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Today's Burning Question - Full Throttle or Gatekeeper?

Full Throttle or Gatekeeper? VOTE and tell us why!  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Full Throttle or Gatekeeper? VOTE and tell us why!

    • YOfluffy, fluffy bunnyoaster
    • Gatekeeper

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I voted GateKeeper because I am a beemer fan boy and although I'm closer to SFMM physically, I still consider CP my home park because I visit it more often than sfmm. The Wing Riders have always appealed to me even though I have yet to ride one and I was sold on GateKeeper when one of the first round of construction pics rolled out (the ones with a light dusting of snow and the brightest blue sky)


Although on the other hand YOLO is looking like it will pack a bigger punch than I first thought and can't wait to ride it. Plus, I believe I said it before in the SFMM thread after the announcement, I haven't been on a next gen Premier ride so it'll give me a nice comparison between the two styles.

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Gatekeeper for me. After riding X-flight last year I am truly curious to see if the extra height, length and speed of Gatekeeper brings the ride a little more intensity and thrills to make it a great ride vs. just a fun ride like X-flight.

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I really wanted to vote for Yolo but I agree with others. It just doesn't seem as intense and fun based on the pics and video we have so far. I'll be riding Yolo later this year so I'll be able to at least get my opinion on that ride at that time. Gatekeeper I really don't see myself going to CP any time in the near future unfortunately.

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Gatekeeper, love CP and the appeal of this coaster just looks like a lot of fun plus I love the color scheme and view. Although I do love a good launch which Yolocoaster has 3. I have a better chance of riding GK sooner than Yolocoaster though.

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I am going with Gatekeeper. I enjoyed Wild Eagle, so I anticipate that I will also enjoy this experience. Of course, I will very likely rank it below Maverick, Millennium Force, and TTD. I also like how CP integrated this ride with a redeveloped front entrance. It should produce some awesome "fly-overs" during the day.


Comparisons aside, I am also looking forward to YOLOcoaster (ahem, Full Throttle ). Since I should first ride this at WCB '13, I am little more excited about YOLO! than I figured.

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Gatekeeper easily. It looks well thought out, and as always, CP really invests into their rides.


YOLOcoaster looks like it will be good, sure, but they still should have thrown in a couple more hills before the breaks. Just saying. My prediction for that ride will be an initial very enthusiastic reception, but as time continues, it will drop on the ratings because it just isn't as complete of an experience as it could have been. I think Gatekeepers reception will be much more consistant.

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Gatekeeper, manly because its a bigger coaster in terms of length, capacity, number of elements, ride time... And a bunch of other stuff. It just seems like it has more to offer compared to YOLOcoaster.

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