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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^Also, since BGW is probably getting a B&M flyer I'll take the giga at KD. One of each for me.


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Kings Dominion pass on a Vekoma Flying Dutchman (now Batwing at SFA), for Hypersonic XLC? If so, maybe Kings Dominion has some sort of phobia of Flying Coasters, rather favoring coasters that push extremes in speed and height.

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I don't see why people (especially at KDfansite) are so thrilled about finding a job opening. It says they've got to be able to climb to 350 feet, and the Eiffel Tower is 332. Do you really expect them to tell someone 'You can only work here if you can climb to exactly 332 feet?'


I'm sure that this thing'll be at least 350', but whoever they hire isn't going to stand only around the giga and wait for a breakdown. They're going to be scaling the Eiffel Tower too, which is almost 350' tall. Simple.


Not getting thrilled about finding a job posting.


Simply adding fuel to the debate on what the coaster is.


That job posting post created more buzz on this thread than there has been for the past week.


Obviously people are sick and tired of talking about vertical lifts, vertical drops, support structures, gravy pool splash downs, and themes.

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^Also, since BGW is probably getting a B&M flyer I'll take the giga at KD. One of each for me.


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Kings Dominion pass on a Vekoma Flying Dutchman (now Batwing at SFA), for Hypersonic XLC? If so, maybe Kings Dominion has some sort of phobia of Flying Coasters, rather favoring coasters that push extremes in speed and height.


That's correct since paramount parks had an exclusivity deal with vekoma to market the flying dutchman in their parks since they helped vekoma to develop the ride but when Stealth(now Nighthawk) turned out to be a disaster paramount parks backed out of the deal & SFI picked up the two remaining rides instead.Firehawk(originally x-flight) was supposed to go to KI & that's where it now is.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but screamscape embedded a video from Diy Network that showed how maintenance fixes the rides at KD. They show the beemer ball and it traveling through the loop as well as replacing track at Rebel Yell, degreasing Drop Tower and replacing a cotter pin on their Sky Coaster. It is 20 minutes long but a really cool video, check it out!

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Congrats to everyone for discovering KD would be getting a Giga Coaster 100 pages ago.


@ Themeparkman25: That video is SO cool! I've never heard of a B&M bubble cart. Hell, I'm surprised the maintenance guy even bothered using the manufacturer's name in the video since he was probably the only one there who knew what he was talking about.

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"So I got home from work tonight at Rose said I got the media invite in the mail for KDs media day!! Ready for this???


> Biggest, Baddest, Meanest!


> Kings Dominions Largest Capital Investment ever! (2010 Capital Announcement)


> At the Grand Bandstand!! (So I am guessing general public will be able to listen!)


And this is the biggest thing of all.... The invite is in the shape of a car?!?!? Its a race car with the number 15 on it??


Good stuff!!"



So, there goes the space theme theory. I guess they could make this an action zone kinda area with a racing theme.


The 15 probably stands for 15th coaster. They do have 14, right? I am not a common visitor to KD. lol


Maybe the Carowinds coaster and Kings Dominion coaster are related (Lightning really does strike twice)




A low to the ground support. It is very similar to I-Speed's supports.








12 more days...


Looks like we're getting a Nascar coaster. Bleh....



That quote is from Clint Novak by the way.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but screamscape embedded a video from Diy Network that showed how maintenance fixes the rides at KD. They show the beemer ball and it traveling through the loop as well as replacing track at Rebel Yell, degreasing Drop Tower and replacing a cotter pin on their Sky Coaster. It is 20 minutes long but a really cool video, check it out!


Video doesn't work for me...

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A racing themed coaster would be pretty sweet. I'd rather have that then a space type theme.


Around that area a racing coaster would probably get even more attention, a lot of race fans down there.


I can see it now, when NASCAR comes to Richmond for the spring race they can get some drivers out the park for publicity.

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It works for everyone else, you probably just dont have the right player installed


but that video was awesome, I love hearing coaster manufacturer's names in TV programming


I've been having video problems too ever since my system re-booted overnight....looks like I've gotta re-install acrobat again because doing a java update hasn't helped.

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Just a quick thought about a Nascar coaster. Nascar, just a few years ago was the second biggest sport (in revenue) behind football and Their fans are Extremely loyal to anything Nascar endorses. I think a Nascar themed coaster will be a huge success, and skyrocket attendance from the more southern part of Virginia (considering they are mostly nascar loving rednecks!). Also, Cedar Fair could not theme a roller coaster if it depended on their life, Nascar can really help with that. Whatever theme it will be, I could care less, what I care about is height, speed, and adrenaline rush. Call me weird, but as long as this thing is a beast, it could be themed for spongebob for all I care.

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350 feet tall?? Read this quote from Screamscape.

An interesting job posting at the Kings Dominion website may have just given us the clue to the true height of the 2010 coaster. Click here to see a listing of year-round FT positions which currently has two maintenance listings for the “Rides” department. In the job requirements of both positions, applicants much have the “Ability to climb heights up to 350 feet.” Currently I know the Drop Tower stands 305 feet, but I’m not entirely sure of the Eiffel Tower’s true top height. I know the observation platform is 275 feet, but I’m not sure how tall it is to the tip-top of the tower.
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350 feet tall?? Read this quote from Screamscape.
An interesting job posting at the Kings Dominion website may have just given us the clue to the true height of the 2010 coaster. Click here to see a listing of year-round FT positions which currently has two maintenance listings for the “Rides” department. In the job requirements of both positions, applicants much have the “Ability to climb heights up to 350 feet.” Currently I know the Drop Tower stands 305 feet, but I’m not entirely sure of the Eiffel Tower’s true top height. I know the observation platform is 275 feet, but I’m not sure how tall it is to the tip-top of the tower.


A few pages back this was mentioned.

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