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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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A-holes gonna be a-holes anywhere, it has nothing to do with Six Flags.

I respectfully disagree. So much SF does seems geared to a more badass-acting crowd.


Your location says Chicago; I can guarantee the city is more dangerous than the park.

Chicago has dangerous neighborhoods, but not the whole city.


More power to you for going to other parks. When I was there in 2017, I found SFGAm quite charming compared to my local SF parks (SFA and SFGAdv)

Couldn't agree more. My friends and I are always like "well, even though our home park is a SF, at least it's Great America!"


and thoroughly enjoyed more than just Whizzer.

There are a lot of rides to enjoy, yes. The whole experience just sucks for me anymore. It's kind of sad to me as I've been going to this park since I was a little guy in the early 80s.

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I love this park a lot, but to see this place going downhill really upsets me. I know we have been extremely lucky to get rides like Goliath and Maxx Force the last couple of years, but this place is kind of losing the charm it originally had.


This situation is a GIANT (Drop) problem with our park. I would gladly take a (X) FLIGHT to some other park to avoid myself RAGING (Bull). We need JUSTICE (League) for this park and return its old charm.



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^Charm is nice, I would be happy with a tight operation and more care put into the guest experience (see Cedar Fair, Holiday World... and a slew of smaller parks). Six Flags parks always seem very 'fend for yourself.' Very user UN-friendly.

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Does anybody know why there was an explosion like sound when Maxx Force tested. It could be heard all the way from the Mardi Gras section.


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That’s the sound the air compressors make. Unfortunately there’s no way around it. This is the first time we’re seeing this in North America so unless anyone’s been over seas and ridden any of their other launches coasters you’ve never really heard it before. But it’s the same as their towers and swing rides, but this is so much more intense so it’s much louder


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Buzzsaw Falls, the Premier coaster, did not have a launch. The launch was entirely S&S's work. It is also the exact same technology that is being used on MaxxForce, so no, the assertion that this is a first of its kind in North America is just wrong. It's literally been in the next state over for a decade and a half.

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^ Alright understood even though I knew that already.

Now that that’s over with here’s a TR from yesterday that I meant to post last night but forgot


So I decided to visit the park yesterday with a friend since I had a bonus BAFF offer. Now I knew the park was going to be busy and sure enough it was. Lucky that didn’t stop us from riding most of the coasters and rides. Goliath, X-Flight and V2 had too long of a line so we didn’t get to ride them as well as the Dark Knight. Joker was closed most of the day as was one of Log flumes(the arrow flume). We were also lucky enough to see Maxx Force test run while riding STT early in the day. It’s still going to be a while before it opens though but it’s just great to see it test run. I’m not sure when I’ll be back to the park but I’d like to to be after Maxx Force opens.

Here are our ride totals

STT: 1x

Whizzer: 1x

Demon: 1x

Lobster: 1x

Triple Play: 1x

Viper: 1x

Giant Drop: 1x

Justice League: 1x

American Eagle: 2x both sides were actually open but not racing. This was the first time in years I’ve seen both dudes open st the same time.

Revolution: 1x

Raging Bull: 1x

Ricochet: 1x

Yankee Clipper: 1x

Batman the Ride: 1x

Roaring Rapids: 1x

Condor: 1x

Superman: 1x

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Buzzsaw Falls, the Premier coaster, did not have a launch. The launch was entirely S&S's work. It is also the exact same technology that is being used on MaxxForce, so no, the assertion that this is a first of its kind in North America is just wrong. It's literally been in the next state over for a decade and a half.


We get it, you have the biggest d*ck in the room because you keep track of different ride technologies. Aren’t you one of the guys on here that constantly berates “enthusiasts” that nerd out about random stuff? The pot shouldn’t call the kettle black.

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I don't see anything other than him stating pretty basic knowledge of his home park. He's familiar with Powder Keg and he's correcting misinformation. Maybe we should just go on talking about how Maxx Force's launch system is the first of its kind in North America?


Just chill... and no one here wants to continue your nerdy conversation about genital size.

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Hello All! It looks like my trip will fall before Maxx Force's opening day (great job as usual Six Flags), on July 8th so I have a few Flashpass questions (I'm going to reserve 2 Gold Flashpass online unless that's not the best way to get one):


Does this park use the shittybands or the Classic Q bot?


Which rides are not worth ever using Flashpass for? I am planning on going straight to the back of the park and Goliath once I pick up from reservation counter, anything that has a higher priority than that?


I am travelling with 3 people total, one is a Six Flags over Georgia Gold Passholder, how much would it cost him and what is the best way to gain admission to the Waterpark?


Thank you all for the help!

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This is the first time we’re seeing this in North America so unless anyone’s been over seas and ridden any of their other launches coasters you’ve never really heard it before.

Oh yeah, there definitely hasn't been another one in the Midwest for the last 15 years.


There was also HyperSonic XLC which I almost completely forgot about.

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Oh yeah, good callout. I had forgotten about that one too.


Look, I'll be first to admit I know next to nothing about roller coasters. If it's not in the Midwest, I probably haven't ridden it. But I do not think it too much to expect that people who care enough to post on a theme park forum about launch systems on coasters in other continents will know about high profile parks in an adjacent state. Context is key here.

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Hello All! It looks like my trip will fall before Maxx Force's opening day (great job as usual Six Flags), on July 8th so I have a few Flashpass questions (I'm going to reserve 2 Gold Flashpass online unless that's not the best way to get one):


Does this park use the shittybands or the Classic Q bot?


Which rides are not worth ever using Flashpass for? I am planning on going straight to the back of the park and Goliath once I pick up from reservation counter, anything that has a higher priority than that?


I am travelling with 3 people total, one is a Six Flags over Georgia Gold Passholder, how much would it cost him and what is the best way to gain admission to the Waterpark?


Thank you all for the help!


I’ll try my best to help you.

1. So the park us using a watch style flash pass device now.

2. American Eagle is really the only ride not worth using flash pass on but that’s because it isn’t on FP.

3. If he has a gold pass holder that gets him into HH for free. Or at least it should.

Edited by 9Armgeddon4
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Does this park use the shittybands or the Classic Q bot?



I’ll try my best to help you.

1. I know they use the Q bots but I don’t know if still do so I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

2. American Eagle is really the only ride not worth using flash pass on but that’s because it isn’t on FP.

3. If he has a gold pass holder that gets him into HH for free. Or at least it should.


I was there last week and saw people using the new watch style fast pass, hope that helps!

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Let's hope all goes well!

Maxx Force roller coaster to open July 4 weekend at Six Flags Great America


Maxx Force, the new 175-foot-tall launch roller coaster that has been under construction since late last year at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, has been scheduled for a media preview on July 2 in anticipation of an expected public unveiling on or around July 4.


In announcing a predawn unveiling and test rides for regional media on July 2, Great America Communications Manager Caitlin Kepple said Thursday that “we are planning to open Maxx Force to the public Fourth of July weekend.”


Previously, park officials had been estimating that the coaster would open this summer, with Great America President Hank Salemi saying at a construction site tour in February that the general target was “early summer."


Maxx Force has been touted by Great America as chasing after three coaster records: fastest launch coaster acceleration in North America, with a top speed of 78 mph in less than two seconds; a 175-foot double inversion that would be the world’s highest; and a 60 mph zero-G roll that would be the world’s fastest inversion on a coaster.


The ride is being installed in the Hometown Square area near the park’s front entrance on the former site of the Pictorium IMAX theater.



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