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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^ Typically Haunt is only the last few Sundays of the season. This year they've expanded it to only cutting one weekend short.


Anyways, the new official Haunt website is here: http://www.kingsdominion.com/haunt2012


New for 2012!


Maze: No Vacancy in the left side of the Action Theater.

The guest rooms have been prepared and the staff is eagerly awaiting your arrival. Welcome to the Inn at Darkside Manor! Enjoy the best of yesteryear and take a break from the hectic pace of today. Enjoy a cocktail in the Gentlemen's Lounge or sit back and enjoy a classic in our impressive Library. Just be warned – once you check in... you will never check out.

Scare Zone: PrimEvil: The Kuru Curse in The Congo.

Set in a distant jungle, the inhabitants here have lived with one rule... eat or be eaten. In this cannibalism filled land you will get a chance to explore this long forgotten cursed village. Watch your step and steer clear of the locals – their idea of a great meal will be your living nightmare...

Scare Zone: Cleaver Brothers Carnival in The Grove.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls you have seen the rest now step right up and experience the best. The Cleaver Brothers have set up their midway and invite you to experience a carnival like no other. Enter a world where the extraordinary comes to life and your worst nightmares will seem like a pleasant dream.

Show: Haunted House in the right side of the Action Theater.

You followed the cat into the house. No need to be nervous, everything looks perfectly normal. But wait, did those toys actually move? Did something just brush past you? As the hair on the back of your neck stands up and a chill runs down your spine, you suddenly realize that things are not quite right in this house; this haunted house.


So what's gone? The Asylum (because of the Dinosaurs Alive DinoStore), The Ruins (replaced by PrimEvil: The Kuru Curse), CarnEvil (replaced by Cleaver Brothers Carnival), and Elvira's Superstition (replaced by No Vacancy/Haunted House).

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^At least they kept CLUB BLOOD, the nightclub where people are dying to get in.


Coaster_Fanatic replied after my post:

^The announcement is actually on September 12th...so it has come sooner than what you expected



And I will say "Oh Goody; it's coming one day early. I won't have to wait that long!"


"And I'm glad as well, at least he'll be able to sleep better at night once that announcement has been made!"

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I dunno, my gut still says this will be an upgrade to Planet Snoopy. Could they be combining the "Kidzville" area with the current Planet Snoopy to make one mega Planet Snoopy? (with maybe a new kids' ride or two?) Just a thought.


I will still tune in to see what's announced tomorrow though.....who knows, maybe KD will totally surprise me!

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A mirror-image of Storm Runner modified to better fit over the lake would be an awesome replacement. The existing tunnel under the water would fit well between the top hat and inversion.


Pipe dreams aside, I don't imagine Anaconda is going anywhere just yet.

Edited by Myself
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^ The countdown on http://www.kingsdominion.com counts down til 11:00 AM. So by noon, I'm sure we'll know!


Is their countdown based on your PC clock? Counts down to 11am for me too, but that's Melbourne time (currently sitting at one hour to go), which is like 9pm Kings Dominion time?


Yes, because my PC time is set to 8:09 am and it says there is only 2 hours till the announcement.

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