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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I see this more a failure on the part of Gravity Group than the park. GG delivered a train that has been on site for over a year that apparently doesn't work right.


While I agree with that, since they have been tested in the past, it is clear that no track modifications are needed. There is no reason that they can't have at least one of the trains in the transfer area to be tested at night. Many parks have a lot going on over night and this can't be too difficult. With them being marketed for the 2010 season, they are starting to run out of excuses.

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Yikes! One would think with the next gen Timberliners up and running well that putting together a few more trains wouldn't be an issue. Seems either they have a fault in their manufacturing process that has slowed the production down too far or that have bitten off more than they can chew.


At this point I'd have to be looking at all my options unless they are going to end up getting them at cost.

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Not to derail this lively conversation about the Timberliners, but here is a video I shot during Holiwood Nights 2010 and only recently edited. It's mostly Raven and Voyage with a little sprinkling of Legend (Maybe we could get a bit more access to Legend this year, Paula? ). Enjoy and hopefully it gets you in as much of a mood to visit the park as it did for me, just over two months until Holiwood Nights!


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There is no reason that they can't have at least one of the trains in the transfer area to be tested at night. Many parks have a lot going on over night and this can't be too difficult.


According to the presentation at Holiwood Nights a few years ago, switching between the Timberliners and the existing trains is actually quite difficult. The various sensors along the track count the brake fins of the trains as they pass, and the Timberliners have more brake fins than the existing trains. Reprogramming and retesting the PLC each night is apparently a very complicated, risky, and time-consuming process.

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There is no reason that they can't have at least one of the trains in the transfer area to be tested at night. Many parks have a lot going on over night and this can't be too difficult. With them being marketed for the 2010 season, they are starting to run out of excuses.

What excuses? They don't have to put the new trains on at all.


They're choosing to spend the money on the new trains. I'd bet that the Gravity Group can have those new trains onsite in a matter of days - but doing that would probably cost Holiday World a big sum of money. If it makes better financial sense to delay the trains until next season, so be it!


Another thing, the PTCs are two-bench while the Timberliners are single-bench. They have to recalibrate a lot of sensors when they switch between them.

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Has anyone from GG's or HW's staff ever been able to take a test run with the Timberliners, or did they not even progress past water dummies? Just curious, since I haven't followed it in years now.



In Nov. 2010, HW posted this video with human riders.


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^I remember Mike saying that there was too much motion going on in the seats of the trains in Robb's IAAPA 2010 interview. Timberliners have a shock absorber system built in to reduce jackhammering, and that probably contributed to the many months of testing as well. They probably had to fine-tune the heck out of it.


EDIT: Also, Holiday World said they wanted to see how the timberliners performed at Quassy and Grona Lund before they would put them on the Voyage. They could have put them on for the 2011 season if they wanted, but they decided to be safe, which in this situation was a smart idea. Now the problem is that they just won't have enough time to test the new timberliners for this year as they have not been delivered yet.

We have to keep in mind that Holiday World and The Gravity Group are both BUSY businesses with multiple projects to take care of constantly.

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Another thing - when Voyage was originally conceived and designed, did they design it mainly to run the Timberliners or the PTCs?


If it wasn't designed to run the Timberliners from the start, there obviously would be a delay. Twister and Wooden Warrior probably got the Timberliners right away because they were designed to run them right away.


If I were to guess, I'd say that Hades at Mt Olympus doesn't have Timberliners either for the same reason.

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Posted on the Holiday World Facebook....pure sex




That is the new revamped exit of the long turn, which gives us more airtime and then a smoother transition into the oddly banked hill which isnt as banked but still retains that movement from left to right.

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I know this has been said or joked about before, but I just have to say it...


What will open first...


Flying Turns or The Voyage with Timberliners??



On a serious note, this will delay my return trip back to HW another year... Love the park, but I am waiting until those trains are on those tracks before I drive 8hrs to go ride it. Loved it opening year, but 2 years later when I rode it... Got quite bad (and I dig aggressive rides... Love Wildcat, the old Raging Wolf Bob's (old track/trains <3 ) , etc..


Hopefully 2013 is the year!

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While I'm disappointed that the Timberliner trains won't be running on Voyager, It'll still won't stop me from attending Holiday World this year. I will have four new rides to conquer: Sparkler, The Pilgrim's Plunge, The Wilderbeest, and the Mammoth, plus riding Raven, The Legend, and The Rough Riders.


Mammoth looked so long, anyone wonder how long the ride will take because it doesn't look like it'll be over in seconds?


"I've got a better question: anybody wonder how long he's going to posting on this site until he joins me in bed?"

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Holiday World has sent us a press release regarding their upcoming "Rock the World" Christian Music Fest.


Hoosier native Jeremy Camp will headline Holiday World’s “Rock the World” Christian Music Fest in August. The Grammy-nominated artist will be joined on the main stage by Tenth Avenue North and BarlowGirl.


“Our guests have asked us to host a Christian music festival for a number of years,” says the park’s president, Dan Koch. “We’re bringing in three nationally renowned bands and are also providing a venue for performances by popular regional bands.”


Online auditions for regional bands begin today and will be held through April 30 on this website: http://www.sonicbids.com/RocktheWorld2012. The seven selected regional bands will perform in Holiday World during the day of the festival, with one band selected to also perform on the main stage that evening.


After the park closes for the day, Rock the World’s main stage performances will begin, headlined by Grammy-nominated Jeremy Camp. The Hoosier native has more than a dozen number-one Christian music hits to his credit. Dove Award winner Tenth Avenue North plus Dove Award nominee BarlowGirl will complete the night’s line-up.


Rock the World Christian Music Fest will be held on Saturday, August 25. Information about tickets for the event, including premium-access tickets, is available at http://HolidayWorld.com/RockTheWorld.


Holiday World opens for the season on May 5; both parks will be open daily beginning May 11 with the debut of Mammoth, the world’s longest water coaster. For more information, visit the parks’ website at http://www.HolidayWorld.com or call 1-877-463-2645.





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I've never heard of any of these bands, and I'm a HUGE Christian rock fan. If they were bands like Skillet, Red, Disciple, or Thousand Foot Krutch, then that might make me want to go. I'd much rather go to Kingsfest at KD where the bands there are actually bands I've heard of.

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I've never heard of any of these bands, and I'm a HUGE Christian rock fan. If they were bands like Skillet, Red, Disciple, or Thousand Foot Krutch, then that might make me want to go. I'd much rather go to Kingsfest at KD where the bands there are actually bands I've heard of.


Never heard of Jeremy Camp? Hes huge...lol. Look at the christian music charts, youll find Camps name all over it. Hes a bit softer though so if you focus on only the harder rock you might not hear him.



But yea I think Ill still be going down there this year. Not sure if Ill be there for Holiwood Nights or not but Ill be there this year.

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