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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

p. 235: Nemesis Reborn announced for Spring 2024!

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They want people to talk about it and let's face it it's working.

That's what it's all about!

People from all over the world are discussing this ride miles and miles away from where they live, while a 'mediocre' ride in any other park would barely get any attention at all.

They want people to try it out, and are probably convinced that their product is strong enough to convince people to go a second time as well. So I think they're doing it well.


Personally I think it's starting to get a bit ridiculous too, but hell, I'd love to book a flight to Manchester and visit Alton, and I probably will do so.


Yes but I think they are setting everyone standards too high. And by doing this can potentially hurt them in two ways.


1. People read all this and arrive at Altons for this "Amazing" thrill ride only to be let down




2. This marketing will scare people off (Like what I have been reading in some of the comments on youtube)


But yes you will have the folks who love the ride and I really hope this works out for Alton Towers.

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What if the psychology is really only in the marketing. what if the initial rumors are the only thing that makes the ride awesome? This is getting redundant though... Didn't they really need a staff for the crystal beach Cyclone when that was around too though. I guess it's happened before.

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Didn't they really need a staff for the crystal beach Cyclone when that was around too though. I guess it's happened before.


But that was around a century ago when health and safety barely existed. However, this is the most ingenious money scam I have ever heard of. I wish I thought of it.

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Few updates today


Third TH13TEEN blip released:

The third and apparently final blip advert before the main ad for TH13TEEN has started running today and also been uploaded to the resort's Facebook page. The end of the advert states the ride will open March 20th, so AT must be pretty sure it'll be good to go by the weekend.




Corkscrew construction nearing completion:


More photos can be found here: http://forum.towerstimes.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=509252#p509252

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That's it?


I wondered how long it would be before this was posted!


What was everyone expecting? A secret underground track with a launch to 200mph and a 500ft spectacular underground vertical loop followed by a water splash?


Think the idea of it looks great, will be very immersive with the actions, lets just hope the sim video relates very well with the motions, then this could be an awesome experience!

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Anyone who has been on Winja's can tell you how affective unexpected track movement can be. People's minds are not programmed to think something like that is possible on a roller coaster.

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Has this actually been confirmed or is it just a rumour?


the plans and the photos show conclusively that the train will have to go straight down from entry to exit is some manner or fashion.


The overall spend on the roller coaster is obscene for the amount of track and supports that are present. Therefore there must be a lot of money spent on the track drop. Far too much for a simple up and down lift. (£15 million -approx $23 million, given that i305, the biggest capital expenditure for this season costs $25 million) Even taking into account the higher labour costs here, some serious cash is being spent on this mechanism.


Plus the video itself is of an extremely high quality, the source name is contracted by merlin according to some guy on towers times who emailed the company. (Granted, if that's true, I've got a feeling that the company might not be getting any more merlin contracts anytime soon). The video is also mechanically sound in my mind - i.e. nothing physically impossible is happening.


I'd say there's a reasonable certainty that that is what is going to happen on the ride.

Edited by Blythy
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Anyone who has been on Winja's can tell you how affective unexpected track movement can be. People's minds are not programmed to think something like that is possible on a roller coaster.


Agreed! Try riding Scooby Doo's Spooky Coaster in Movie World, AU...wow!

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