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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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That looks amazing. Looks like it'll gather some real nice airtime on some of those hills I'm really looking forward to most likely riding this ride this year! Should be my 4th or 5th RMC by then


I'm also jealous that this RMC is already testing. Joker still isn't finished constructing and I was hoping to ride it before I move At least I'll be able to ride this!

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Will one even be able to ride it at night? Given that sunset is already after 8:00 PM, I don't think Kentucky Kingdom is ever open late enough for there to be night rides outside of the State Fair.



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On Fri/Sat starting may 28th the park is open till 9pm.

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Will one even be able to ride it at night? Given that sunset is already after 8:00 PM, I don't think Kentucky Kingdom is ever open late enough for there to be night rides outside of the State Fair.



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On Fri/Sat starting may 28th the park is open till 9pm.

Don't forget the Kentucky State Fair when the park's open until 10pm or 11pm.

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Outside of the State Fair, the best chances for a night ride in late August and the first Saturday in September. On May 28th sunset is at 8:58 PM, and it doesn't set before 8:30 PM until August 20.



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It may have something to do with the types of crowds that roll in to free attractions when the sun goes down. Even our local carnivals turn into sh** holes when the sun goes down. Thug wars for sure.

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It may have something to do with the types of crowds that roll in to free attractions when the sun goes down. Even our local carnivals turn into sh** holes when the sun goes down. Thug wars for sure.


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Apologies if this has already been posted, but I just saw it now on their webpage. Such an incredible promotion for this summer!





Offer valid thru August 8, 2016. Bring proof of out-of-state residency and receive admission for $29.95 with the following day free. Free Drinks included both days.

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It may have something to do with the types of crowds that roll in to free attractions when the sun goes down. Even our local carnivals turn into sh** holes when the sun goes down. Thug wars for sure.


Poor Michael Brown. He was such ha great American citizen.

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but I just saw it now on their webpage. Such an incredible promotion for this summer!





Offer valid thru August 8, 2016. Bring proof of out-of-state residency and receive admission for $29.95 with the following day free. Free Drinks included both days.


I was excited, until I saw they changed their hours the day I was coming so now it is a school day with no public admission. E-mailed so hopefully something will happen.

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but I just saw it now on their webpage. Such an incredible promotion for this summer!





Offer valid thru August 8, 2016. Bring proof of out-of-state residency and receive admission for $29.95 with the following day free. Free Drinks included both days.


This promo got me planning a trip! $15 per day? Can't really beat that!

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That's a great promo for sure but does it seem to anyone else like they are "begging" for people to come with these promotions (maybe not that drastic but it get's the point across best). Also season passes were supposed to go up months ago and they are still the same. It just gives me an uneasy feeling. I will be all over the park this year though, doing my part to keep the dream alive!

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Offer valid thru August 8, 2016. Bring proof of out-of-state residency and receive admission for $29.95 with the following day free. Free Drinks included both days.

Nice! I'm planning to be there in May.


I'm pretty sure the UK will count as "out-of-state". What type of proof of residency should I bring?

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Offer valid thru August 8, 2016. Bring proof of out-of-state residency and receive admission for $29.95 with the following day free. Free Drinks included both days.

Nice! I'm planning to be there in May.


I'm pretty sure the UK will count as "out-of-state". What type of proof of residency should I bring?


I am going to be there from the UK on August 8th, just in time! I would have thought a passport or driving licence will do the trick. Just your accent will probably be enough though haha.

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That's a great promo for sure but does it seem to anyone else like they are "begging" for people to come with these promotions (maybe not that drastic but it get's the point across best). Also season passes were supposed to go up months ago and they are still the same. It just gives me an uneasy feeling. I will be all over the park this year though, doing my part to keep the dream alive!


It does seem a little early for a contingency offer. With a new marquee attraction you would bank on demand being sufficient to not have to discount.


That being said, with it being fenced to out of state residents only I have to imagine the risk is pretty minimal. What % of their guests are coming from out of state? 10%-15%? Maybe? Second day free offers provide great perceived value as a guest but the cost to the park is basically zero. The park was going to operate anyways and any money spent (parking) is basically all contribution margin. The cost of soda is insanely low, and would imagine the hurdle rate would be pretty low to cover this freebie.

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The park's agreement with the state for some of their tax incentives requires them to pull a certain percentage from out of state. I think it's 25%. They did this same deal last year as a way to boost that number. It was marketed to Indiana and Tennessee at the time.

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