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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Look at the exit of the dive loop. Look how close those footers are to the track! How is that thing going to pass a pull-through? Is it the camera angle or are those actually too close to the track and will eventually be removed (are there to hold structure together while complete support system is incomplete)? This is going to be SCARY.

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It seems like they will have it ready to open by may 20

No they wont. Media day as planned for the 22nd with an official opening the 23 I believe. They will be lucky if they have this ride testing by then.


Media day is the 22nd, season pass preview day is the 23rd, and opening day is the 24th of May. However, it's looking like Goliath will open in June.

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It seems like they will have it ready to open by may 20

No they wont. Media day as planned for the 22nd with an official opening the 23 I believe. They will be lucky if they have this ride testing by then.


Media day is the 22nd, season pass preview day is the 23rd, and opening day is the 24th of May. However, it's looking like Goliath will open in June.

Won't be the first time SF opens their new ride in June, or the last. We played it safe and planned our trip for July.

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If a company or corporation handed out or said anything about an opening date (Goliath) if they don't open it by the date that you can sue Six Flags for False Advertisement of a Product so if the company already handed out a paper that said Media Day is on May 22 they have to have it open on that day.

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If a company or corporation handed out or said anything about an opening date (Goliath) if they don't open it by the date that you can sue Six Flags for False Advertisement of a Product so if the company already handed out a paper that said Media Day is on May 22 they have to have it open on that day.


Doubtful. Not if media are attending for free, then they can make them wait as long as they want.

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If a company or corporation handed out or said anything about an opening date (Goliath) if they don't open it by the date that you can sue Six Flags for False Advertisement of a Product so if the company already handed out a paper that said Media Day is on May 22 they have to have it open on that day.


You're clearly joking.......

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Not as much as the media per say. The media doesn't care anyway just another thing to put on the news cast that half the people wont watch any way. I really don't think the fans will care unless it is one of the Die Hardcore Roller Coaster fans. But every day the Ride is late Rocky Mountain Construction will have to pay Six Flags and they wont want to do that so I think they will have it done and ready to go by May 22 unless there is a huge storm with a tornado in Illinois I don't think they will delay it.

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If a company or corporation handed out or said anything about an opening date (Goliath) if they don't open it by the date that you can sue Six Flags for False Advertisement of a Product so if the company already handed out a paper that said Media Day is on May 22 they have to have it open on that day.


Doubtful. Not if media are attending for free, then they can make them wait as long as they want.


If people were to sue overy any delay anywhere, no park would risk opening any new rides. I know that fans are probably way excited about Goliath but I am sure that both the park and the manufacturer are working around the clock to open the ride as soon as possible. So, relax and enjoy the construction process.

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So it's RMC's fault for working as hard and fast as they possibly can through one of the worst winters we've had in northern Illinois in a long time? May 24th was the park's "target" date which is why the park refused to announce it as an "official" opening date for the ride in case it isn't ready to go for May 24th.

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Not as much as the media per say. The media doesn't care anyway just another thing to put on the news cast that half the people wont watch any way. I really don't think the fans will care unless it is one of the Die Hardcore Roller Coaster fans. But every day the Ride is late Rocky Mountain Construction will have to pay Six Flags and they wont want to do that so I think they will have it done and ready to go by May 22 unless there is a huge storm with a tornado in Illinois I don't think they will delay it.


Keep in mind that the date RMC originally planned to finish the ride is very likely different than the date they are contractually obligated to be finished by is very likely different than the date Six Flags has planned to open the ride. Unless they are very stupid and have very horrible lawyers, RMC didn't sign a contract where they have to pay a bunch of money if the schedule slips a few weeks through no fault of their own.

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