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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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Mega hype achieved. It looks incredible and I'm so excited BGW is getting this coaster. Can't wait to visit again next year!


Does anyone else love that we're still hearing the Roller Coaster Tycoon stock-screams in theme park/roller coaster promotion videos in 2019?

Edited by PKI Jizzman
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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.



Edited by Haymaker
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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.


You forgot Top Thrill Dragster... ya know, the first launched Intamin


A) Who cares?


B) No he didn't.

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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.


You forgot Top Thrill Dragster... ya know, the first launched Intamin


A) Who cares?


B) No he didn't.


I think it's a sh*tpost because TTD was not the first, it was Xcelerator. Or maybe it was just an attempt at a weird coaster nerd flex.

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There were a lot of large-scale Intamins built between 99-2012 (the three Superman megas, the various impulses, Millennium, California Screamin', Xcelerator, Dragster, Storm Runner, Kingda Ka, Toro, Maverick, Fahrenheit, I305, Cheetah Hunt) and then we had a bit of a drought after Skyrush, at least in comparison to the years prior. The only large® scale Intamins in the US since 2012 have been Gringotts, Hagrid and Wave Breaker. It's really nice to see them back in the game with something like this (and whatever is happening with Universal, Seaworld, and I'm hearing Holiday World too?).

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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.


You forgot Top Thrill Dragster... ya know, the first launched Intamin


A) Who cares?


B) No he didn't.


Well shit, I am getting old

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There were a lot of large-scale Intamins built between 99-2012 (the three Superman megas, the various impulses, Millennium, California Screamin', Xcelerator, Dragster, Storm Runner, Kingda Ka, Toro, Maverick, Fahrenheit, I305, Cheetah Hunt) and then we had a bit of a drought after Skyrush, at least in comparison to the years prior. The only large® scale Intamins in the US since 2012 have been Gringotts, Hagrid and Wave Breaker. It's really nice to see them back in the game with something like this (and whatever is happening with Universal, Seaworld, and I'm hearing Holiday World too?).

USO is definitely getting an Intamin multi-launch (track is already on site) and it's presumably going to be on the level of this and/or Taron, but I believe the rumor was the SWO ride is supposed to be coming from Premier? Either company makes sense given Seaworld's recent involvement with both, but the scale of the Seaworld ride makes the Premier rumor more believable to me. Oddly enough, looking at this ride now and back to the rumored SWO layout, the SWO ride looks a lot like a scaled-down version of this.


But it does feel like SWO has added a considerable amount of the new multi-launchers that have come to the US in the last decade. I love how they're kind of stuck in this phase with all their parks:




I really like the name (isn't that a rarity these days?), and I'm actually happy that the Madrid villa rumor doesn't seem to be coming true. That whole San Marco/Italy/Fiesta Italia area mushes together thematically as is (I didn't notice during my visit that they were supposed to be seperate themed areas) and I feel that adding a Spain section would have been too much going on without enough contrast. Extending the those sections instead is a nice welcome.


It's hard to believe that this park can get any better but they keep on doing it. I love them.

I've come to believe "getting worse" isn't in their vocabulary.

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1) This looks amazing.


2) Now, I'd HATE to continue the pointless banter of Intamins launched history spoken above but if were really to set the record straight - Xcelerator was the first hydraulic launcher by them. With the Superman and Tower of Terror rides (1997) being their first launched in general (LSM)


3) This looks amazing. Love the theme too...

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I am super excited about Pantheon, and cannot wait to get back out to BGW to check it out with my kids! BGW is easily one of my 5 favorite parks, and I haven't been there in 17 years, 18 by next season! It was so good back then, and has only gotten better, so I am absolutely stoked for finally getting back out there, and it will be my #1 priority trip, alongside taking to the kids to their first Holiwood Nights, and our regular visit to Kings Island!


My only question, for those who have delved further into the leaked details than I, is how accurate the POV layout that is commonly floating around out there (the one with blue track and whitish-grey supports), is to what we can tell from what the park announced today. The lack of a POV with the announcement was a little surprising, but I wondered if the leaked layout was so spot on that they didn't feel a pressure to release an official one of their own yet. Specifically, I'm wondering if the two inversions (not their existence, which IS confirmed), and what they are, have been confirmed by this park announcement. That stall element is really awesome looking, and I hope it's on the actual coaster!


Not sure if this'll be the best 2020 coaster or not, since their sister park may very well get that honor with RMC Gwazi, but it's likely the best new coaster I'll be able to ride next year (my next Florida trip is 2021), so I'm super pumped! KIGA (my pet name for it until we are told otherwise!) is sure to be awesome, and whatever Holiday World is doing will be amazing as well, I'm sure! But Pantheon is definitely in the - wait for it - pantheon of 2020 coaster additions, and will be very much in contention for best new coaster of the year, I'm sure! Well done once again, BGW! To echo Bill's sentiments, I love this park (and the SEAS parks in general!)

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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.


You forgot Top Thrill Dragster... ya know, the first launched Intamin


A) Who cares?


B) No he didn't.


Not to beat a dead horse, but what I meant to say was "the US is finally getting a major Intamin coaster in recent years, since the last major one built in the states was Skyrush 7 years ago, and the last major *launched* coaster from them built here was Cheetah Hunt 8 years ago."


TLDR; it has been a longa$$ time since we've seen a major Intamin coaster of this caliber come to the states and I am very excited.


But I digress. This ride looks awesome. I've never been to BGW, and this coaster makes the park even MORE on my radar than it already was.

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Lots of complaining about the live feed around the internet, but whatever.

Coaster enthusiasts will ALWAYS single out at least one thing to cry about. I suppose this is the best case scenario. Maybe there will be less people upset that it's not a RMC creation.

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Ok, now THIS is going to be awesome! It's really stacked Festa as the best parts of the park now too! Plus, having AC, Tempesto, and Pantheon so close should help diffuse the crowds and make wait times all around slightly shorter! I also LOVE that it goes down to the Rhine River, adding to the collection of coasters that do so! I well timed train ride could potentially give you FIVE coaster trains syncing up at once!!! That's nuts!!!


I will be interested to see how the entry pavilion interacts with the service road. The leaked plans made that area a little dubious, but I'm positive Busch will have something great up their sleeves in that regards. They always do!


The only potentially negative question I have (which I'm certain was addressed and being accommodated for) is the grazing pastures for the Clydesdale in that area. It was nice having a quiet, non-lit area for them to enjoy some R&R where the guests could still see, but also they weren't disturbed. Anyone know if they're marking out a new grazing area for them elsewhere in the park?

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I like the name, too--much better than, say "RomanGods-amonium," or something else along those lines. And if it's as much fun as Cheetah Hunt, I'll be quite pleased.

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