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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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So I just saw a Maxx Force construction update on SFGAmWorld and the coaster is close to being finished. The forth inversion seems to be the last part of the track work and it sounds like that should be done tomorrow.

I think were looking at a first or second weekend in June opening. I’m actually not going to count out a Memorial Day weekend opening either but that’s very slim at this point.

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yeah I know, they were next to each other when I clicked on the threads on my phone in my stupor this morning.


I've been to SFGAm. Good park. Raging Bull is criminally underrated and Whizzer is a beautiful ride (RIP Zambezi Zinger).

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Years ago I would have never imagined we would be building coasters that start braking at 90 (or more?) degrees and waste such fun-looking moments... not to mention potential of a 2nd half. Sighs... at least they will have a new record, which is very important to six flags. There were some construction pics posted from Sky Trek tower and it looks like Six Flags still enjoys building their standard longest possible walk back to the midway exit. Gotta keep them guests busy!


I'm sure it will be fun though. I'm mostly eager for Whizzer to re-open!

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To all you complaining... it's something. It's a kickass launch and many other elements to follow. Once we see it start to test we'll probably love it. Would you rather have it just go up and down like Kingda Ka or Dragster?

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Honestly, it's hard to understand why the park would put SO MUCH MONEY into a new coaster then cut the circuit short when they could easily make this another 1000 feet long with an airtime hill and helix and be on par with Cedar Fair's newer attractions. I felt the same way about Fulll Throttle at SFMM. Six Flags' newer attractions just seem to be cut a bit shorter, and I think it affects the overall experience.


That time you could be doing just *a little bit more* you're sitting on a brake run in the sun waiting for the 2nd train to dispatch.

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Honestly, it's hard to understand why the park would put SO MUCH MONEY into a new coaster then cut the circuit short when they could easily make this another 1000 feet long with an airtime hill and helix and be on par with Cedar Fair's newer attractions. I felt the same way about Fulll Throttle at SFMM. Six Flags' newer attractions just seem to be cut a bit shorter, and I think it affects the overall experience.


That time you could be doing just *a little bit more* you're sitting on a brake run in the sun waiting for the 2nd train to dispatch.

Half coasters still bring in crowds at half the cost

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they could easily make this another 1000 feet long with an airtime hill and helix and be on par with Cedar Fair's newer attractions.

Money doesn't always come easy.



Take it for what it's worth, but these shorter length roller coasters allow for all parks to receive new additions under Six Flags' current budget.

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I'm just excited to see Six Flags build unique, custom, ground-up roller coasters this year (WCR and Maxx Force) after several years of cookie-cutter Joker clones, Justice Leagues, and Giant Discoveries with a couple RMCs thrown in the mix.


Sure it's short, but it boasts an intense launch and FIVE inversions in such a short amount of track. This does way more with it's track length than Full Throttle does, in my opinion.

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Also I'm obviously not an expert on this, but I suspect that adding significant additional length to Maxx Force may not be as inexpensive as you make it out to be.

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