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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I think it'd be unfortunate if Cedar Fair retired all their Arrow loopers. I genuinely enjoy most Arrow loopers, and rarely receive any head banging from them due to my head being above the restraints... not sure how a lot of adults receive so much head banging from them?

Aaand I'll just crawl back under my one person Arrow fanboy rock now

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I absolutely prefer Anaconda over Vortex. That said, I wouldn't bat a lash at them removing either of them. They both felt like they were on borrowed time when I rode them. Vortex was especially traumatic. Had I not ridden Son of Beast that day, Vortex would have been the worst coaster experience I've ever had.


The only Arrow loopers within Cedar Fair that I feel any attachment to and would be sad to see go are Corkscrew at CP and (especially this one) Demon at CGA. Demon was my first looping coaster and still is a great ride, I've yet to experience smoother corkscrews on any coaster.

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The post wasn't a joke, but the picture was. It was photoshopped so Screamscape took it down.


Have you seen a picture of Anaconda being dismantled floating around the internet? Have no fear... It has been CONFIRMED that Anaconda is still in 1 piece and as of now will remain for the 2013 season!


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I say get rid of the both of them and install something better.


Anaconda had the underwater tunnel (which was sorta cool), but it wasn't a great coaster by any means. I rode Vortex this year and can honestly say that I didn't have a pleasant ride. As a matter of fact, none of the people in my group were impressed with it either.


I can say that it would look REALLY weird if Corkscrew didn't go over the midway at Cedar Point! Just like LNM, it is more iconic than anything else. I could honestly see them getting rid of Iron Dragon before Corkscrew.

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I say get rid of the both of them and install something better.


Anaconda had the underwater tunnel (which was sorta cool), but it wasn't a great coaster by any means. I rode Vortex this year and can honestly say that I didn't have a pleasant ride. As a matter of fact, none of the people in my group were impressed with it either.


I can say that it would look REALLY weird if Corkscrew didn't go over the midway at Cedar Point! Just like LNM, it is more iconic than anything else. I could honestly see them getting rid of Iron Dragon before Corkscrew.


Iron Dragon is one of the last of it's kind, so I hope not.


Corkscrew is a classic and a good no-frills looping coaster.

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As sad as it is to lose classic coasters (though I'm not sure either of these are of any historic significance) steel structures definitely have a limit to their useful life. This is especially true for cyclic loading since it causes fatigue issues. Without extensive maintenance, these structure can't SAFELY be used indefinitely.

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I personally wouldn't care if another coaster replaced Anaconda or not. I would really enjoy either a HUSS Frisbee or a S&S Giant Swing near where Anaconda's station is flying over the lake. I think opening the area up once again and having the giant fountain return would be awesome. They could remove the fencing around the Intimidator 305 plaza and have that be the backdrop to the lake.


I've also thought an Intamin Impulse would be awesome where the station/lift is along the lake, but that's a little silly to do since Volcano is within a minute walk away...

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I'd be really interested to see what the parks were marketed when they first got these rides as far as lifespan goes. Obviously the better care you take of coasters the longer they will be around but it's got to cost a fortune to keep these rides running when they are less and less relevant/popular with the parks core audience.


Will we be having this conversation about i305 in 20 years time?

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^Apparently the only criterion for "classic" is that a ride is old.


I can't say the same for Anaconda or Wildcat, but for what it's worth, Vortex is a ride I was aware of (along with others such as Kumba, Big Bad Wolf, Magnum, The Beast...) before I became familiar with coasters.



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