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Switchback Roller Coaster at ZDT`s Amusement Park

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Jack, Chad, Ryan, Garbles and I have spent the last few days filming the park's B-Roll package for their media day. Here's a few photos and the video of what we got!


More coming soon!











Edited by robbalvey
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I'm particularly surprised by how crammed the ride is between those buildings and such. It just goes to show that if a park wants to squeeze in a coaster, they will!


But don't forget... Cedar Point is running out of space to put new coasters.



In all seriousness, I agree with you. If a park wants a coaster bad enough, they will find a way! This is a perfect example of that!

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So I figure I will give my unofficial review of Switchaback


First off Danny and Sarah are awesome down to earth people who are very excited to offer this world class record breaking coaster to the world. They take great pride in their operation and it shows by the loyal following of locals that they have who come out week after week to support them. I have no doubts that this ride will be maintained and taken care of with the utmost care.


It's quite fascinating to watch the ride operate from a nerd standpoint, very reminiscent of Mr. Freeze and very efficient. From the top of the coaster you are able to scope out dinner plans at one of the many taquerias in town before making the turn and plunging down at what feels like 60mph. A small hill that further enhances the feel of extraordinary speeds before hitting the overbank and being thrown to the side (in a awesome fun way) while snaking through the building and eventually reaching for the sky at 87 degree. Reverse is just as fun and I found myself forgetting about the overbank until the train back into it and slings you to she side a bit before hitting the last (erm second if going forward) hill and backing up the first hill before coming to a stop.


Sure it's a 4 car train but any longer and the ride wouldn't be the same, and by same I mean it wouldn't be as good. The back seat I found is money as you still get that out of control feeling you do on longer trains. The front seat is perfect for the views which I love how they finished the top of the spike with the running steel sticking out beyond the wood making it seem like you might fly off.


Not only does ZDT's have a winning coaster on their hands, Gravity Group has once again proven that bigger is not better, bigger is just bigger. This ride packs a lot of punch in a small compact space. You get the same ride length time you would as a traditional full circuit coaster but in half the space and a fraction of the cost.


I'm sure many first time coaster ride memories will be made on Switchback and many nervous riders will be coaxed into riding after seeing many of the 'big coaster' elements but will certainly be back to ride over and over.

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This may the obvious start of wooden coaster companies, designing and building more

unique, smaller wood coasters, that have to adapt to location, height, and the general area.

The big ones have been built, and built, and re-built, these several years we're in right now.


ZDT's hit coaster (I'm reading) proves it can be done, with enough design work and engineering to pull it all off.


My five cents.

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I think they've proven they can build great small and large-scale coasters as can be seen by all the ones in China and Cu Chulainn in Ireland, all of which look great as well. I don't know if they'll ever build one as big as Voyage ever again thanks to RMC coming on the market, so small to mid-sized coasters seem to be their niche now.


Switchback looks super fun, like something I could ride all day if I could! Gravity Group and ZDT's have a winner for sure!

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I'd love to see someone give their indoor woodie concept a try.


I do that every night.


You pickin up what I'm putting down?


The double entendre?


Eh? Eh?


I'll see myself out...

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