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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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I'm not impressed with that map, the supports for air are all wrong, ritas track is 3 rails, not 2, thirteen is 2 rails, not 3. No box spine on oblivion. Just a poor poor job :p


I prefered the video game look anyway :p

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I'm not impressed with that map, the supports for air are all wrong, ritas track is 3 rails, not 2, thirteen is 2 rails, not 3. No box spine on oblivion. Just a poor poor job


I prefered the video game look anyway


Its a cartoon representation of the park not an on the dot GPS map,give me a break the park does as they see fit.


Sean"Now break me off a piece of that kit kat bar" Chappell

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I'm not impressed with that map, the supports for air are all wrong, ritas track is 3 rails, not 2, thirteen is 2 rails, not 3. No box spine on oblivion. Just a poor poor job


I prefered the video game look anyway


I agree - there also isn't a big "New 2010 - Th13teen" sign in the sky above the park.


Poor show indeed.

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^Is that world's first problems or generally?

With the amount of testing that was seen during half term I personally don't believe it's simply track problems.


People who were booked for the weekend have been offered a full refund along with a fastpass to ride the ride on a day of their choice. In addition, a complimentary evening will be organised during 2010 with John Wardley. A behind the scenes tour of the new ride will be included, along with a presentation, buffet meal and exclusive merchandise.

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I'm not impressed with that map, the supports for air are all wrong, ritas track is 3 rails, not 2, thirteen is 2 rails, not 3. No box spine on oblivion. Just a poor poor job


I prefered the video game look anyway


Its a cartoon representation of the park not an on the dot GPS map,give me a break the park does as they see fit.


Sean"Now break me off a piece of that kit kat bar" Chappell


it. was...... a. joke.

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Its a good job I have held off on going mid April, going to be going early May instead, lets just hope the workers aren't too scared of the wrathes so they can sort out the glitches!


What is it with Merlin Opening new rides that have major glitches! (btw, that was sarcasm, I know all new one of a kind rides have problems!)

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"Blipverts" will be shown to promote Th13teen at the following times:


Glee (E4) Monday 8th March 9:10pm

Hollyoaks (Channel 4) Monday 8th March 6:45pm

Coronation Street (ITV) Friday 12th March 8:58pm

Soccer AM (Sky Sports 1) Saturday 13th March 10:35am

Ant and Dec's Push The Button (ITV) Saturday 13th March 8.15pm

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Just seen one of these blipverts and wow, for something that lasts a few seconds it really does build the ride up and it looks even more scary and strange than I was expecting. Seriously it is really quite scary. I thought the press release about the advert being to scary to be released was just for marketing, but after this it wouldn't surprise me if that was actually true.

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