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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Is Kings Island attendance really higher? Great America is about ready to explode its so crowded. I used to go every day in the early to mid 2000s and it was empty all summer long. Now its packed every single day. I think the waterpark helped with attendance. Imagine how much money they could have made if it was a second gate that whole time.


About Brandon, I was surprised to see him leave before Goliath opened! Oh well, congratulations to him on the promotion. Very young guy and he just landed an amazing job so that's great. Not many people can say that! Maybe he will be back for media day/opening day.


And by the way, drove by the park today again on Washington and Milwaukee rd. The lift hill is maybe 60 feet in the air already and tracked, though it is hard to see on the cam. Also, it looks like the track leaving the dive loop is up. I saw track exiting that corner and twisting to the left. I don't know what else that would belong to but when I look at the webcam I don't see it. Hopefully we get another drone photo update or video soon! it is Friday, after all.

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WOAH this hasn't been shared yet and this looks like it is from a week-a week and a half ago, but still, it is the most up close and personal look at construction I have ever seen! I imagine this will peek everybody's interest in Goliath! Check it out!

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WOAH this hasn't been shared yet and this looks like it is from a week-a week and a half ago, but still, it is the most up close and personal look at construction I have ever seen! I imagine this will peek everybody's interest in Goliath! Check it out!


I shared this video back on page 697 but that's okay because I agree, this video is really cool! It really gives you an idea of how tall this will be.

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image.thumb.jpg.a36f622b5a20f18727edfc531bbd9be8.jpgThe lift is 60-70 feet already. I thought this was a support section for the lift and just structural, but that steep piece has track already mounted to it.


a forum user over at sfgamworld posted photos from the parking lot of the lift and dive loop. Also I think I saw something on screamscape may have been the same photos.

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Is Kings Island attendance really higher? Great America is about ready to explode its so crowded. I used to go every day in the early to mid 2000s and it was empty all summer long. Now its packed every single day. I think the waterpark helped with attendance. Imagine how much money they could have made if it was a second gate that whole time.

Yep, it is. I think SFGAm just FEELS a lot more crowded because size wise it's a lot smaller.


Last year KI's attendance was 3,206,000 (15th busiest in N. America) The busiest Six Flags park was Magic Mountain at 2,808,000 (19th place). SFGAm didn't even crack into the top 20.

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Is Kings Island attendance really higher? Great America is about ready to explode its so crowded. I used to go every day in the early to mid 2000s and it was empty all summer long. Now its packed every single day. I think the waterpark helped with attendance. Imagine how much money they could have made if it was a second gate that whole time.

Yep, it is. I think SFGAm just FEELS a lot more crowded because size wise it's a lot smaller.


Last year KI's attendance was 3,206,000 (15th busiest in N. America) The busiest Six Flags park was Magic Mountain at 2,808,000 (19th place). SFGAm didn't even crack into the top 20.


I don't believe SFGAm has given out an actual number of attendance in many years. It does surprise me though that SFGAm doesn't receive more people than KI because how large the Chicagoland area is compared to the other cities in Ohio. Plus, Ohio already has Cedar Point a few hours away from KI. Not saying you're wrong, just found that interesting.

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Kings Island has a longer operating season and serves an area larger then just the Chicago land area, but I'm assuming it's around the same population. Think where KI is, south east Ohio. CP is 4 hours(ish?) away - so KI would be the one Mega park that serves Kentucky, southern Indiana, and more rural areas of that part of the country(West Va for example, even though there's a lot of east coast parks, I'm getting at, that KI if you drew a 6 hour drive circle around it, would have WAY more people to serve then SFGAm).


When I tell my buddies about Goliath, I tend to get "Why a wood coaster, steel is so much better". Then I tell them a little bit about the topper track, and show them a sweet picture or two ------ they become Romans(HA). --- I think when word starts to spread in the area that Great America is getting a rather special coaster; a ride that 99% of the GP doesn't even know could exist, with track bending in ways that blows even non-coaster nerds socks off. Great America will, I believe as somebody already stated - "explode".


I haven't ridden Outlaw Run, but I'm really liking that the entire ride is visible in these shots(and much of it in park). I know having a terrain coaster has many perks, but seeing this ride as a whole really has me jacked. I think Goliath may be a better ride than Outlaw Run as well. If there's airtime on the two massive over banks, I would put my "guaranteed" stamp that it will rank higher than Outlaw Run(not to mention a better selection of inversions-- that dive loop looks like it may be the finest dive loop ever constructed, on any coaster, anywhere). People love the intensity of Outlaw Run, and I'm thinking that Goliath is actually going to turn out being even more intense. The pacing of the ride, the size of EVERYTHING, and how it will transition between elements --- Goliath is going to be blowing panties to infinity and beyond(legally of course).


I know it's not about being bigger, hell, even better. It's about a great ride. I'm implying and excited that I think RMC is getting better with their originals (as seen already with Wildfire), and that some folks are putting Goliath under the bus for being a short looking ride. every picture update on her, she keeps looking more and more like somebody i'd like to spend my time with, take her home, and maybe buy her funnel cake or two.


I'm not to worried about the crew reaching the set opening date. The winter SEEMS past is FOR GOOD!!, and as some have said they're building the lift on site to raise as a few big pieces - I'd say were on pace for a pre-June opening.


I'm also super excited just to feast my eyes on the completed first drop, with the zero-g-stall proudly displayed for the world to see. Goliath is going to look so hotdog cool when all is said and done. Intimidator 305 styled supports on the lift = genius.

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How steep is a common lift hill? I-305 is one of the steepest, and it's either 45 or 50 degrees, I've heard both. I'd assume most are 30-40 degrees, but this seems much more.


^Stacking is when a train sits on the brake run waiting for the next train to leave the station, which decreases capacity.

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While we're on the topic of lifts, what are average chain and cable speeds? If I remember correctly, MF and El toro are 13-15, I-305 is a little faster, around 17. What are most chains on wooden coasters and steel coasters, like Banshee, which seems faster than most B&M lifts.


(I know this is getting way off topic, but there isn't much to be said about Goliath since visible progress has stalled the last few days)

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SkyRush is 50 degrees which caused the lap bar tightening modification had to be made.

What does the steepness of the lift hill have to do with that?

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