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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I doubt that Busch would create a roller coaster that would take away the hype from Sheirka.

Right now they are really hyping up the fact that Sheikra is "America's only Dive Coaster". Why would they take this record from themselves?

Ah whatever, I just really don't want this to be a dive machine... I want Sheikra to be the best coaster for just a little longer.

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^ Sheikra will be a couple years old already. The amusement park industry is such that they're used to records and "one of a kind" experiences falling by the next season.

Besides, Sheikra isn't really the best coaster out there. It was a huge step up for dive machines, but I'd like to see Busch take the concept even further.

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I doubt that Busch would create a roller coaster that would take away the hype from Sheirka.

Right now they are really hyping up the fact that Sheikra is "America's only Dive Coaster". Why would they take this record from themselves?


What's wrong with saying "now we have the only two dive machines in North America?" And I agree with Wes.... I'd like to see 'em use the terrain to expand on a proven winner.

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Construction Report - July 11, 2006.


Headed up to the park for a couple hours this evening and got a few shots of the construction area. LeMans hasn't even been closed for a week, and they've already ripped out several trees and torn the track apart. The skyride looks to be the best place to get shots of the general construction area, so I plan on taking a spin on that every time I go back. I heard a rumor the skyride will be closing once construction gets more underway, which makes sense, but I don't know how accurate that information is.


On a side note, does anybody know why they installed gates on every exit on/off ramp down 64 between Richmond and Williamsburg??? I've never seen anything like this...


next to Alpengeist's turn into the MCBR.


flyover shot of the poor LeMans station... so many memories....


It looks like they pulled those trees right out of the ground and gently stacked them next to each other


Looking toward LeMans ride area - taken from the Skyride Q-Line


it's a sign.


ONLY Busch Gardens will landscape a construction privacy fence... but I'm still tall enough to get my camera over the top


The Garage


This looks like the entry point for construction equipment


Station almost looks pretty normal except for that gate in the middle of the exit.


Trees that might not be around much longer... we'll see


These double gates have been installed on every on/off ramp down 64

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They must've torn those trees out on Monday; I was there on Sunday and they hadn't started anything, as far as I could tell.


Not sure what the story is regarding the gates on the ramps unless it has something to do with running all the lanes on I-64 west in the event of a hurricane evacuation (just a guess, though).

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Thanks for the update...I really love Shakira so I'm curious to see how this one turns out!

:o Elissa! I thought you loved Robb!



They'd better add one of those cool splashdown sections to the ride... otherwise I'll cry.

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So many conflicting emotions-


I can still remember going to BG:TOC and riding Le Mans as a very young child-

Going to BGW and getting hammered at the wine bar next to Le Mans and trying to drive (NOT EASY; REMEMBER KIDS DON'T DRINK AND RIDE!)

Goint to BGE and taking my last ride there last year on Le Mans.


On the other hand-

Three Beemers. One Park. A very rare title to hold indeed.

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So many conflicting emotions-


I can still remember going to BG:TOC and riding Le Mans as a very young child-

Going to BGW and getting hammered at the wine bar next to Le Mans and trying to drive (NOT EASY; REMEMBER KIDS DON'T DRINK AND RIDE!)

Goint to BGE and taking my last ride there last year on Le Mans.


On the other hand-

Three Beemers. One Park. A very rare title to hold indeed.

I can think of quite a few parks that have that.

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Six Flags Great America

Six Flags over Georgia (Which has 4 B&Ms)


Islands of Adventure.

Busch Gardens Tampa (which happens to be located in Florida, not Africa )


Even Alton Towers has 3 B&Ms!

I'm sure there are more that i haven't mentioned.

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I can think of quite a few parks that have that.

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Six Flags Great America

Six Flags over Georgia (Which has 4 B&Ms)


Islands of Adventure.

Busch Gardens Tampa (which happens to be located in Florida, not Africa )


Even Alton Towers has 3 B&Ms!

I'm sure there are more that i haven't mentioned.


I agree- but it's not like every park in the US has Beemers-O'-Plenty-

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PGA-this coaster is rumored to have wider, floorless trains so that would mix it up a bit, but they are just rumors. SheiKra broke into my top 10 last year so if this is a dive machine I'll be very grateful, especially one with a unique layout.

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