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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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First we had people coming up with reasons why this was going to be a launch coaster even though it didn't look like it. Now we have people coming up with reasons why it could have a vertical lift... What random inane debate are we going to have next???


The name of the coaster.

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This past weekend was a really packed one...here's a small preview.


More footers popping up...


Giga Track, too bad I couldn't get close ups due to all the cars and security..


Look at the cars parked on the side...Parking lot was FILLED UP!


Full parking lot!


Volcano line pouring out the Q!


Dominator DOMINATES!

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last year they had a day where the parking lot was completly full, the over flow lots were full, so they had to park people in a field, and the water works was completly filled up and it looked like it was pretty much impossible to walk around. ill try to find a couple of pics.......

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last year they had a day where the parking lot was completly full, the over flow lots were full, so they had to park people in a field, and the water works was completly filled up and it looked like it was pretty much impossible to walk around. ill try to find a couple of pics.......


That was BOA day, the park was INSANE! They even had a sign up that said "park is crowded" Ive never seen it that packed before. I can say that every line was almost over an hour long. They even had to close the gates to Water Works because it was filled to capacity. I only rode 2 rides that day, Dodgem and Flying Eagles. I think they reached over 35K that day. Just an visual.... here's a pic I took.


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This is just a theory that popped into my head in the car, and i'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but could the reinforced track mean greater than 2 across seating? Could we see B&M four across style seating?


Quite possible and something I have been saying since this "bigger" track showed up.


I think that we will see a different kind of Intamin train ... 4 across I dunno but it will be something new IMHO

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This is just a theory that popped into my head in the car, and i'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but could the reinforced track mean greater than 2 across seating? Could we see B&M four across style seating?


Quite possible and something I have been saying since this "bigger" track showed up.


I think that we will see a different kind of Intamin train ... 4 across I dunno but it will be something new IMHO


Who knows, maybe they changed it up.

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