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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Don't forget Sheikra's crew. I've seen 95-year-olds using walkers run a marathon faster than they can dispatch a train.


We do have a TPR member that is on Sheikra's crew! He's the best one their! He takes pride in his work! Those type of people that actually care about their jobs, are the people make parks so great to go to!

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^I guess he wasn't working any of the last 5 or 6 times I went. Being a long-time park employee myself, that crew probably aggravates me more than any other crew I've seen recently, especially given how fantastic the Griffon crew is. Dive machines aren't that tough to dispatch quickly, yet when they have only two trains on the track, the 2nd train is finished with its cycle and sitting on the brake run for long periods of time about 98% of the time. Easily the worst crew I've ever seen, and I've seen some BAD ones in my time (that includes most SF parks).

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Sheesh, did they hire Ed Hardy to make this garbage?



Yeah those ones are pretty gaudy.. I think the one I'm going to get is the brown one I took a pic of by itself. They had at least 3 or 4 other shirt designs too but I forgot to get pics of them all (the heat from the day totally zapped my energy). They also have plastic tumblers and water bottles. I wanted a little cheetah plush, but they were all sold out.

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Sheesh, did they hire Ed Hardy to make this garbage?



Yeah those ones are pretty gaudy.. I think the one I'm going to get is the brown one I took a pic of by itself. They had at least 3 or 4 other shirt designs too but I forgot to get pics of them all (the heat from the day totally zapped my energy). They also have plastic tumblers and water bottles. I wanted a little cheetah plush, but they were all sold out.


No Cheetah, but there is some cool stuff here.....



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I still have hopes that maybe a month before it opens we get an announcement that the real name will be Cheetaka,the t-shirts and advertisements are somewhat fading my hopes but I still believe it's possible.Maybe they came up with those horrible Ed Hardy looking t-shirts to eventually make them collectors items of the name that never was for this coaster.I know it's happened before as I remember seeing a t-shirt up for sale somewhere on the net of "Banshee" the original name of Mantis.

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I still have hopes that maybe a month before it opens we get an announcement that the real name will be Cheetaka... I know it's happened before as I remember seeing a t-shirt up for sale somewhere on the net of "Banshee" the original name of Mantis.


I actually have a "Banshee" t-shirt, so I can confirm that this is true. However, my gut (and those lavishly over-designed shirts) tell me that this name is a done deal. At least for the first season.

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Honestly, I just want a coaster t-shirt that is a simple solid color with the damn ride logo on it. Why is it that 99% of all coaster shirts are these gaudy, lavish designs that take up the entire front of the shirt? I want something that I can wear someplace other than a theme park and not feel like an uber dweeb.

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Honestly, I just want a coaster t-shirt that is a simple solid color with the damn ride logo on it. Why is it that 99% of all coaster shirts are these gaudy, lavish designs that take up the entire front of the shirt? I want something that I can wear someplace other than a theme park and not feel like an uber dweeb.


LOL!!! Its funny because it is true. I agree. I want simple t-shirt that looks cool with the logo. Maybe a t-shirt with a sports coat that I can wear into a club. If that ever happened, I would be it. But I also like simple t-shirts since that is what I wear most of the time.

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If I saw someone in a night club trying to "fashionize" a coaster/theme park shirt Im sorry im gonna have to laugh! While I do have my fair share of coaster shirts I just wear them around the house or just keep them for memory sakes.

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If I saw someone in a night club trying to "fashionize" a coaster/theme park shirt Im sorry im gonna have to laugh! While I do have my fair share of coaster shirts I just wear them around the house or just keep them for memory sakes.


Not me, I proudly sport my coaster gear like a true geek!!!! LMAO

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Who doesn't like cheetah cubs and yellow lab puppies? I mean really - this is the cutest thing in the world!

Five photos on BGT's Facebook!


Eventually, the pair will live together and even travel together, helping the park’s education team teaching the public about the plight of cheetahs in the wild and the importance of Busch Gardens’ conservation efforts.

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