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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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In response to the post about B&M sucking, there is some substance to that. I don't think they suck, but there are plenty of people who find inversions to not be fun, but sickening. Sometimes on B&Ms I get the most disoriented becase the smoothness doesn't register in my brain as going upside down (weird) so . . . I actually like that.


And I wish I went to BGA to ride Sheikra but no I had to go to Disneyworld Anyways,


Griffon, yay!

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This is just a guess but I'm thinking Griffon's layout is gonna be the same as SheiKra's just 10 feet taller.


I am thinking something similar to Sheikra, maybe it will have a dive loop instead of an immelman, and maybe a flat spin. Otherwise I would think that the ride will have about the same type of ride as Sheikra anyway couple more days and we will all know. Should be a fun ride none the less.

I know I will go and ride it.



My guess is it will have an inversion as well. From the teaser, you can see a a brake in the same spot as the one SheiKra has. So I'm putting my money on the SheiKra layout.

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I think the cool (not opinion, temp wise) colors will fit the area nicely with Alpy having the white and green. Warm bright colors would definatelty clash.


I also happen to like the slightly tealish blue, and just how Montu represents a hot setting and Alpy a cold... they do it once again with SheiKra and Griffon.

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I dont think that BGE palnned to have the coaster unveiled right at the stroke of 1:00am on August 3rd. Theres probably gonna be a press release sometime today, then everyone invited is going to get on their computers and inform the world. I honestly dont expect to know anything until this evening.


But hey, I could be wrong

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And I wish I went to BGA to ride Sheikra but no I had to go to Disneyworld


Only in the coaster world will you find someone complaining about going to Disney.


I don't know if someone said this already, but Busch Gardens has changed the first two pages of the site (Pick a park, 100 miles).

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