how much is going to open for guests to explore. It was said JK Rowling had almost insane standards that the park had to live up to when they were choosing a location.. so I really hope Hogwarts isnt just for one ride! Guess we'll find out.. someday!

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It was said JK Rowling had almost insane standards that the park had to live up to when they were choosing a location.. so I really hope Hogwarts isnt just for one ride! Guess we'll find out.. someday!

I was always under the impression that the Great Hall food court would also be in the castle/big box. ...Though it's never been confirmed.


In the video you can see for a short time one G3 version which is build in a building and is completly flat. So I think that they will build this version, just like they say it in the german article of coasters and more. So it will probably be a darkride with 3D projections and nice theming, but not with coaster like track parts.


I would have to agree with that at this point.


Has it been 100% confirmed that the castle is going on top of the big box?


Pretty much from what I've heard.

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First post (long time reader)...


Was driving past Universal today. I saw Rockit and decided to swing in a grab a few photos. These were taken around 2pm so I assume they finished the non-inverting loop today or will tomorrow (since by the time I got back to the parking deck they already had another piece up).


I've seen some crazy things done with roller coasters before but this non-inverting loop might take the cake. Sorry for the photo quality I only had my iPhone. I hope to head out later in the week with my camera and get some better shots.



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I hope that the loop is taken at enough speed so to provide airtime at the top of it. That would be awesome. Like Deja vu's loop on trip backward. I think it would defeat the purpose it went through the loop like coasters which slow down towards the top of the loops almost as if to stall.

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At this rate, they can start testing in under a month! It is great seeing piece by piece go up! Thank you everyone for the updates! That video was cool! I have never seen a coaster being put together.


No matter what, Memorial day weekend will likely be crowded. If they both open up on the same day, think of it this way - The crowd may be diverted (or say half) to the park "you" are not in. If one opened at a time, then everyone would be at that specific opening, at once. I do agree with the coaster enthusiasts as opposed to the people never having rode a flying coaster though. There will definitely be a split there. For me, I am doing both the weekend I am down there. Cannot wait to hear how the crowds are. I am (almost unfortunately) going the week of the fourth.

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I agree, that non inverted loop does look massive. What a difference a week makes. I was there last Wednesday morning and there was no sign of the loop. BTW, does anyone know off the top of their head the height difference between the lift hill and loop?


I just hope both parks have a ERT for season pass holders. ...or maybe a 15 minute head start to the rides.

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yup, if the nolimits simulation of the ride I saw on youtube is any refference then the top of the loop will ahve little to no airtime, and it will coast along it rather slowly, much like rocket coasters at the top of their hill.

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Andrew, thanks for those shots from MiB. I'm starting to not mind the rest of the ride, but that section of the first block brake still looks like crap. It just looks like they threw together leftover support pieces from Manhattan Express (yes, I still call it that).

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