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  1. Agreed it's pretty short but for the location and the park, reasonable. For those wondering what it looks like from in town here you go.
  2. Defiance has officially opened with the grand opening here on July 9th. Trains look super spiffy. Full article below. Side note there is a lot more coming with the project. https://www.9news.com/amp/article/life/style/colorado-guide/roller-coaster-glenwood/73-4138d00d-967e-4d2b-883d-bb962dfbb859
  3. The enclosure is pretty much full now. Can't confirm is pieces are going up to but trucks are still coming. Edit: There's a crane up top so vertical construction has begun.
  4. In somewhat less depressing news, track pieces are starting to arrive for the new coaster. Took a quick pic as I had to meet someone at the hotel next door.
  5. Having done this trip in reverse (outside of Kentucky Kingdom) I'd strongly recommend staying on the west/northwest side of Louisville. Not only do you get two nights in the same hotel, but the time change is much simpler as you can kinda pretend to stay on Eastern Time.
  6. I saw that and was like, "Uhhhhh, you know the world we're living in right?" Ya, it is going to be a nightmare to say the least.
  7. I'd recommend reading the report too JJLehto: https://cdle.colorado.gov/press-releases/media-advisory-division-of-oil-and-public-safety-releases-report-of-findings-on Fascinating dive into exactly what happened. Very clear cut with no technical stuff. Anyway, the ruling isn't surprising, they took it the wrong way. I understand they want to go for the big one but it isn't always worth it. I'll be curious if they come back with something else though as they should.
  8. You do it either on the app under "My Six Flags" or you can do it through the pass holder site at sixflags.com/member. For Over Texas here are the upgrade prices: Plat: $20 Diamond: $70 Elite: $140
  9. Good news, after you activate the pass, you can then upgrade it to any tier still at flat rate.
  10. Just as an additional note here even though they are calling it a season pass in reality you are just paying for a year of membership which of course is more then fine. So you will get all the perks of a membership and get a membership card. So best of both worlds here.
  11. Yes, we have been discussing this in the Six Flags Corporate thread on and off since August. They have finally done an about face and at least until next week you will get "upgraded" to a Gold Plus Season Pass which is the same as the membership which brings back the original season pass benefits. https://www.sixflags.com/stlouis/store/tickets
  12. Good to see they finally came to their senses, guess those pass sales were low. I'm in Dallas till Tuesday so I'll be heading out there this weekend.
  13. Yep, got another renewal offer. Either pass sales are falling flat or it is just something they do if you don't renew. Always have renewed via Labor Day so haven't been this late before. Me and you Bert are holding out for the same hope of multi-park.
  14. Would highly encourage some of the more recent posters to go back and read the full report I linked to. I'm not saying the park is cleared of all responsibility but the report makes it extremely clear that nearly all the fault lies within the operators. Contributing parties include BOTH the park and the manufacturer more or less due to improper documentation. If the first opetator had done their job correctly like they were told to by the park, this would have not happened, period. So get a grip and read the report then come back and we can have a discussion, I'm all for it.
  15. Sooooo, the Post Independent article was updated and is now painting a slightly different picture. I hate that news first mentality, get it out quick and fix it later. Anyway, at this point I'm going to get my hands on the actual report and see what they are really saying. Edit: Here is the link: https://cdle.colorado.gov/press-releases/media-advisory-division-of-oil-and-public-safety-releases-report-of-findings-on
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