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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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crap, I think it was already posted! It seems really overated, but I guess it could be cool!


Sorry- I tried to delete the video you posted (since someone else already posted it 5 hours ago) and I accidentally deleted your whole post

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I think it looks awesome! I know everyone always wants the best of the best but I think this ride looks solid and it is a great addition to Alton Towers. I'd take this any day of the week in Pennsylvania! Now the whole hype thing.. I think the park took that a little too far.. BUT it still did its job even if it was in a "What the hell are they talking about" sense and not "This is so scary" way!

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Totally impressed by the drop-thing !

And yesss, the pre drop intro is brilliant to enhance the tension, I guess.

Most innovative coaster for a long time...in my opinion. Cause a coaster with a freefall-element is a GOOD innovation IMHO.


And the price for the (by far) most ugly coster train ever clearly goes to Alton Showers. Oh me got !


I think me, I`m getting ugly just by looking at that design...



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I think It's a pretty neat concept. The ride does seem (from that video) not as intense as Alton Towers has said but you have to remember (Someone probably has already said this) the ride wasn't completely running. There's lots of effects I'm sure they haven't turned on yet. I don't think Alton Towers would really ruin the complete ride on a news program especially as much as they have kept it a secret.They want to make it a surprise so lots of people will come to see what it's all about. I could see this fitting into the Mystery Mine, Saw the ride and any other indoor roller coaster. It would certainly compete with the eurofighter since it does have the special drop section part. One thing that I think would make it better would be if it had an inversion of some type.... and they train isn't that great looking but overall I think it will be a pretty awesome ride once it's completely running.

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Hmmm. I was always one of hte people who downplayed this ride...



For the mostpart it seems I was right, but it does look like a LOT of fun and I Would love to ride it. That vertical drop isn't as tall as I would of hoped, and that last bit felt like it has a bit of a large build up for nothing, but putting those tgings aside it still looks like a kickass ride, and those curves through the woods emind me a bit of Voyage's turnarounds ection.

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Roller Coaster + Frog Hopper =


After watching the previews, I was very suprised when I first saw offride footage of the "vertical drop". I thought it would be a bit ... slower. Probably the most interesting coaster i've seen in quite a while. Just hope that killer downtime doesn't curse this ride into obscurity!

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Given the PR that surrounded this ride, I am quite disappointed when I watch this video. Granted I haven't ridden it, I feel that it will become a coaster that was doomed by over-marketing. It happens; parks advertise the crap out of a ride, claiming something that it's not, and when the public ride it and find out that they've been mislead, they aren't happy.


Still, it'll be popular with families. But thrill seekers won't be happy.


Just my 2c...

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I think it all looks like a ton of fun...


All of those hills in the beginning look fast and air-filled, the tension building up in the dark portion seems very intense, the vertical drop looks like an awesome surprise, and the pitch-black helix finale will be great, I'm sure.


Europe is calling my name.

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Given the PR that surrounded this ride, I am quite disappointed when I watch this video. Granted I haven't ridden it, I feel that it will become a coaster that was doomed by over-marketing. It happens; parks advertise the crap out of a ride, claiming something that it's not, and when the public ride it and find out that they've been mislead, they aren't happy.


Still, it'll be popular with families. But thrill seekers won't be happy.


Just my 2c...



You just contradicted youself in saying the public won't be happy, but families will be.


Families are the public, enthusiasts are not the general public and only represent a small % of amusement parks visitors.


This will be very popular with the general public who doesn't sit online salivating at the discovery of secrets. Persoanlly, I am so happy that I did not know the surprises on Winjas or Journey to Atlantis (San Diego) before riding as knowing would have ruined my ride experience.

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So it's Expedition Everest without all the theming. I'm sure it will do AWESOME for families, and people will absolutely love it (it does look like a lot of fun!), but for a hard core roller coaster enthusiast looking for big thrills? I have a feeling they will be disappointed.


