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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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All rides and attractions at any park are always 'subject to availability', so if a ride doesn't open on time it doesn't mean that everyone can suddenly start suing the park for false advertising. The worst that can happen is people complain because they have booked tickets for the original scheduled date, in this case it's down to the park on how they would handle it, but they would be under no legal obligation to do anything.


An example of this was The Smiler at Alton Towers, that was originally due to open in March, but didn't open until the end of May, so the resort offered to rearrange pre-booked stays at the hotels for a later date when the ride opened, they didn't have to do that, but it was a good will gesture.

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If a company or corporation handed out or said anything about an opening date (Goliath) if they don't open it by the date that you can sue Six Flags for False Advertisement of a Product so if the company already handed out a paper that said Media Day is on May 22 they have to have it open on that day.


I'm hoping this is a joke, but if not - I'm sure anything they ever handed out has some fine print saying "date subject to change" or something of the sort.

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All rides and attractions at any park are always 'subject to availability', so if a ride doesn't open on time it doesn't mean that everyone can suddenly start suing the park for false advertising. The worst that can happen is people complain because they have booked tickets for the original scheduled date, in this case it's down to the park on how they would handle it, but they would be under no legal obligation to do anything.


An example of this was The Smiler at Alton Towers, that was originally due to open in March, but didn't open until the end of May, so the resort offered to rearrange pre-booked stays at the hotels for a later date when the ride opened, they didn't have to do that, but it was a good will gesture.


Right, which is why the park never announced an official date beyond the media. However, that date slipped out to the general public fairly quickly after No Coaster Con so a lot of people on SFGAm's social media pages already have May 24th in their heads as Goliath's opening date. No one can sue the park though still because technically they didn't announce that as an official date for the ride to the general public.

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Right, which is why the park never announced an official date beyond the media. However, that date slipped out to the general public fairly quickly after No Coaster Con so a lot of people on SFGAm's social media pages already have May 24th in their heads as Goliath's opening date. No one can sue the park though still because technically they didn't announce that as an official date for the ride to the general public.


That's all true, but it's sort of besides the point, because even if they had announced a date they would have covered themselves with fine print. Even if it is/was ready, you never know when you're going to have a rainstorm or something close the ride all day, so they'd never be dumb enough to have a guarenteed date.

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Right, which is why the park never announced an official date beyond the media. However, that date slipped out to the general public fairly quickly after No Coaster Con so a lot of people on SFGAm's social media pages already have May 24th in their heads as Goliath's opening date. No one can sue the park though still because technically they didn't announce that as an official date for the ride to the general public.


That's all true, but it's sort of besides the point, because even if they had announced a date they would have covered themselves with fine print. Even if it is/was ready, you never know when you're going to have a rainstorm or something close the ride all day, so they'd never be dumb enough to have a guarenteed date.


That's why I'm saying it's a good thing they haven't officially announced a date for it yet to the general public. At least not until after the ride is complete and they can start testing. A rainstorm or something weather related that occurs on the ride's opening day is not something they can control so they can't be blamed for that.

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RMC is responsible for constructing the ride. The park is responsible for completing the area around the ride, station, queue, inspections/state approvals etc.....


That could cause delays and have nothing to do with RMC.

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Didn't Six Flags get into lawsuits after the Deja Vu fiasco not opening until October(Give or take a day depending on your park)?


Said lawsuits were between SF Corp and Vekoma, Not coaster enthusiasts who were mad because the attraction didn't open when the park said it was going to be open......

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Wow, sounds like a case where a supervisor wasn't available when they really should have been. I can understand the general employee's inability to issue a refund, but it seriously should not have been that hard to find someone with the capabilities to provide an obviously warranted refund.

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Didn't Six Flags get into lawsuits after the Deja Vu fiasco not opening until October(Give or take a day depending on your park)?


Said lawsuits were between SF Corp and Vekoma, Not coaster enthusiasts who were mad because the attraction didn't open when the park said it was going to be open......



I meant with promotional advertisements saying the ride would be open on opening day.

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It seems reasonable that if a death can be adequately proven, the park wouldn't lose much by issuing a refund, especially if the survivors are happy to keep their passes. Hopefully it was just a case of the park not encountering this often and uninformed employees attempting to handle it, as someone above stated.

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I can understand the policy, though. If you start allowing refunds under certain conditions, what is to stop people from asking for them for almost anything, like a person gets injured and cannot go to the park that year? While $72 in this case will not hurt SF much, over time, with enough people asking for "death refunds," or other refunds, it would hurt the bottom line. While it must be just horrible for the surviving family members, I don't think this story makes SF look that bad. The initial employee was just following policy.

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I went to Six Flags Over Texas. Paid 20 dollars for parking and tickets were in the high 70s. Batman, mr freeze, and titan were closed. Can I sue them?


Parks do not have market rate/fluctuating pricing. If the value was fluid youd have to pay 150 dollars on an empty day because you are getting more rides in and 25 dollars when they are at maximum capacity and you are only going to get 1-2 rides in.


If a ride is closed it doesnt matter why and you cant sue them. If the ride is super faulty though the park can sue he manufacturer in much the same way a real estate developer could sue a builder if they go pver on construction or it costs more money or there is financial loss- like a leasee walked asay because the delay caused a breech of contract. Nonetheless for all we know goliath will be open on time or a week late. And that the first drop will go up by saturday.

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I went to Six Flags Over Texas. Paid 20 dollars for parking and tickets were in the high 70s. Batman, mr freeze, and titan were closed. Can I sue them?


Parks do not have market rate/fluctuating pricing. If the value was fluid youd have to pay 150 dollars on an empty day because you are getting more rides in and 25 dollars when they are at maximum capacity and you are only going to get 1-2 rides in.


If a ride is closed it doesnt matter why and you cant sue them. If the ride is super faulty though the park can sue he manufacturer in much the same way a real estate developer could sue a builder if they go pver on construction or it costs more money or there is financial loss- like a leasee walked asay because the delay caused a breech of contract. Nonetheless for all we know goliath will be open on time or a week late. And that the first drop will go up by saturday.

I'm going to hold you to that! Jk

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I went to Six Flags Over Texas. Paid 20 dollars for parking and tickets were in the high 70s.






Gate price looks like $64.99. Of course, anyone who pays full price at Six Flags must be deaf and blind considering the amount of discounts they offer on every street corner.

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I went to Six Flags Over Texas. Paid 20 dollars for parking and tickets were in the high 70s.






Gate price looks like $64.99. Of course, anyone who pays full price at Six Flags must be deaf and blind considering the amount of discounts they offer on every street corner.



Maybe not deaf and blind but definitely dumb.

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As you cannot depend on dry weather in the northern US states I also do not buy cheap online tickets in advance - and might screw them if I will be at the park on a rainy day. And converted into €uro most US prices are so bad overall...


Next to that some years ago Cedar Fair was not accepting Euro credit cards online while SF and Disney did...

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