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Parks Coasters and Rides in Movies and TV

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If I am not mistaken, there is a new Alltel Wireless comercial filmed at Knott's, because you can see what I am guessing is Silver Bullet flying over head.


There's currently a Tim Hortons commercial in Canada playing that uses footage from Knotts. The plot of the commercial is that two guys walk into a "Canada Land" attraction at a theme park, and then realize they need to return home for "roll up the rim to win".


The funny thing about the commercial is that the same clip of the boomerang is used in each shot, so the ride cycles like 4 times during the 30 second commercial.


Edit: Here it is.


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Step By Step opening theme song filmed at SFMM. Also Encino Man & Your Invited To Mary-Kate & Ashley's Birthday Party were also filmed at SFMM. The Adventures Of Mary-Kate & Ashley Case Of The Sea World Adventure & The Adventures Of Mary-Kate & Ashley Case Of The Shark Encounter both filmed at Sea World Orlando in 1995 & 1996. Also Your Invited To Mary-Kate & Ashley's Mall Party was filmed at Mall Of America in 1998.

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Final Destination 3 (Playland Amusement Park)

3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain (Six Flags Elitch Gardens)

D2 & D3 The Mighty Ducks (Knotts Camp Snoopy)

Smokey & The Bandit II (the destruction of the "Greyhound" roller coaster)

Full House (episode(s) filmed at Disney World)

Boy Meets World (episode filmed at Epcot)

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I believe that the whole "cause" of the movie was a tarot machine, not a coaster.


My mind is rusty on BIG, but I believe the only thing you see coming close to a rollercoaster is a Ring of Fire at the beginning (called Super Loop I think) and later on Dragon Coaster


Haven't watched it in a year or two, so I could be wrong.




Wasn't it filmed at Playland?


Interesting piece of knowledge for you, I understand the "Zoltar" machine from the film is still there? can anyone confirm or deny this?

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Just found this article about the alltel comercial on the Coaster Critic's Review Blog:


Alltel might want to rethink their new commercial. It features the typical cell phone using family struggling with their current cell phone plan. This time the poor customers are waiting under a roller coaster hoping to catch falling change so that they can afford their plans. On the surface it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but when you consider the two high-profile accidents last year including a beheaded teen at Six Flags Over Georgia who was trying to retrieve his hat, this commercial might send some the wrong message.



I guess Alltel’s creative team doesn’t pay attention to the news. Now, IAAPA (The International Association of Amusement Parks & Attractions) has issued a statement to Alltel. Here’s an excerpt:


Our specific concern has to do with the way the Alltel commercial implies that looking for lost articles underneath amusement park rides is a good idea. That is not the case. Unfortunately, there have been a few tragic instances where individuals have been seriously or even fatally injured while trying to retrieve lost articles from well-marked restricted areas under rides. … It’s critical for the general public to understand they should never enter a restricted area around or under a ride for any reason. … We are concerned guests (particularly young guests or teenagers) might try to retrieve lost articles in restricted areas after seeing the spot.


The commercial’s kind of funny and seems harmless enough, but due to recent events I feel that the commercial should be pulled. Also, check out Coasterdom’s post “Really Alltel?”. It inspired me to write this post.

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Looking for Alibrandi (not sure if it made over to the states, but the full movie is on Youtube) had a scene shot from an apartment block which looks onto Sydney harbour) which showed at the time the top of the lift hill for the then SBNO Big Dipper, which is now at Dreamworld as the Cyclone.


There was also an episode of Smallville in Series 3 where the episode starts off in a Carnival, but has a permanent Arrow looking rollercoaster in the background.

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  • 10 months later...

I had posted a new thread on this subject, but directed here by Wes (Thanks!), I'll give all of these pages a read through.



Original post:

Does anybody know how many movies were filmed at Six Flags Magic Mountain, Valencia, Ca besides the ones I have below. I am hoping a new movie will be filmed there sometime in the next few years, and take advantage of the new coasters and backdrop for a story, or Hurricane Harbor.


(1977) Rollercoaster (SFMM and King's Dominion, Doswell, Virginia)

(1978) Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park (SFMM)

(1983) Vacation (aka National Lampoon's Vacation; SFMM)

(1994) Beverly Hills Cop III (??, SFMM perhaps)


What else was filmed at this park, and does SFMM have plans to offer any future hollywood films to be filmed at the park? Any movies or tv shows filmed at any parks in your city, state?



I do remember the scene in "True Romance" as well on one of the coasters, I guess Viper...now that I read a few pages. What park was featured in "Final Destination III"?

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