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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Wow! The complainers are in full effect I think the layout looks great. The one guy said he would have a Behemoth clone. Well, you can go almost anywhere and ride a B&M hyper that is similar. This ride is about speed and an out-of-control type feel. This is original and looks extremely fun. I think too many kids get caught up in the little coaster models that they draw on paper or make on the computer and don't realize that most of them are unrealistic.


Again, great job KD! Ignore the always unpleased people. I can't wait to ride next year.


I don't think it's that easy...you're forgetting that not all of us have the means to visit every single park on the planet & the nearest B&M hyper is some 3.5 hours away,which is kinda hard to get to when you don't drive.

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Wow! The complainers are in full effect I think the layout looks great. The one guy said he would have a Behemoth clone. Well, you can go almost anywhere and ride a B&M hyper that is similar. This ride is about speed and an out-of-control type feel. This is original and looks extremely fun. I think too many kids get caught up in the little coaster models that they draw on paper or make on the computer and don't realize that most of them are unrealistic.


Again, great job KD! Ignore the always unpleased people. I can't wait to ride next year.


I don't think it's that easy...you're forgetting that not all of us have the means to visit every single park on the planet & the nearest B&M hyper is some 3.5 hours away,which is kinda hard to get to when you don't drive.


Honestly, if I were you I'd be ecstatic that I had two AWESOME, world-class parks close by (KD and BGE). Not a lot of people live so close to parks like that, and have to make do with the small parks they do live by.

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I don't know why you would necessarily want this to be like MF. As its currently running you can get airtime off of maybe 2 of the 3 hills after the lift. This has the ride listed as having 6 instances of airtime and just because they aren't profiled to be the standard bunny hop airtime hill, doesn't mean they won't deliver. This should be going through the layout much quicker since the first drops are the same height and the second hill on this is 32' shorter and a lot sooner in the layout.


Don't get me wrong, I love MF, but if they built a clone of it or added a whole one or two bunny hills before or after that last overbank, I wouldn't be thrilled. I'd probably go because I needed the credit, but it would be on the same level as going to KBF and riding Boomerang despite the fact that I've been on the ride before. Not to say that a clone of MF wouldn't still be the best ride in the park, but it wouldn't be a different experience. Sure I'd love it if this ride was a few thousand feet longer and had a quarter mile of nothing but bunny hops, but this has a pretty good shot at being good.

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Folks, let's all take a deep breath and relax here for moment. KD has announced a major new attraction (not to mention a major investment) for 2010. I don't think any of us can really vote thumbs up or down based on a computer animation and set of stats for a ride that has just barely "gone vertical."


Time will tell. Personally, I'm looking forward Intimidator 305 next year--but I won't overly condemn or praise a ride I haven't experienced firsthand.

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I actually do really like the restraints for Perilous Plunge a lot, they're restraining, soft, and allow for a lot of freedom. If they do end up changing the restraints from what the animation shows (please don't kill me Robb!) I have a feeling it'll be like Tornado at Bakken and Insane which wouldnt be all too bad

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Probably something nit-picky, but I wonder if the trains will have eight cars or nine cars? Millennium Force and two Ride of Steels have nine, but one Ride of Steel has only eight.


Just curious, as it didn't say on the website.



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The ride looks like it is going to good, at the very least. My only worry is a lack of airtime. I know, I know, there are a few airtime hills in there, but no where near as many hills as the mega-lites (all of the turns on Kawasemi have air, Intimidator's have little elevation changes). I really don't care for speed turns (like El Toro), I want AIR.


Sure, it's a nit-picky, us coaster nerds just always want that perfect coaster!


One that for sure, the first drop will be RIDICULOUS!

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Reminder to everyone, talk about the restraints all you want but stop the debate whether they are Over The Shoulder Restraints are not. I'll post the picture again.


Until someone provides an official picture with restraints that do not go over the shoulder, the moderators will continue to delete posts questioning if these are OTSR or not. If you can't see the part of the restraint that goes over your shoulder you probably should be studying for an anatomy class to understand where your shoulder is instead of posting here.


Robb - Do the mods have permission to feed the offenders to the Bantron for 24 hours?


They are clearly parts of this restraint that connect from the laptop and up and over your shoulder.

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^There is no need to speculate anymore, the picture with the restraints was released by Kings Dominion.


Sure it is fine to speculate before a picture was released, but that is no longer the case. Until a different picture is released by the park or Intamin everyone should assume this is the restraint.


If anyone catches wind of something else or refuses to believe the picture we have the all encompassing Rumor Super Thread.

