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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I completely underestimated this coaster in all its entirety. I didn't even remember there was a "crowd surfing"element and all those turns just look so smooth. This ride has changed the park.


But going back to something brought up earlier, a lot of the track and supports have gotten "abused" in installation. They're definitely going to require some paint!

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Definately have to agree this thing is underestimated. The concept art and POV makes it look trimmed to death and mediocre, but even if all the blocks do their thing, the sections in between look pretty intense. I can only imagine the forces that last twisting section with the low unbanked s-turns will give.

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The one building behind the Dueling Dragons castle building is where the kuku robotic arm vehicles are being assembled and stored. I wouldn't doubt if this other building is where the Hippogrif (sp?) animatronic is being stored.

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No one really knows what the "coaster in the box" really is yet!



That`s not true! There is a german article from a coaster magazin of the Euro Attractions Show 2008 here: http://www.coastersandmore.de/rides/eas2008/eas2008_2.php


they write exactly: ."...Eine weitere Ergänzung wurde auf der IAAPA 2004 in Orlando zusammen mit der kanadischen Amec (heute Dynamic Structures) präsentiert, bei der ein Roboterarm auf einem schienengebundenen Fahrzeug montiert ist. Der erste Kunde ist Universal´s Islands of Adventure in Orlando, wo die fahrenden Roboterarme als Ridesystem für den Harry Potter Ride dienen werden. Im Gegensatz zu der Präsentation auf der IAAPA wird die Schiene jedoch nur horizontal in zwei statt in drei Dimensionen gebogen sein. Eine achterbahnähnliche Grunddynamik ist daher nicht zu erwarten...."


This says that the first costumer is Universal`s Island of Adventure in Orlando. The will use the Kuka robotarms for a ridesystem in a Harry Potter Ride. BUT THE TRACK is JUST BUILD HORIZONALLY, in 2dimensions instead of 3D. A roller coaster similar dynamic is therefore not expected.


So its just a Darkride with Robot Arms

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Those new pictures looks great! Can't wait to see more. Its like the more you see, the more you get anticipated for this ride.


I don't believe Universal has a set opening date on this ride yet have they? I remember they said "Spring 2009" and while back, is it still around there?

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The ride really is looking amazing from all angles!


A few of us were at the park on Sunday and noticed some funny business going on with the reach envelope on the portion that flies through the brick-looking building near Twister. I have some photos to upload soon, but I thought it would be worth mentioning that it it definitely didn't clear this portion. They're having to cut-away some more sections of the building to accommodate it...eek!

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Well..the building the Rockit goes through is now just a firehouse facade that houses part of the queue for Twister. It's used to be the entrance for the old Ghostbuster's Spooktacular ride.


I don't think they'll need to reinforce the building anymore. The Hole they cut in it was in an hollow part of the facade which didn't affect any supports for the building itself.

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Yes, it's for sure a facade...sorry for the freak-out. You can see that they have made cuts on one side to allow for the reach envelope to fit through, but the other (back) side still needs some adjusting. It's definitely possible that they knew this was going to be an issue all along and just wanted to wait to have the track constructed in there to see just how much and where they need to cut, but I can tell you that in-person it looked pretty haphazardly done. Regardless, seeing the little guy in the back not clear was pretty amusing at the time .


Reach envelope FAIL

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This is my first post so don't grill me too much... I was reading most of the previous posts and I don't believe anyone has posted any of this information...




If you watch the video, there are three distinct possibilities. I think the G3 system would be unbelievable, but I'm not sure if it would fit in the space provided. The G1 is pretty basic and I’m not sure how it would be used with the Harry Potter theme. Considering the size of the space though, I am leaning towards the G2 version since someone wrote earlier that they might be incorporating 3D glasses and I could see the robotic arms moving the screens to set you up for a nice encounter with a “real” entity just on the other side.


I am fascinated with this new area and I have been staying away from this topic for a while since I know I won't be able to do anything without checking for updates.


Can someone post an updated arial view of where the “large building” is located? I am thinking it took up the extra space that was previously unused beside the Unicorns and maybe extends outside the park?


Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it down to Orlando this summer but if not, I will definitely be there next year!!!


Building location?

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^ Good try!


If I remember correctly they are...


1. Merlinwood (down by the dragons)

2. Dark Forest (extended queue)

3. Castle Courtyard

4. Stained Glass Chamber

5. Merlin's Spell Book

6. Graffitti Room

7. Corridor of Candles

8. Rubble Room (with the water fountains)

9. Twisted Tunnel

10. Dragon's Gate

11. Merlin's Final warning

12. Illuminated Catacombs

13. Dark Catacombs

14. Dungeon

15. Choose Thy Fate Tower


There's your Dragons trivia for the day.


Anyways.. angeloco.. you're right on your placement. Hogwarts is going between Unicorn and JP. Everything else from Poseidon to the JP bridge will be redone.

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In the video you can see for a short time one G3 version which is build in a building and is completly flat. So I think that they will build this version, just like they say it in the german article of coasters and more. So it will probably be a darkride with 3D projections and nice theming, but not with coaster like track parts.

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This ride really gets one of the best. When i read about how you like "Formula-X", i just can say HRRR looks 10 times better than Formula-X. Can`t wait to see the noninverted loop and lifthill going up.

Hope sometimes i will be able to ride this one

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