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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Yes as somebody who lives in Stafford County right before Fredericksburg you want to not be on 95 as much as possible between the hours of 2pm-7pm between DC and Fredericksburg. It could take 2 hours just to go 30 miles.

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Rush hour on Friday starts at noon. You might even consider taking 301, only time I've seen it terrible is Sunday afternoon northbound but it is always tedious and Google tends to underestimate delays more than on the interstates. As Saturdays, my strategy is to not go before twilight on Saturdays. Don't have any more than that because last time I went Saturday daytime was April 2010.

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Not that I'm aware of. I would assume that there will be a new one built, as I believe the old Hurler FL entrance was just the exit given the low ridership. If so, it will probably meet up somewhere with the old queue that is being rebuilt according to photos released.


Maybe. Mystic Timbers, Banshee, and Valravn are some of the rides I can think of that were newly constructed and the FL entrance goes right to the ride exit. I think it really helps sell the passes. I haven't seen the pictures you reference, though.

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Quick planning question, we'll be there the Friday and Saturday at the end of spring break April 6th and 7th. Am I right in assuming above average crowds Friday and a fairly packed park on Saturday?

Friday we'll be coming in from a credit stop at Six Flags America so we won't be there till the evening. Then Saturday all day. Any strategic advice for either day? Any lines tend to die at the end of the night?

Thanks in advance for any advice! Can't wait to get my first coaster rides of the season!



You might want to double check as SFA's calendar on its website does not show operating hours for Friday April 6. Kind of unusual as they are open 10:30 - 7:00p on Thursday April 5 and 10:30 - 8:00pm on Saturday April 7.


That being said, getting to KD via the Beltway over the Wilson Bridge and on down I-95 on Fridays is terrible and will start backing up before Noon and won't let up until close to 8:00pm. The Friday after Spring Break will be even worse, so plan accordingly!

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Quick planning question, we'll be there the Friday and Saturday at the end of spring break April 6th and 7th. Am I right in assuming above average crowds Friday and a fairly packed park on Saturday?

Friday we'll be coming in from a credit stop at Six Flags America so we won't be there till the evening. Then Saturday all day. Any strategic advice for either day? Any lines tend to die at the end of the night?

Thanks in advance for any advice! Can't wait to get my first coaster rides of the season!



You might want to double check as SFA's calendar on its website does not show operating hours for Friday April 6. Kind of unusual as they are open 10:30 - 7:00p on Thursday April 5 and 10:30 - 8:00pm on Saturday April 7.


That being said, getting to KD via the Beltway over the Wilson Bridge and on down I-95 on Fridays is terrible and will start backing up before Noon and won't let up until close to 8:00pm. The Friday after Spring Break will be even worse, so plan accordingly!


Crap thanks for the heads up... I guess now we will drive straight to KD from home on Friday and spend the rest of the night and Saturday there then go to Six Flags on Sunday on the way home.

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Has anyone ever stayed at the centerstone inn located right next to the park? I will be at KD Monday April 2 and that's the night of the national championship game. So I'm looking for a nice comfortable room to watch the game in after I visit the park.

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Has anyone ever stayed at the centerstone inn located right next to the park? I will be at KD Monday April 2 and that's the night of the national championship game. So I'm looking for a nice comfortable room to watch the game in after I visit the park.

Yep. Nothing special but nothing terrible either. You can't beat the location though... it's nice to be able to walk from your room right to the front gate. I'm going to be staying there again next week when I go down for TT's opening.

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I know everyone would rather see it scraped, but does anyone else think Anaconda’s old black paint job should return. I personally don’t like when two coasters of similar colors are right next to each other, not a big issue though lol.

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I always thought that black color scheme looked horrific.



I don't care it's green with pink polka dots--nothing will help Anaconda.


^^^^^ This. I say tear it down and put in something EPIC. Anaconda may have a cult following/favoritism, but it just sucks (in my opinion). I'd rather see them take it down and get something better like an RMC T-Rex or a launched winged coaster even! that's a big space and they could definitely put something major over that lake. That's just my thoughts though.

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I say tear it down and put in something EPIC. Anaconda may have a cult following/favoritism, but it just sucks (in my opinion). I'd rather see them take it down and get something better like an RMC T-Rex or a launched winged coaster even! that's a big space and they could definitely put something major over that lake. That's just my thoughts though.


Agreed!! I think a T-Rex coaster would be amazing in Anaconda's place. Hell, they could tear it down and put nothing in it's place and it would still be an improvement!


Yep.....Still trying to figure out why people think this rides rough.


Maybe because it is?? -- I mean, it is not nearly as rough as Vortex at Kings Dominion, however still really freaking rough. The majority of the ride I spent in the "brace" position trying not to be beat to death. Not to mention that the layout was nothing amazing, but it sure is a beautiful coaster to look at.


Apparently flight of fear, i305, and twisted timbers will have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo. $2 for the first hour and $1 for every hour afterwards.


And this is a bad thing??

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Apparently flight of fear, i305, and twisted timbers will have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo. $2 for the first hour and $1 for every hour afterwards.


And this is a bad thing??


I didn’t say it was, just sharing what’s new in 2018, that’s all.

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IF they ever do junk Anaconda . . . why not a B&M Dive Coaster . . . (diving into the lake is awesome)?


And good with the fluffy bunnies . . . . the less time people spend putting their stuff down . . . the QUICKER a dispatch can happen

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IF they ever do junk Anaconda . . . why not a B&M Dive Coaster . . . (diving into the lake is awesome)?


And good with the fluffy bunnies . . . . the less time people spend putting their stuff down . . . the QUICKER a dispatch can happen


I'm pretty sure BGW has an exclusivity deal that basically says KD can't get an Original B&M coaster.

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