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About grinch1313

  • Birthday 06/19/1979

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  1. I'm glad you liked your gifts! To my Secret Santa: I received my gift today and it went under the Christmas tree. I can't wait to open it on Christmas morning.
  2. I'm into Doctor Who, Marvel characters (particularly Loki, Dr Strange, and Deadpool), Sherlock (anything Benedict Cumberbatch related, really), Supernatural, The Hobbit, dragons, and pretty much anything nerdy. I'm also really interested in science (Marine or Space related). T-shirt size: XL Special thanks to Brandy for organizing this again. She does a great job each year.
  3. I am a huge Whovian. I have seen every episode that exists still or has been found. I love all the doctors for different reasons and like that everyone has made the role their own. My favorites are Patrick Troughton, Sylvester McCoy, and David Tennant. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Peter Capaldi brings to the role. I can't wait until it starts again.
  4. I'm riding at Dorney Park. I'm excited to participate in Coasting For Kids for the 2nd year. I just added one of the banners to my signature.
  5. I've known pretty much for as long as I can remember that I'm attracted to both men and women (I've also come to realize that gender doesn't matter at all and have adopted Pansexual vs. Bisexual.) But I've also never really had any interest in relationships/getting married or anything like that. I thought maybe I was strange or broken, then I came across the term Aromantic and read the definition and everything just clicked. It described me so perfectly. I'm not saying that I could never be in a relationship, but it's not necessarily something I need or want. It might happen someday, but it was just so nice to read it and realize that I'm not broken or there's anything wrong with me. My orientation is best described as Aromantic Pansexual.
  6. My gift arrived today and it was more than worth the wait!!! Thanks so much, Matteo!!!
  7. I still haven't received my gift yet either. My giftee did post that they received their gift though. I'm glad it arrived and they liked it!!
  8. My gift says it was delivered. Hopefully, my giftee has received it. I haven't yet received my gift.
  9. Cedar Fair: i305 Six Flags: El Toro SeaWorld Entertainment: Kumba Herschend: Thunderhead Universal: Mummy (USF) or Rockit with "Movin' Right Along" Disney Parks: Space Mountain (WDW) Parques Reunidos: Phantom's Revenge
  10. My gift is being dropped off at the mailing store next to my work tomorrow on my lunch break. I got a bit delayed because of going to TN for Thanksgiving, but that's where the gifts were purchased. I recruited my cousin-in-law for help. I hope my giftee enjoys my TN gifts coming to them by way of FL.
  11. I enjoyed the video slideshow. I would definitely watch these as part of a TR. I didn't feel like the length was too long and I had enough time to look at the pictures and read the captions.
  12. Central Florida, no question. I have been to Orlando many, many times, but I'll go in a heartbeat anytime. I was in SoCal once in 2009 and don't really feel the need to go back. Maybe someday, but no rush.
  13. How many DVDs or Blu-Rays do you purchase each year? Between 15-20 Blu-Ray, less than 5 DVDs a year (mostly only things that aren't available on Blu-Ray for whatever reason How many digital downloads do you purchase each year? 2 to 3, usually only TV show episodes, not really movies How do you purchase digital downloads? (iTunes, Stream, etc) iTunes Do you download directly from iTunes to your device, or iTunes to your computer, and then transfer to your device? Usually watch on the computer Is a 1.5gb - 2 gb file "too big" for you to download to your device? Not too big.
  14. I'm definitely in again! This was so much fun the past two years. Looking forward to it again. As for gifts, I'm into most things nerdy. I love Doctor Who, Loki, comic books, british shows, zombies, Mythbusters, everything on Think Geek, Pac Man, and all things Apple. Shirt size XL.
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