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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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The architecture of the ride is literally unprecedented. The design of the wood and steel supports are entirely unique so it will be great to watch in action and stare at. Even the track is rare- only one other example in the US of this type of track configuration. Cant wait to stare at it. It will be very photogenic because of this but the problem now is that the majority of the ride is hidden from view because it is so far from the midway.


Which is an appropriate Segway into sharing my next idea, which would allow for the ride to be one of the most photogenic and frequently photographed coasters imaginable: I thought of this before but never shared. They really ought to build a photo op over the first drop tunnels! The path toward the wilderness theater could be extended and a walkway could easily be built right above the drop offering similar photo opportunities as splash mountain. It would be an impressive way of allowing people great, daunting views of the ride that currently is hidden in the back of the park and it would provide the park with so much free social media marketing for years to come via instagram, facebook and vine uploads. People would love it and nonriders would be able to wait for / watch their friends and family there. If the roof they have in mind to cover the tunnel isnt strong enough to support people, they could build a bridge over it, firmly planted in the ground. SIX FLAGS, please deliver!

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Passed by the park twice during my trip to Wisconsin. Why can't it be open already?!?!


On Friday, it was sunny and they were testing Raging Bull (my #1 steel coaster). I could see Goliath, and when it is completed it will be gigantic compared to the rest of the rides.


On Sunday, the park was very foggy and eerie. The top of Sky Tower was completely covered up and Raging Bull and Viper were the only coasters visible.

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On a different note, I used a capacity calculator (on the games forum) to approximate Goliath's capacity. If the total ride duration (dispatch and circuit) is 3 minutes the capacity will be 960 pph, if it is 2:30 the capacity will be 1152 pph, and at 2:15 it will be 1280 pph. What do you guys think the total ride time will be counting dispatch time?

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Which is an appropriate Segway into sharing my next idea, which would allow for the ride to be one of the most photogenic and frequently photographed coasters imaginable: I thought of this before but never shared. They really ought to build a photo op over the first drop tunnels! The path toward the wilderness theater could be extended and a walkway could easily be built right above the drop offering similar photo opportunities as splash mountain. It would be an impressive way of allowing people great, daunting views of the ride that currently is hidden in the back of the park and it would provide the park with so much free social media marketing for years to come via instagram, facebook and vine uploads. People would love it and nonriders would be able to wait for / watch their friends and family there. If the roof they have in mind to cover the tunnel isnt strong enough to support people, they could build a bridge over it, firmly planted in the ground. SIX FLAGS, please deliver!


Draw it up and/or build a model and show it to them (directly) It's a great idea!

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Track exiting the dive loo visible from the webcam! And I didn't drive right by it, but I was on I-94 north yesterday and exited at Belvidere road, the exit before grand ave, and the overbank looks gorgeous from there. The dive loop is also visible and the distance between the two is quite grand. The coaster will look great when finished!

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The ride looks massive and magnificent from outside the park now, especially along washington street near milwaukee ave. Hard to photograph though behind the trees so I ran over to a nearby baseball field and stood on the bench to capture a new angle for everybody. Sorry its grainy, had to zoom on an iphone.

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^Thanks for sharing. There's also a new video up on Lake County's YouTube channel which shows that the former station of Iron Wolf is indeed getting extending back some to accommodate the longer RMC trains. Here's a screenshot I took, though the quality was poor.




The video:


Oh, and go Blackhawks!

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Here's something I noticed over at SfGamWorld, and looked at myself. It appears Brandon Bruce is no longer going to be the PR guy for SfGam. On his Linked In profile it says Past-Six Flags Great America Public Relations - Feb. 2012-April 2014, and Current- Six Flags Over Georgia Marketing Manager - April 2014 - Present. From what I've heard he's a really nice and awesome guy, so it's too bad to see him leave. I think this is kind of strange because he was just interviewed in that construction video from Lake County's youtube.

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Here's something I noticed over at SfGamWorld, and looked at myself. It appears Brandon Bruce is no longer going to be the PR guy for SfGam. On his Linked In profile it says Past-Six Flags Great America Public Relations - Feb. 2012-April 2014, and Current- Six Flags Over Georgia Marketing Manager - April 2014 - Present. From what I've heard he's a really nice and awesome guy, so it's too bad to see him leave. I think this is kind of strange because he was just interviewed in that construction video from Lake County's youtube.



Him and Gene from KD are both now at SFOG. Guess Jim wants to boost that park.

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And only 2 trains with only 24 per train.

The trains my be smaller but if they were the same size as banshee's, wouldn't it be the same (even though they're two)?

Because, given the length of the ride, isn't it expected that one train will be ready to enter the station as the first one is leaving it? (just like it would be with 3 trains on a longer ride)

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I would expect Goliath's line will be pretty similar to Banshee. I remember getting in line for Raging Bull in '99 right at the bathrooms around the corner from Aunt Martha's. I think that was a 3 or 4 hour line, and park attendance (as well as population of the area the park serves) is a lot higher now than it was then.


Granted, SFGAm does have lower attendance than KI does.

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