That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the video. It has a total Expedition Everest feel. The drop looks pretty cool though, I like that it fakes you out with a little one then throws a bigger one at you. I don't think this one is giving Nemesis or Rita a run for their money in thrills but it's definitely a thrilling looking family ride.

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It could be the Guinness talking, but here goes...


I honestly do not see the hype surrounding this ride. It just looks like a glorified mine train with a new element thrown in there. Certainly not what they made it seem. Maybe once the trees and stuff grow in more it will make the outdoor section better, but as it is now, definitely not what I was expecting.


It looks like it will have some good sections of airtime, with a few of the hills and the drop section, but not really anything exceptionally exciting. And the black-robed things in the station just seem to add to the cheese factor more than it should. (Maybe it will work better at night, but from what I can tell, the middle-of-the-day sunlight doesn't do a whole lot of anything).


Over/under on how long it will be before the vertical-drop section breaks down for a significant amount of time? It is an Intamin, so I'll set it at 5 weeks. Any takers?

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^ Remember there is a dark ride section not shown. Rides have been known to be a lot better with the effects turned on. For example, I consider the mummy at Florida to be rather intense, but with the lights turned on I could brace myself and see what was happening, in the dark I am getting ejected and holding on for dear life. I also think that the dark ride section will automatically make the ride better as I think the GP likes a ride with a story. Look at Indy, I have been on about 5000 times(not literally, but I try to go about once a visit) and it is now 10 years old, but the ride draws people due to the effect of the car going crazily and interacting with special effects.

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(before & if you read this... bootcamp was the most amazing time, so Alton are very much in my good books right now!!)


You gotta remember... this is the UK! Parks over here rarely invest in BIG rides, add that to Alton's height restrictions, other design limitations etc. They're dwarved in the worldwide market, but they're the UKs leading park.


They gotta make the most of their resources, and Alton's hype machine are experts in this field! I met Morwenna Angove today, very nice woman who knows exactly what she's doing & is very good at it, and I've spent time with their marketing & PR guys over the past couple of weeks. Bootcamp has been an experience since before it began, more on that later!


Enthusiasts call it BS! - they call it 'talkability'... marketing which makes people talk...


Anyway - I REALLY enjoyed the 'bootcampers' ride... (which came after GMTV's!)... 9 rides, 3 with 'lights on'


NO rides with FX!!


We met John Wardley in the bar the night before, he came over after our rides & asked if I wanted to know what the effects were...

"noooo, please don't tell me" I replied!

So I shall be there for ERT on opening day, to find out!


So we all knew what the ride was gonna do... except for the wobbly reverse helix! 1 or 2 rides was fine, but I felt a bit sea-sick after 9!

And the drop is fine - think like London Dungeon's 'Extremis'. The short drop 'shocks' riders just as much as a large drop, even if it doesn't last as long... (thats their theory!), stick it in the middle of a fun coaster = good combination!

I didn't think there was ERT on this ride,i hope there is!

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I didn't think there was ERT on this ride,i hope there is!


It isn't the ERT rides are, Nemesis, Oblivion, Marauder's Mayhem, Heave Ho!, RMT, Hex & Sharkbait Reef.


I shall definitely be there bright and early. The ride has been overhyped, but it's been obvious since the plans were released, that it was going to be a family friendly ride. All the marketing blurb has done exactly what it was meant to and get people talking about it and the resort. Fair enough for the. Enthusiasts who keep up with all the latest news, it has been a bit OTT, but for the general public it won't have been.


I'm really looking forward to riding on Saturday, for me it's another step in the right direction for a UK, giving a ride a decent story, and hopefully the right effects to create an immersive experiamce for the rider.

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I must admit that after seeing the first video I was a bit.... errm.... is that it? Yes it has been so over hyped, but then again thats Merlin Entertainments all over isnt it? The second video makes it look better and I am looking forward to riding it.


I will be there on Saturday for opening day, however I will be marching over to Nemmie for the ERT before joining the queue for Th13teen. Got to get my first rides on Nemmie this season under my belt whilst everyone runs to Th13teen.

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