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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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This was very deceptive. It was pretty clear on here that some folks knew this was what was happening. But a world's record teaser with a spaceship does NOT equal largest Planet Snoopy kid's area in most folks' expectations. I haven't seen teh details, so I don't know if this includes new rides, but I can't think of a single FB friend of KD's that isn't underwhelmed and likely upset about this.


I can't see a wife feverishly calling their husband "Honey, I can't beleive it, King's Dominion is opening the world's largest Peanuts themed play area! We have to start saving for season passes for next year. LIttle Stephanie started crying with jubilation when I told her the news. This may be the greatest day of the year!"



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Well, this is fantastic news for children and families, but the advertising as a new record, especially reaching out on Facebook and their website, it really built up hype to the people who are not affected by the announcement. Good for King's Dominion for making the experience for the children a lot better, but they should probably think about how the fans will react the next time they try pulling a stunt like that.


Woops, I should have been more specific; I meant B&M’s first lunched system.


And this made me laugh


Woops! Hmmm, lunch on a B&M woundn't be bad though.

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I have just 2 thoughts.


Firstly: people are actually shocked about KD record claim? In this business you see parks seemingly making up records to break in the name of marketing. It's nothing that hasn't happened before. Nothing that won't happen again.


Secondly: Many of their clues left little in way of doubt that it was an addition to Planet Snoopy. On many sites Ive looked at, if you tried pointing that out, those fans dismissed it and kept talking about how they hoped It was the worlds first launching-triple inversion-wing rider-wooden-shuttle coaster.


I for one think this is exactly what the park needs and I can wait to see how it turns out! Good on ya KD.

Edited by Stitch_101
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Don't get my wrong, I'll all for advertising it and letting families know. However, I consider this kind of a made up record.


I will clarify my post a little bit.


If you are in marketing and you are trying to advertise something, which option would you choose?


Option 1: We are breaking a record by opening up the biggest Peanuts children's area


Option 2: We are expanding the kids area.

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^^^ & ^^ Why shouldn't they hype it up just because it wasn't a record for a new coaster? It would make NO sense not to advertise it just because it wasn't a thrill ride. None whatsoever. It is a new record and they should advertise it that way.


For the last time roller coasters are the not the only thing a park has, people need to get that through their minds for once.


I will congatulate KD not only for expanding the kids area, but for the good marketing leading up to.


Thank You!! Couldn't have said it any better myself!


One day these kids will grow up, have families of their own, and realize that "OMG Coasterzzz!!!" is not the only demographic a theme park caters to! I applaud KD on this addition.....it looks like it will be a beautiful kids' area when finished. And I think they are doing a great job of adding things to please a wide range of customers:


2010 - Major new coaster

2012 - Major new ride, plus family-friendly Dinos attraction

2013 - Major upgrade to children's area


Sounds good to me. And some of the above posters can relax in that a new coaster will come to the park soon enough. Shoot my home park added a "new" (remodeled) coaster in 2001 and then not another one until 2010!

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I like that cedar fair is capitalizing on the planet snoopy brand and incorporating them into their parks in a consistent manner. Excellent marketing strategy as well, get kids to fall in love with the parks at an early age so they will continue to come until they are older than Jeff Johnson.

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I was really hoping that a water park expansion would be included with this. Other than that, the announcement was pretty expected. The children's area needed an update and some higher ups were spotted with blueprints in Kidzville earlier in the season. No major land clearing/construction has been spotted, so it's pretty clear this would be a Peanuts themed expansion.


Hopefully next year will be the magic year for the water park. That area is the only area that's overdue for a major expansion.

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You know, after reading these responses, and thinking about it for a bit, I change my mind. The park and marketing team didn't do anything wrong, and the word is out now. Plenty of parents on the FB page sounded especially pleased. Judging by some of the more positive FB comments, it sounds like this expansion is EXACTLY what this park needs, and some expectations were set a little too high.


And on that note, there's a good possibility that half the people upset about the hype are going to forget about within the next 24 hours. I can't wait to watch the progress

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I agree that the Planet Snoopy Expansion is a very good thing, and it is needed for sure. I just find it funny that they hyped thrill and record breaking when, in my opinion, this qualifies as neither.


