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Park Pet Peeves

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- Parks that continue to advertise their 1983 Arrow Looper as being the largest coaster in the world *cough*Marineland*cough*


- Girls who start screaming as soon as the station brake is released.


- Large groups who block the entire path by standing side by side and then proceed to walk as slowly as possible.

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Something that really gets me: If I'm standing in line, and I don't notice for some reason that the line has moved forward two feet, please do not push yourself into my back obnoxiously. Yes, you are two feet further back than you could be. You're still going to get on the ride in the same time as if you were two feet forward.

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I hate when you're in line for a rafting ride and you see a bunch of empty or un-filled-up rafts going by. Especially when the line is long.


That's funny, because I always hated when guests would ask me why there were empty boats.


"Because no one will get in them."


Rapids ride are tough because you (usually) can't just buckle the guest up yourself, like you can on a coaster. And if too many guests take too long too many times in a row, your only choice might be to send empty ride vehicles in order to regain time and keep things moving.


/Or, they might just be adding ride vehicles.

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People who are determined to wipe the seat on a water ride before they sit down.... You're gonna get wet!!


I'm guilty of that in a way...well, I just wipe once to get the majority of puddled water up. If I'm already soaked and reriding, I don't even bother wiping the seat. I am well aware I'm going to get soaked, but mainly my lap and torso. Usually, the butt stays dry and there's nothing worse than walking around with a huge wet spot on your butt if your lap happens to come out dry. (I've had just a wet torso and dry pants before)


My peeve is people saying "Do we get wet?" Well, duh! It isn't called Rip Roarin' Rapids for nothing...and those geysers next to you aren't watering the plants.

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-People who drive to the front of the parking lot to get a closer spot, even though they usually end up in the back anyways.

-Smoking in line (or when my friends smoke in the car), because you're pretty much forced to breathe in that crap.

-People talking about the physics behind coasters (because usually it's totally wrong and it's irritating as an engr student).

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I HATE unorganized stations. Nothing sucks worse then walking into a station filled with people and then trying to group yourself with others in your party to discover that the line jumpers to your left now screwed up your ride order even more. Please, use a grouper!


How the hell is a fish going to help the situation?


Sorry, couldn't resist.

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-People talking about the physics behind coasters (because usually it's totally wrong and it's irritating as an engr student).


Agreed 100%


Also, people that call loops "Loop-de-loops"

Or even better, the question "What if it gets stuck in the loop-de-loop?"

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Aww, I kind of like goofballs who say "loop de loop." It makes me think of friendly old Midwestern men.


"Well, you got a loop de loop after that big hill right dere, and then you do a triple-dipple whirlygig, and then there's some kinda whoopsie-daisy maneuver and then you fly right into 'em little baby hills!"

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  • 4 weeks later...
Aww, I kind of like goofballs who say "loop de loop." It makes me think of friendly old Midwestern men.


"Well, you got a loop de loop after that big hill right dere, and then you do a triple-dipple whirlygig, and then there's some kinda whoopsie-daisy maneuver and then you fly right into 'em little baby hills!"


Haha true, also robb and coaster geeks who actually know what they're talking about can still use the term to to be silly & fun.


And the obvious one: people giving incorrect stats or making ridiculous claims who make me question their common sense.

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1. Slow load times.

2. Standing in very hot lines for an extended period of time.

3. Overpriced food (that's why I bring my own)

4. Obnoxious tween groups

5. Smokers smoking in non-designated areas

6. Over-screaming - basically these are people who scream until their faces turn blue on rides. Screaming is OK on rides, but screams that are louder than jets taking off really bugs me.

7. Line jumpers (although I haven't really experienced any)


That's all for now.

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-screaming people that scream at innapropriate times

-navigating practically the whole length of the queue of rides that have very long queus (ie @ SFOG: Batman The Ride, Superman - Ultimate Flight) that have basically walk-on waits (come on people, throw in a short-cut to the station!)

-people stopping in front of you for no reason

-people that hang out at the park and don't ride anything

-expesnsive food / drinks

-concession stands next to a ride that have a serving window for the ride's queue (and people stop to order something and try to rejoin their group that has moved on to the other end of the row) (ie. Georgia Cyclone)

-idiots that rock the boats on those calm water rides (Monster Plantation)

-the extremely long line for the front seat on coasters that's backed up to when you enter the station

-waiting in line for a long time and then the ride closes just before you get to ride due to a little sprinkle

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smokers not in designated areas (this girl yelled at me b/c i asked her not to smoke in the line)

lines with no short-cuts when it is a walk on


people who stop...of course its right in front of you!

groups of people who sing their school's fight song just to annoy people in line.

people talking in line, then not moving when the line moves.

i think thats about it!

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^ It never ceases to amaze me how many groups will stop right at the entrance to a ride to discuss whether or not they actually want to ride it.


And I think I can safely sum up the majority of this thread with one quote: "Hell is other people." -Jean-Paul Sartre

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I'm not a fan of three things at theme parks:


A) 400 pounders trying to squeeze into a coaster/ride seat, then complaing theres not enough room or not being able to ride due to weight issues on the coaster. Just some advice fatty: you only get to gripe when you drop the turkey leg, churro and the weight.


B) The Church Youth Group full of little soul-savers who have a dirtier mouth than mine and have sponsors (i.e. parents, college students,ect..)showing off more clevage and leg than my wife , then get bent out of shape for calling them out as hypocrities. They have a special circle of hell designated for pissants like them.


C) Large Tourist Groups, especially from the latin countries, who all wear matching shirts and move in the same herd. The same ones who push you out of the way because you have the audacity of wanting to get into the same ride line at the same point they do....and they say Americans are ugly in other countries...

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Seasonal rent-a-cop-type security people who act like they own the place and know absolutely everything. I've been going to amusement parks on a regular basis for my entire life, you've probably been working at one for like a week and don't even care about your job. For the sake of everybody, stick to your natural environment and go back to your local mall food court.

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Seasonal rent-a-cop-type security people who act like they own the place and know absolutely everything. I've been going to amusement parks on a regular basis for my entire life, you've probably been working at one for like a week and don't even care about your job. For the sake of everybody, stick to your natural environment and go back to your local mall food court.


Those guys were hell during the Haunt. If we had a problem at the ride, we'd call and they would show up 20 minutes later, talk amongst themselves, and then get around to asking us what the problem was. By then, of course, whatever has happened is long gone.

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