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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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So they are saying at the bottom of that page that we have been waiting 35 years for this??? Doesn't Carowinds say something along the same lines, like since the parks opening year? I guess this might be where the ligtning striking twice comes into play, 2 major rides the same year.....only 200 miles apart.

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HMMM Crystal Rock Bottling of West Virginia? Somewhere back in time many pages ago, a reference was made to Morgantown, WV...... Anyone familiar with the city, I only know of passing through on the way to other places. Gotta be someone here who attends WVU??

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So they are saying at the bottom of that page that we have been waiting 35 years for this??? Doesn't Carowinds say something along the same lines, like since the parks opening year? I guess this might be where the ligtning striking twice comes into play, 2 major rides the same year.....only 200 miles apart.


Hah, 35 years ago I don't even think people could comprehend the beast KD will be getting next year.

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I said this in the CP thread, but racing has its roots in moon shine runners racing their cars so this all seems to tie together kind of...


Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme.

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I said this in the CP thread, but racing has its roots in moon shine runners racing their cars so this all seems to tie together kind of...


Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme.


What are you hoping for? Another Bizzaro?

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Still being new to TPR, I get the sense that many on here aren't ACE friendly but for what it's worth....on August 20th, the same day as the announcement, ACE is having a gathering for final rides on BBW at BGE in the evening.


We've got lots of ACErs here. It's called not taking yourself too seriously.

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Still being new to TPR, I get the sense that many on here aren't ACE friendly but for what it's worth....on August 20th, the same day as the announcement, ACE is having a gathering for final rides on BBW at BGE in the evening.


We've got lots of ACErs here. It's called not taking yourself too seriously.


Yeah, its more of an inside joke to make fun of ACErs. Nothing more serious than Yo Gabba Gabba or taking the tunnel LoL.

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I said this in the CP thread, but racing has its roots in moon shine runners racing their cars so this all seems to tie together kind of...


Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme.


I was just saying that the Carowinds and KD coasters are dropping hints that their rides are racing themed and that racing ties into moonshine so it all comes together in a weird obscure way.

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I said this in the CP thread, but racing has its roots in moon shine runners racing their cars so this all seems to tie together kind of...


Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme.


I was just saying that the Carowinds and KD coasters are dropping hints that their rides are racing themed and that racing ties into moonshine so it all comes together in a weird obscure way.


Oh! Okay, sorry about that, now I understand. Anyone, going to be at the announcement? I know I will, hopefully, it is all it is hyped up to be.

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This whole "Lightning Strikes Twy(i)ce" gig is making me think that the CW Hyper and KD giga will be sister coasters, possibly sharing the same name. Of course if that were the case I feel as if CF wouldn't have contracted two different manufacturers...

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