It will be a great thing for the park, keeping it well rounded and having something for everyone.

Edited by DougMJr
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^I agree. I think it's a great announcement. I just think the park could be a little more careful with how they word their teaser so their facebook page doesn't get swamped with complaints and insults from the GP when they actually make the announcement. Lol.

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This isn't even an expansion, it is just finally getting rid of the old HB theming, and putting down a few new kiddie rides.


Honestly, this makes the overhyping of the Jeff Seibert days of King's Island look like nothing.


Using "Thrilling" to describe this was just slimey. It won't even be thrilling to the little kids riding the uncomfortable human sandwhich spinner they're putting in.


Now, had they announced finally putting in the last half of Volcano, THAT would have been thrilling.



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Wait a minute, what about the launched Intamin over the lake?!?!?!

Oh no, what are coaster enthusiasts going to do with themselves?


That rumor will start up again next year...

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Normally I feel for the parks and all of the crap they have to deal with on Facebook, but they really had it coming this time.


They used the word "Thrilling" to hype the new area. That's just asking for trouble.


Maybe not "Thrilling" for you, but for families with kids, plenty thrilling.


My kids are out of this age range but I still think it's a great addition to the park.

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I think it's a good idea, and I don't have/or want kids. After I-305, coaster wise, what can you do to not compete with it, but do something entirely different...Most of the rides are standard fare for this type of area, and it'll please the parents...at least until Little Johnny comes off bored, points to I-305 and says...'I want to go on THAT!'

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Ah Ha! I knew it, I deep down knew it that it was going to be the expansion plans for Planet Snoopy! In my second to last post, I reported that I saw two unused areas that might be candidates for the next, new attraction that Kings Dominion was going to put in. Now after seeing the announcement and seeing the video of four new rides they are putting in, I am well pleased. "Finally!" I said to myself. "Kings Dominon will have its own Kite Flyer, its own Woodstock Express, its own Rocking Tub, and a Tea Cup ride". With those additions, it makes it easier for me not to mourn over the lost of Treasure Cave (although I mourned the lost of "Yogi's Cave" when I visited the park in '98 and saw a lowbrow excuse for a replacement. Of course, I should stop mourning for the lost of "Smurf Mountain" as well, but that's another story.).


But anyway, congrads to Kings Dominion for finally doing what they should have done seasons ago, but didn't have the capital handy at that time. And why should this rider and amusement park flyer be happy about the expansion to Planet Snoopy? Because I too can ride those attractions (Hey, at my age and condition I will often need to ride the fun low-impact rides in between the thrilling rides once in a while.)!


Can anyone say Platinum Season Pass next season?


"Hey, I'm waiting for you to say 'I'm tired and I want to sleep with you for a thousand years'!"

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As I don't have kids I don't mind one way or the other if they are expanding the kids' area (actually I had been thinking that if anything else they might have been getting some kind of new flat ride, but that wouldn't matter a whole lot to me anyway as I only ride certain flats anyway). The only problem I see with the teaser is it is like the old saying about crying wolf....in a year or two when they prepare to announce a new coaster (or flat ride - meaning something more adult and and enthusiast oriented) many people will just yawn and not expect much of anything, especially the GP. We all know what happens when something (whether it's an amusement park ride, the "New Coke", a movie, or whatever) doesn't live up to its hype - not much is expected from the source of that over-hype the next time something new comes along. Like a movie director who makes a movie that is hyped up and it turns out to be not what people expect (again, nothing wrong with a new Planet Snoopy, but not what most people were expecting based on the teaser), when that director comes out with a new movie there will be far less interest in it from the general public because the last one didn't live up to expectations.


That said, I still really like I-305 (it's in my top 5 steelies) and Volcano and therefore I still have at least two good reasons to pay a visit to KD every year (will be gong there this October).

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This should be great for the park, since their kids area did seem a bit lacking from the brief time I spent in it when I visited. From the video and announcement, it looks like a kite flyer, rockin' tug, teacups, and aerial track ride will be added and the existing Kidzville rides will be rethemed. I'm sure a lot of parents are happy about this news, and I also think that despite the slightly deceptive marketing, anyone expecting more than an adult flat ride was probably setting themselves up for disappointment.

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