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Thorpe Park Discussion Thread

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As long as the ride is good and well themed its fine. Just one indicator to show that Thorpe isn't that keen to return to family attractions as shown on the MTDP. I just hope they have a backup plan for the ride name when the franchise dies.

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Has it even been confirmed that there will be an age restriction?


Obviously the ride will have a strong horror theme, but so do the London Dungeons, and Madame Tussauds Chamber of Horrors. I think PART of the Chamber has an age restriction of 12, however the Dungeon does not have an age restriction at all except stating the child must be accompanied by an adult, therefore its at the adults discretion. This leads me to think there is no legal reason kids aren't allowed in there.


Yeah, they wouldn't be able to impliment an age restriction effectively. I assume they'd just say it's not suitible for those under 12 and let the parents decide...

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Wow, basing the ride off Saw V wasn't what I thought they would do! I thought they were going to come up with an original storyline, like Mystery Mine, where the sawmill is a hideout for a serial killer (Dylan), and the ride reenacts a murder that took place on Friday the 13th, or something like that.


Having said that, there still are five more videos that will be released on the web site that should hopefully tie it all together, such as who Dylan is, why the number 13 is important, etc.


And the first drop is 100 degrees instead of 97? I bet Oakwood and Hersheypark are pissed, 3 degrees steeper than Fahrenheit and Speed.


Whether or not the park decides to try to impose the age restriction, is up to them, but I'd bet my computer that if it doesn't have the age restriction and the horror level is not toned down at all from the movie (like with Jaws and Revenge of the Mummy), I'll see at least one crying 10 year old on the exit ramp when I go back to England and ride it...


Feeling too scared? There's always Mystery Mine.

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Not a fan of the movie series, but I always thought it would be a cool theme for a coaster.


Ironically though, now that it is really happening, I'm having second thoughts...


While interesting at first, I see this getting old quickly. (Considering it has a very limited target audience, and the movies are just a fad.) I know that TDK is similar, but Batman has always been popular for all ages. These latest horror movies, on the other hand, are too scary for younger kids, and the ride will be much more intense than a Wild Mouse.


I guess we will just have to see how this turns out, but besides some of us here, and die-hard Saw fans, I see this flopping (with the current theme, at least) from low ridership...

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OMG Im a huge saw fan just like Zenith so I cant wait. I really enjoy all the movies and think this is the most terribly awesome ride theme ever. There are gonna be so many kids who are tall enough to ride but whose parents wont let them. My dad thinks friday the thirteenth is one of the goriest movies ever made so when we go to Thorpe my Dad is gonna hate this. I cant wait for my dad to hate me love this movie.

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Never seen any of the Saw films but I was at Thorpe Yesterday and it really does look good. At first I was disappointed to hear it was a Eurofighter but seeing it built and knowing its going to be well themed, i'm starting to look foward to it!


Sorry for double post..... Teaches me not to double click in future


ADMIN EDIT: If you double post, please delete one of them to save the forum moderators a job, thanks.

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This will definately be on my hitlist for 2009. I'll be going to Thorpe Park on after halloween so I will be posting construction pictures on here. I reckon Thorpe Park didn't really need another new ride though because they already have Stealth. Then again this looks prettey cool with a Saw theme and a 97 degree drop. I went on the other Eurofighter in the uk at Adventure Island and it was really fun. Not thrilling but fun, it looks like Thorpe Park are going all out for the theming on this one, even if it is a ride named after a movie, which I hate. There are loads of *Random movie name here* the ride rides out there and it's a bit, well, unimaginative.




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^100 degrees, not some measly 97...


I have been intrigued by the Saw franchise, but only for the concepts and basic plots, not the actual movies themselves. Therefore, I can't say I'm all that excited about the theming. I applaud Thorpe for taking a risk; I'm just not a fan of the result. But after the station and first bit, I would imagine this thing is like any other Eurofighter. So I guess I'll just close my eyes and sing loudly in those dark areas so I don't get scared.


As soon as I can convince my family to go to London, that is.

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No there's nothing concrete yet, it is all just rumour from TowersTimes.co.uk but IMO its fairly likely to be true, especially since the Corkscrew is going in November.


'So 2009 isn't the best year again for the Thrill Seeker, but in 2010 there will be a major installation in Ug Land. This installation is said to have the codename 'Secret Weapon 6', or 'SW6'. Enthusiasts may get excited at the sound of that, as Nemesis was built under the codename SW3, Oblivion SW4 and Air SW5'


It may turn out to be a family attraction, but I'm personally hoping for something a little better than that. They also report that the groundwork is due to start next year, meaning about 18 months of construction start to finish.


In the meantime we can look forward (or otherwise) to Saw.

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Has it even been confirmed that there will be an age restriction?


Obviously the ride will have a strong horror theme, but so do the London Dungeons, and Madame Tussauds Chamber of Horrors. I think PART of the Chamber has an age restriction of 12, however the Dungeon does not have an age restriction at all except stating the child must be accompanied by an adult, therefore its at the adults discretion. This leads me to think there is no legal reason kids aren't allowed in there.


Yeah, they wouldn't be able to impliment an age restriction effectively. I assume they'd just say it's not suitible for those under 12 and let the parents decide...


I imagine if the theme had anything to do with losing body parts and the like, this might come with the usual safety warnings plus "scenes of a dristressing nature" warning.


In some respects it's an odd choice for a theme, because the Eurofighter really opens up a new market for them because of it's low minimum height restriction. But Thorpe must be happy with keeping Chessington as the park they aim at families, and are doing good business from their current clientele, hence the ride keeping with the park's current raison d'etre of scares, thrills and adrenaline.

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Just an update from the official site confiming what should (hopefully) be some good themeing for the queue line, and also saying of some of the original props from the movies will be used.


Attention to detail will be obvious throughout SAW - The Ride, and the creative team are working very hard on bringing the film to life through theming, including queue line experience which will help guests immerse themselves into the story and build up their apprehension and excitement. We have worked very closely with Lionsgate to ensure we capture the essence of the films, but without distracting from the ride. Lionsgate are fully behind the project and avid fans may even recognise a few original props from the films.
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^Sounds like they're really going out of their way to make this THE 2009 attraction. It's certainly hooked me. I've never been on a 'greater than vertical' coaster - heck, I didn't even know one existed before finding out about this ride & reading this thread! I'm from England, but live in Czech Republic (no theme parks here ), but will be sure to make the trip to try it out, along with the other coasters there!

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Just an update from the official site confiming what should (hopefully) be some good themeing for the queue line, and also saying of some of the original props from the movies will be used.


Attention to detail will be obvious throughout SAW - The Ride, and the creative team are working very hard on bringing the film to life through theming, including queue line experience which will help guests immerse themselves into the story and build up their apprehension and excitement. We have worked very closely with Lionsgate to ensure we capture the essence of the films, but without distracting from the ride. Lionsgate are fully behind the project and avid fans may even recognise a few original props from the films.


Sounds like the queue should be fantastic! Hope they make it very scary and atmospheric, or it'll be a wasted opportunity.


Colossus was down for maintenance the 1 time I've visited TP, so I'm looking forward to making the trip down sometime next year. Will probably check out Chessington as well as I've never been there.

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