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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Which one is it...or is your husband your DH...


DH is internet speak for Dear Husband.


Till then, You are just some person lying to get attention.


Two posts later:


I am not being hostile, I did not accuse her of lying.


Yes. Yes, you did accuse her of lying.


I am saying she should be considered a lier no matter what until the announcement is made, we should only trust something straight from Kings Dominion, not on a forum.


Ah, so you do accuse her of being a liar (note spelling).


Either way, take the post for what it's worth. A lot of very little. BUT we don't start calling people names here.

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So how can a coaster with a drop of 235 feet go 90 mph?




So, the new name is Ball Shrinker then?


Or is that what they're going to call Shockwave!




Either way, take the post for what it's worth. A lot of very little. BUT we don't start calling people names here.


Well said, that person came in here with information, true or not, and should be treated as a person.


Remember, innocent till proven guilty.

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I don't believe the Mork&Mindy's (I love the name though) post either but even a 240 foot tall full-circuit coaster would be good for KD. Only a month and a half ago "giga" never came into my thought process. The early supports that arrived made most of us think iSpeed or Maverick. KD just needs a high-capacity new signature attraction and I think they're getting that in whatever is being built. I just happen to think it's a giga.

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Which one is it...or is your husband your DH...


DH is internet speak for Dear Husband.


Till then, You are just some person lying to get attention.


Two posts later:


I am not being hostile, I did not accuse her of lying.


Yes. Yes, you did accuse her of lying.


I am saying she should be considered a lier no matter what until the announcement is made, we should only trust something straight from Kings Dominion, not on a forum.


Ah, so you do accuse her of being a liar (note spelling).


Either way, take the post for what it's worth. A lot of very little. BUT we don't start calling people names here.


There have been at least 10 of these people that say they are close with people at Kings Dominion and make up silly rumors just to get some attention. I am holding out my judgement of this lady until the announcement, but we seriously cannot believe anything heard on a Forum from somebody on the other side of a monitor. Once again, I did not accuse her of lying, I meant we should not trust anyone until we get the info from Kings Dominion on August 20th. Look, I have no clue why you are busting my chops, but I hope that sets this all straight.

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^Fact: You made the following post.

Till then, You are just some person lying to get attention.


Now you say you didn't call the poster a liar.


Now if you said, I didn't mean to call her a liar. We could understand.


The reason we as moderators are getting all over you is simple. Personal attacks will not be tolerated, Robb has asked us to keep the forums civil.


It's a blurry line between not believing a post and calling someone a liar, but as moderators we are drawing that line. Not too many people here believe M&M's post, but let's refrain from personal attacks.



So how can a coaster with a drop of 235 feet go 90 mph?


Midget Launch

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^^The only one who is busting your chops here is you. Did you not read any of the material you posted?


That being said, I agree that we need to take Mork&Mindy's post with a large grain of salt, pending confirmation from KD. I suggest you drop the matter until then and move on.

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We seriously cannot believe anything heard on a Forum from somebody on the other side of a monitor. Once again, I did not accuse her of lying, I meant we should not trust anyone until we get the info from Kings Dominion on August 20th. Look, I have no clue why you are busting my chops, but I hope that sets this all straight.


I don't belive you.

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^Fact: You made the following post.
Till then, You are just some person lying to get attention.


Now you say you didn't call the poster a liar.


Now if you said, I didn't mean to call her a liar. We could understand.


The reason we as moderators are getting all over you is simple. Personal attacks will not be tolerated, Robb has asked us to keep the forums civil.


It's a blurry line between not believing a post and calling someone a liar, but as moderators we are drawing that line. Not too many people here believe M&M's post, but let's refrain from personal attacks.



So how can a coaster with a drop of 235 feet go 90 mph?


Midget Launch


I am sorry if my comments were misunderstood, I guess I could have worded them better. Anyway, I think we should know very soon more details about this coaster, adena is already there and the ride should be going vertical very soon.

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UPDATE: Just got back from the park. Not a lot of change, but a few. So let me share. First of all, I'm not sure if anyone has discussed this label of what it might mean... any guesses? Does it just mean chain lift, and did anyone ever find out what the bottom writing says? I didn't think about getting a close up when I was there, so I just had to zoom/crop from my PC.


Here are a few more pics of tracks/supports...










Good ole Adena



More Cement trucks...


Here's some pics of Clint's mystery shot.









You can see where the green tarp(bottom left)behind RY... no, its not a pool.



Some construction vehicles behind the scenes. I was trying to see if I could any type of track/supports... no luck.














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Regarding that yellow label on the track pieces... I believe that they are either warnings not to use chain directly on the pieces to lift them into place, or they are showing the workers where to attach the chains/ropes/etc. so the pieces are balanced while in the air and don't slip out of place.

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Regarding that yellow label on the track pieces... I believe that they are either warnings not to use chain directly on the pieces to lift them into place, or they are showing the workers where to attach the chains/ropes/etc. so the pieces are balanced while in the air and don't slip out of place.



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Awesome update! Thanks so much! It looks like construction on the site is moving right along!


UPDATE: Just got back from the park. Not a lot of change, but a few. So let me share. First of all, I'm not sure if anyone has discussed this label of what it might mean... any guesses? Does it just mean chain lift, and did anyone ever find out what the bottom writing says? I didn't think about getting a close up when I was there, so I just had to zoom/crop from my PC.


I think that label just means not to lift that piece of track with chains. All of the pictures I've seen of track being unloaded so far has been with straps instead of chains:



EDIT: Got beat to the punch. Oh well.

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^You'd have a problem with the overhead powerlines,not just for track position but during construction as well because it only takes one sudden gust of wind to send the crane & it's payload swinging into those lines,also the space behind volcano is quite narrow so it's be hard to fit anything in back there.


I think that large footer seen in one of the pics may be for the brakerun since it's so wide & the space between support connections is so small.

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The little loops are where Larry and his army of midgets will hold onto the chain and launch the cars around the track. Don't tell too many people though, we don't want KD to get annoyed with us for giving away their secret, if other parks find out they may try to copy it...

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^Someone said that they're hiding supports in a secret staging area


I don't know, if they are starting construction soon, why are there no supports of decent size? It is very puzzling indeed.


They could be cross bars. In other words, little supports to make up larger ones. Like used on MF....You know.. the huge lift structure?

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