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  1. So I have July fifth off for my job because I do not work monays. Me and my friends were thinking about going to hershey for the day because we all haev the day off. However we were wondering how busy it would be considering it's hershey on the day after the fourth of july. Any help would be apreciated!
  2. I rode little titans at Mt. Olympus. To be fair, back then there was no height restriction.
  3. Well I could see how Cedar Point would be affected. When this happened my dad informed me that someone dorwned at cedar point...
  4. I read an article lately that said alot of projects in dubai, not only theme parks but all projects have been canceled or put on hold due to lack of funding. The economic bubble is supposedly going to burst in dubai very quickly and unexpectedly. I'm beginning to think that if any parks are going to follow through wiith these projects its going to be ahuge loss.
  5. Alright so this isn't really a haha GP statement but more of a crazy, defensive, over reactive GP. So in line for farenheit this girl was like that lift looks really freaky, but not in a terrified tone. This guy behind her screams, " I RODE TOP THRILL DRAGSTER THEY SHOOT YOU RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE 400 FEET STRAIGHT UP AT 120 MPH! THIS IS NOT SCARY!" I personally find vertical lifts scarier than launchs, but this guy was kinda nuts.
  6. Well I have heard, and do believe it is due to the supports they use. To build something over the height they have done before would require them to change supports, use more of them, or simply change their track style due to the forces that would come up and the increased height.
  7. This is just a theory that popped into my head in the car, and i'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but could the reinforced track mean greater than 2 across seating? Could we see B&M four across style seating?
  8. I would think lap bars would make it more comfortable... Anyway those Blue Fire restraints look amazing!
  9. ^ I seem to remember there being go-karts on Hunt's Pier.
  10. Floorless coasters are above the track and the floor drops out from beneath them. http://z.about.com/d/themeparks/1/0/3/b/SFGAdv52.jpg See how it's above the track but has no floor?
  11. Isn't this already being dicussed? http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46306&highlight=bizarro+medusa+superman
  12. HaHa on me they always seem deathly tight or a notch too loose.
  13. ^^ Do you have a picture of these wonder restraints I really want to see them now! O and I don't think I have experienced anything less than crushing G-forces on a shwartzkopf (sp) much less hang time!
  14. Twizzler, you have only ridden one floorless coaster, inverts hang below the track. You have ridden many inverts, but only one definition floorless.
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