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Announcing "Skyline Attractions"

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I can, for some reason, see a lot of smaller parks buying this up. Holiday World comes to mind, as well as certain Six Flags parks for some odd reason (probably because Six Flags does carnival atmosphere better than anyone else).


And by "better" you mean making it seem run-down and creepy? Yep, I can see that. (oh God, is that what Back Alley is gonna become)

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I can, for some reason, see a lot of smaller parks buying this up. Holiday World comes to mind, as well as certain Six Flags parks for some odd reason (probably because Six Flags does carnival atmosphere better than anyone else).


They could even count it as a new coaster! They are counting rings of fire so why not this?

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I can, for some reason, see a lot of smaller parks buying this up. Holiday World comes to mind, as well as certain Six Flags parks for some odd reason (probably because Six Flags does carnival atmosphere better than anyone else).


They could even count it as a new coaster! They are counting ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings of fire so why not this?


This really look like something that would be OK in an FEC or an arcade, but I"m not so sure about how well it would work in larger parks.

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  • 11 months later...

Ready to boost profits with a low-cost, low-maintenance American-made kids' ride?

Skyline Attractions enhances company's portfolio with Crazy Couch


19 October 2015


Orlando, FL - Another year means another new product from Skyline Attractions. The company excitedly announced today a new kids' ride, lending its quality American design and manufacturing expertise to a market desperately in need of something new.


"We've been hearing from operators how rare it is to find something new and reliable for kids that is American-made and supported," the Skyline team said. Accepting that challenge, Skyline applied its clever design techniques to achieve fun new motions unique to the industry in a simple and easy-to-maintain package. The result: Kids and adults tilt side-to-side and up-and-down in the zany experience of Crazy Couch!


Interest has been crazy big, resulting in a purchase of Crazy Couch even before it rolled off the production line! The ride seats up to 10 kids per cycle, or up to eight kids with two adults. Mobile and fixed-site models are available, which are both crazy simple to operate and ridiculously easy to maintain. With fixed-site models under $99,000, operators would be crazy not to take a look.


The release of Crazy Couch comes a year after Skyline's introduction of the revolutionary GamesURide product line. "Our two debut GamesURide - Strike-U-Up and Spin-U-Win - have been operating all summer, making money for parks. We have the data to show that they are fun additions to facilities - with crowds of onlookers and queues forming - and, most importantly, can generate serious profit, too."


Crazy Couch will be at the IAAPA Expo next month in Orlando, and Strike-U-Up will be making a return alongside. Come ride and play at booth 3873!







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I don't really know what to say. I don't see that this was a 'needed' product for the kids market and I can't believe it's coming from the guys that brought us Lightning Racer and other quality big rides. Maybe if it was cuter and looked like a couch I could see it working but it's really just a hybrid of one of those crazy house kids rides and a frog hopper.

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Hmm--it seems to me that for this ride to work, you'd have to put it inside a building with some interesting lighting and some other effects. Then you might have something.


So, it's a simulator without a video with which to interact?


No but if you're lucky you might get given a TV remote so it feels like your on a real couch!


"Couch Potato: The Ride."

Edited by cfc
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Where are the "Skyline" attractions?


I just don't get it. I thought these guys were going to try and bring something big to the amusement industry, not some cheap small rides/games. I know they are still "new" but these guys used to build wooden coasters.


Kudos to whoever wrote the press release to make it sound like the best new thing ever, though!


Just like every other company, they are developing where they see market potential. Clearly it's easier to make a profit on smaller attractions than it is on some gargantuan investment that perhaps only one or two parks would be willing to gamble on.


I'm sure they'll get into some bigger rides soon, but they need to get some money flowing and partnerships made first. It's one thing if you have some kind of home-run groundbreaking innovation like RMC's track technology already on hand. In this case it seems like this company wants to be fluid and agile and that is difficult to do in this industry. Investing in R&D for something big that doesn't pan out all that great would sink them just like it did with Arrow.


As for this ride: it seems like something my 4-year old nephew would enjoy. Lots of interesting little design choices here with how the adult seats are placed in the middle and how the back board also moves. I'd love to see a shot of the mechanisms behind it - I'm always curious how stress is handled through the joints. I'm questioning why the didn't make it so that every seat could fit either an adult or kid, but it looks like it comes down to space for lap bars and the forces of the ride. They wouldn't want kids in the middle because they would be disappointed with the ride, and they want to use a single bar for each section to make the ride more compact. Since a lot of kids this age ride with their parents, this could be an issue at some parks.

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I like the look of this thing especially for a low cost attraction, I have no idea what a frog hopper costs but I would think this attraction is competitively priced to entice everyone from major park chains to small FEC's and arcades. Just think of how many frog hoppers there are in the world, this seems like the kind of attraction that while not the most exciting or innovative thing in the world could potentially sell like crazy, which will allow a small company to have a steady cash flow so that they can move onto to bigger projects. I have a feeling the people behind Skyline have a specific vision for how they grow their company and attractions like this are probably an integral part of that.


I know that my 3 year old loves carousel, and tea cups, and most small kiddie rides but until just recently Frog Hoppers were somewhat intimidating (because of the height I think). This would be something that she would have absolutely loved a year ago, and would probably still want to ride now even though she's been on much larger rides, so I could see an attraction like this being a big success.

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Total guess, but I'm assuming there might be two arms on two sides behind it that rotate at different speeds. Think of Vekoma Waikiki Wave, except with similarity to a KMG Miami. It looks alright, and something perfect for game or amusement centers looking for something with a tiny footprint that's fun for little kids.

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Is Disney finally past its phase of buying cheap, mass-market family flats that they then theme to the bejeezus? I'm talking Scuttle's Scooters, the entirety of Bug's Land, Tow Mater, etc. I only ask because I feel like they'd be very interested in buying 10 of these and making them some large spectacle themed to something like Aladdin's carpet or one of Gonzo's inventions.

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Here's the thing though, why reinvent the wheel? I mean, Maters ride is a ton of fun, and Disney is the only location I know of that has the 4 table version of the ride. And has cars that swing. Yes, they bought the ride system from another supplier, but its because that supplier already designed exactly what they were looking for. Same goes for the rides in Bugsland. Yes, they are off the shelf, but its what they needed.


And its not like Disney has given up on creating its own rides... They created the Flying Fires ride. It was dumb, and didn't work, but they did. And now they are replacing it with something totally new, that they are designing in-house. And from what we know so far, the Star Wars lands will possibly have only in-house designed rides.


It shouldn't matter what ride system they use, because its not about the ride system, its about the ride experience. And if Disney takes an off the shelf ride and makes the ride experience greatly better then the average version, then they have succeed. With theming, music, and area atmosphere surrounding the ride they make them better, without having to reinvent the wheel every time they need a new ride.



All that aside, I don't think new ride from Skyline is really that good. I was thinking they would have bigger rides by now. and something more impressive to look at as well.

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I like that it has seats for adults in the middle so parents can ride with their kids, but other than that, there's nothing about this that stands out. Another basic kid ride. I'm sure they'll have interested buyers, and it'll be received well in their targeted market, but I was expecting a little more from this company.

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