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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Yellow supports with round ends now back on site. New pics page 341: http://www.kdfansite.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=17008#17008


Odd stuff indeed, I am really itching to get down there and get some more pictures for my site and TPR. I seem to remember a lightning storm a day or two before the removal of these supports, maybe it struck the supports, and they had to send them back for refurbishment, just a theory.

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YES!!! Another CF-McDonald's joint coaster installation!


F1 is an Intamin coaster. When it was first announced as the fastest coaster on the planet, I believe it was initially misreported that it was a Premier ride. The news spread rapidly, but when it was re-reported that it was actually an Intamin, that didn't get as much attention. So it was still believed that it was a Premier ride. But its not.

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No matter who said there's going to be a space theme, it's not really credible. But it's completely plausible, so why count it out? Right now the ONLY place that this thing could have it's station without the construction of a 200-foot pier over (Lake Charles?) is near the FOF 'base.' So why not tie it in? Give it a name like Infinity or some junk like that and call it a day. No themeing necessary, just a cool logo and a kickass, tall ride that advertises itself to the millions of people driving I95 everyday. Done.

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^ ^Straight from KD's twitter, seems like more than just a rumor from some employee.


@CBS6 Black smoke rings above the park! they maybe UFO's again! i'll let you know!3:42 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to CBS6
Ufo spotted headed east away from park!4:09 PM Jul 3rd from txt
UFO watch 2009, we've got our eyes to the sky.
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All the UFO talk on KD's twitter doesn't necessarily mean that the new coaster is going to be space-themed.


A couple months ago there was a supposed UFO sighting at KD (link) and KD has been making tongue-in-cheek comments about it since.


That doesn't mean it's not a possibility, but I don't think KD's tweets necessarily provide hard evidence of how the new coaster will be themed.

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Red and Yellow, does not equal space themed. If this thing was space themed it would be green and silver or something. I think the only reason why Kings Dominion milked the whole UFO thing was to get people into the park.


Silver Bullet






This is Cedar Fair, so red and yellow could be for a space themed roller coaster.

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But it makes a hell of a lot more sense to have the trains or track (but preferably trains) to be silver on a ride named Silver Bullet - not the supports. Hence the naming FAIL.


I think the only reason why Kings Dominion milked the whole UFO thing was to get people into the park.


Park promotion, yes. But who's to say it wasn't the beginning of the marketing for the coaster? With it being in the general area of FoF, a space/alien theme is entire plausible - don't count it out until we know otherwise.

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But it makes a hell of a lot more sense to have the trains or track (but preferably trains) to be silver on a ride named Silver Bullet - not the supports. Hence the naming FAIL.


I think the only reason why Kings Dominion milked the whole UFO thing was to get people into the park.


Park promotion, yes. But who's to say it wasn't the beginning of the marketing for the coaster? With it being in the general area of FoF, a space/alien theme is entire plausible - don't count it out until we know otherwise.


Another Problem with a space theme, is it will most likely come close to Anaconda and Rebel Yell, which would obviously kill the Space theme mood. Though, they may be able to pull of a space theme enclosed queue line. My guess, is it will be something with no particular theme, such as Millie and Dominator, after all Cedar Fair is the King of good rides/awful names and theming.

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No matter who said there's going to be a space theme, it's not really credible. But it's completely plausible, so why count it out? Right now the ONLY place that this thing could have it's station without the construction of a 200-foot pier over (Lake Charles?) is near the FOF 'base.' So why not tie it in? Give it a name like Infinity or some junk like that and call it a day. No themeing necessary, just a cool logo and a kickass, tall ride that advertises itself to the millions of people driving I95 everyday. Done.


Say that to FoF next to Volcano, Avalanche, Anaconda and Backlot Stunt Coaster. There is no set theme back there.

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