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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Lift stairs has arrived and looks like we can scratch the vertical lift out of the picture? The angle looks to be about 45 degrees.




Oh nice, but vertical lift was never written on the list of possibilities, so there's no need to scratch it off.

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Lift stairs has arrived and looks like we can scratch the vertical lift out of the picture? The angle looks to be about 45 degrees.




It's possible those stairs could be for a MCBR. I would have thought that the lift hill would have some sort of elevator system or bucket on a track, similar to MF.

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The 20'x20' measurement I gave was an guesstimate at best.


I failed miserably at geometry but I know four equally lengthed sides equals a square. I also know what a 20x20 party tent looks like in size thanks to many years of event planning.


The 20 x 20 measurement was only an approximation.


I didn't measure it myself.

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Those stairs look more like an electrical conduit rack to me...like this:




I am in the electrical industry and that doesn't look like tray cable to me. If you look at the pictures you'll see hand rails stacked on top of the pile. The "stairs" also seem to have the typical, traction type steps that you see on other coaster stairs.


Not implying that they are definitely stairs, but pretty confident in saying that they are not cable tray.

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Looks like catwalk, or at least temporary catwalk to me. Millennium Force's catwalk is also unpainted. Hopefully they get some vertical construction going soon, so we can get a better perspective of this coaster. As for teasers, Kings Dominion told me on their twitter that all the metal in the parking lot, and the construction is pretty much their teaser. Carowinds has no track at this point, so they get the good stuff, in my opinion at least.

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Hey guys, just found an interesting similarity between the track of the new coaster going into the Ferrari park in Abu Dhabi and that of KD's new coaster.... To me they are exactly the same. Only that the Ferrari park coaster is supposed to be Premiere? I'm confused.



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^I believe the Ferrari park has two coasters, and the one with the same style track as KD's ride is in fact an Intamin. I believe their second coaster is a Premier.


One of the Ferrari Parks coasters is a Mauer Sohne. I know that for sure. Maybe Premier and Intamin have the same style of track?

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I didn't know the F1 coaster was already so far ahead with construction!
The track work have been complete for some time now.


Let's all put the Premier talk to rest now, both of these coaster are made by Intamin, and that's final!


Any new photo updates from this one?

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Aaahhh right. Sorry guys, I thought it must have been brought up by now.


I wonder if this is going to be THE intamin track from now on, or whether it's just for the larger coasters?


That's probably already been discussed as well!


I'll shutup now....



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