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Today's Burning Question - Full Throttle or Gatekeeper?

Full Throttle or Gatekeeper? VOTE and tell us why!  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Full Throttle or Gatekeeper? VOTE and tell us why!

    • YOfluffy, fluffy bunnyoaster
    • Gatekeeper

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I thought about this question for like a good minute. In that minute, I thought about how Gatekeeper looks great and will make the entrance to CP just an awesome sight to see. I will get to ride Gatekeeper this year but Gatekeeper is just a bigger wing coaster.


So I went with YOLOcoaster because I am huge fan of launch coasters. Plus a big reason is now I have more motivation to get back to California to do a theme park trip. I haven't been over there in 8 years.

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Gatekeeper is certainly the more classy, majestic coaster. It's beautifully placed, and everything about it screams care and great planning.


But sometimes I like my coasters down and dirty, and although the presentation is heavily flawed, I think. Full Throttle offers more of what I feel like riding right now.

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I'd say Full Throttle, but the fact that it's still being referred to as Yolocoaster here made me vote Gatekeeper.


Oh, great. I see that If I type the word F U L L T H R O T T L E it turns into Full Throttle. Guess that explains why everyone's been referring to it as that.

Edited by australianalex
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  cfc said:
  tarheelblue55 said:
  cfc said:
I voted for YOLOcoaster because I like Premier launched coasters (especially Powder Keg and the Mr. Freeze rides). We need more of these!


S&S Worldwide built Powder Keg.


Yes, this was establshed about two posts under the one you quoted, but thanks, anyway.


^Yes, the orignal ride was the work of Premier, but it wasn't a launched coaster then. YOLO!


So you're saying that Powder Keg lived twice!

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  cfc said:
  tarheelblue55 said:
  cfc said:
I voted for YOLOcoaster because I like Premier launched coasters (especially Powder Keg and the Mr. Freeze rides). We need more of these!


S&S Worldwide built Powder Keg.


Yes, this was establshed about two posts under the one you quoted, but thanks, anyway.


^Yes, the orignal ride was the work of Premier, but it wasn't a launched coaster then. YOLO!


Sorry, I must have missed it.

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I voted YOLO for a couple of reasons. First, I'm unlikely to ride GateKeeper any time soon, while I will most certainly ride Full Throttle sometime in the next few years. Second, while GateKeeper is an absolutely gorgeous looking ride (so graceful and imposing looking), I can't imagine it being terribly forceful or dynamic. Full Throttle, on the other hand, has the potential for some respectable forces (I have, perhaps naively, high hopes for good airtime on that top hat). I'd rather have a short ride that puts butterflies in my stomach than a long ride that I could sleep on.

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Gatekeeper easy.


I'm sure YOLO will be fun and am excited for it this Sept, but Gatekeeper is longer, that alone is the answer. It just does so much more.

Also depends how YOLO handles the backwards launch...it could be a real pace killer.

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I have to say YOLO, only because the unknown factor. Gatekeeper, although it will be quite a great ride, is kind of expectable at this point, we know that B&M's feel like, we have seen the success of other wing riders, so seeing this new style of multi launch, double use track coaster that is YOLO seems to have me more... intrigued...

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Even know the forces will probably be more of a presence on YOLOcoaster, I'm still going to have to go with GateKeeper. I've been hardly waiting for Cedar Point to get a new coaster since Maverick and now they're finally adding one that seems to tie into the park well. Only thing Cedar Point needs now is a new woodie.


Not only that, but I see myself riding GateKeeper more than riding YOLOcoaster anytime soon.

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First of all, I'm a massive B&M fan and then, although I like forceful rides (and probably full throttle will be better in that area), I really enjoy long ones that flip you upside down a lot. I'm also looking forward to trying B&M's wingcoasters as the only wingrider I've ever ridden was furius baco.

Oh, and I will be going to CP this year and, unfortunately, I've got no plans to go to LA anytime soon.

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You only live once, so you've gotta live life on the edge.


I probably won't ride either anytime soon, but I'm only living once, so I have to vote for the ride that speaks for me through that. A ride with cool gimmicks and unique elements.


Which is why I'm voting for Full Keeper Gate Throttle.


- I totally voted for Full Throttle though because, well YOLO

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YOLO! It's much closer to me than Gatekeeper, it can be made much more fun of than Gatekeeper, it'll use lap bars, and it looks like a very fun ride! Though shorter, it brings the flying snake dive to the west coast, the top hat looks like it'll have good airtime, and my local Premier LSM launcher, Superman at SFDK has also set my expectations high as that ride was absolutely amazing (it has quite possibly the most extreme moment of airtime I've experienced in California so far, and California isn't exactly known for being rich in ejector air). Not to mention the reputation newer B&Ms get for being forceless (or having some force, just not to the extent that the old school B&Ms do). To conclude, I have a fetish for launched coasters. Looking forward to hitting it up at WCB. YOLO!

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