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Just a thought...being that these trains are supposed to be themed to Dale Earnhardt's car, wouldn't it have been cool if they were like the actual five-point heavy fabric restraints used in NASCAR cars?


Of course that won't happen. Guests would take forever getting them fastened.


Eric "hopes to see a big Intamin coaster out West someday" L.

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I think the ride looks great. It looks like it'll have more 'action' than MF. The only thing that seems kind of odd to me about it...and this isn't a complaint, merely an observation...is that aside from the huge drop, the layout looks like something I'd expect on a launched coaster. I wonder if that was ever considered at any point during the design process.

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I like to say one important thing about the OTSR debate that I haven't seen on here yet. This should put an end to it. Yesterday, the Intimidator 305 website said this.


Vehicles: 4 passenger open design with overhead lap-bars

(no over-the-shoulder harnesses


Today it was changed to this


Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bar with shoulder straps


So in this case, what you see is what you get. The train pics are correct.

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My opinion is this:


Better than MF..(if you check rcdb.com MF has a 300' drop.. so the drop is going to be the same height as i305.. i don't know if anyone else figured this out already..if so my bad for bringing this up again...)


As for the restraints, i think some sort of official has been reading these forum's and saw all the bitching people have been doing so they changed things up a bit..because they dont make wrong animations for no reason.. they pay alot of money for those animations.. i doubt the original plans were not just lap bar restraints. but i could be wrong..


In my eyes the ride its self will still be kick @$$... I'm definitely going to KD in 2010.

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In regards to the comment that the intense airtime hills on Maverick and Fahrenheit bruised the thighs... Uhh, wouldn't that happen with any style of lapbar - and not necessarily just from the Intamin OTSRs? I mean, both the Intamin harness/lapbars and regular lapbar-only restraints fall on the same area - the thighs. The extreme ejector air would probably have the same effect on the thighs with any type of restraint. It doesn't only happen with the OTSRs.


My only problem with the Intamin OTSRs is they bash my head pretty bad and it makes for an uncomfortable ride. I've tried them in the front, back, and it never fails. I'm only 5'7" so I know taller people won't have this problem, but unless Intamin suddenly found a way to make their transitions much smoother then I'm thinking it's going to be a head banger for me. Like someone else said, look what a difference it made once they removed from harnesses on FOF as far as ride improvement.


Other than that, I think it looks great and I think the layout is much improved over MF. I love the turn following the first drop and if this ride has low lighting at night then it could be insane.


yes, I hated Poltergeist until I rode it with lapbars,


as for this, if lots of people complain about shoulder restraints then would the complaining undo the other complaints, and have them remove them and add lapbars?


honestly the ride looks very wonderful to me as it is, the second airtime hill is significantly smaller than the first drop and it may produce tremendous ejector air?

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I am still in awe at this thread. There is no pleasing you! Like Goliath said, the coolest thing to hit denver ever is a boomerang and an slc! I love Millie and I love Maverick and I have no issue what so ever with the restraints. I love speed so I have no issue with it being a flatter layout. I love airtime and have no problem with there only being six airtime moments.


After seeing comments like the ones about saying "this ride is going to be terrible" it just makes me wonder how spoiled can you get? 25 million dollars on an intamin giga coaster and there isn't a single person on this site excited for it. Give me a break.


Who cares about what rides presently exist in Colorado? That has so little to do with the conversation and people's gripes with the ride its flabbergasting.


So in your opinion the ride should be good, in other people's opinion the ride should be less awesome then it could have been. w/e.



I'm not quite sure what you are complaining about? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and a lot of them just happen to not be super stoked about Intimidator305.


You're right. I'm all for everyone having an opinion, but how one presents an opinion really affects the statement, for better or worse.


You described the ride as 'absolutely terrible'.


What I would have said is something like this:

"I think it's great that Kings Dominion is investing all of this money into an Intamin giga coaster. However, the layout doesn't really impress me yet, but I'll see how it turns out - after I actually ride it."


By adusting the statement, the hostility is toned down and there will be less arguing about a coaster that is not built yet.


But if you have good things to say then feel free to use statements like... "WOW! THIS IS GOING TO BE LIKE THE BEST RIDE EVAR. I mean wow the first drop is like the best drop evar. I can't wait for next spring!"

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I'm still in shock that people are complaing over a giga. Sorry, did u want planet snoopy instead of a giga? Really there's even more complaining for this coaster then there was for Carolina Cobra, a used boomerang! And people are getting into bad attitudes in this thread. ^^ if someone wants to talk about coasters in Colarado they can.

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