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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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While testing the second launch they will probably be very careful not to shoot it all the way into the tower. That would be a real pain to drag it back from the MCBR. .


AAAAAAAAaaaannnnd, incorrect. There is a video from r c pro that shows that it's made it to the MCBR already! I can't post the link to the site b/c of some dispute here, but it's on r c pro and on Busch Garden's Facebook

Edited by jjune4991
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While testing the second launch they will probably be very careful not to shoot it all the way into the tower. That would be a real pain to drag it back from the MCBR. .


AAAAAAAAaaaannnnd, incorrect. There is a video from r c pro that shows that it's made it to the MCBR already! Here's the facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollercoasteregomaniacs.com%2Fupdates%2Fbgt4.19.11%2Fch2ndtesting.wmv&h=f83da


The link didn't work, so I tried to do what you did and guess what? I'm thinking it may be blocked, I honestly don't know. It put the same link in as yours which does not work. For what ever bizarre reason, I can't even get a link to paste in for that sites homepage and correctly work.


The video is there, on RC Pro's home page, in Hi Def and a smaller quality. Untill I figure out what's going on, you'll have to navigate there on your own. Thanks dragonskeep for the sweet video and heads up! Peace, KC

Edited by KCForce
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It seems to me that the Intamin seats of late have been much more forgiving to larger riders and B&M's seats have gotten tighter. I'm not sure if it's the deepness or just the restraints. Intimidator 305 easily can fit some pretty large guests.

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While testing the second launch they will probably be very careful not to shoot it all the way into the tower. That would be a real pain to drag it back from the MCBR. .


AAAAAAAAaaaannnnd, incorrect. There is a video from r c pro that shows that it's made it to the MCBR already! Here's the facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollercoasteregomaniacs.com%2Fupdates%2Fbgt4.19.11%2Fch2ndtesting.wmv&h=f83da


Um, dead link.

Just look around r c pro...you'll find pics and a video

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I will possible be going back to BG this Friday or Saturday. If it's still actively testing, I will try my best to get another video, maybe a full off-ride video of the entire layout. I'll try my best. If anything I'll have photos.

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I will be at BGT about 3 hours from now... if Cheetah Hunt is testing, I will try to get a video (if my camera battery decides to behave...) The video feature was working beautiful for the Zip Line adventure (which was AWESOME!) yesterday at "Forever Florida" (in St.Cloud)... lets see if the battery (its tempermental you see) holds up just as well at BGT...

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Hmmm. May this be a race to receive the best video.



Just say'in. I personally hope that they didn't launch the train full speed up the hill. I don't like how slow the train was around the rest of the track until it the MCBR. And if it isn't. Holy shit airtime over the crest to the tower.

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