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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Hate to rain on your parade, but Wiggles World is going under the tent. The tent isnt leaving.


I guess I should have phrased it a little better. I understand the tent is staying, but what was under the tent just seemed so awkward. The line going past food stand and the arcade style games. It just seemed odd. A little too much like a county fair, in that, it felt so trashy.

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I'm not so thrilled with the idea of Wiggles World...it's coming to Great Advanture as well and well...Great Advanture doesn't need ANOTHER kids area. I'm hoping Shapiro can turn the chain around but what Great Advanture needs is flats for families. Six Flags New England is getting a Wiggles World as well. I guess it can be a good addition but the Wiggles doesn't faze me.

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  • 8 months later...

If you go by the facts given...


Length: 1213

Capacity: 32

Manufacturer: Mack

"six 180-degree hairpin turns, climb unseen hills"


It's a standard Mack wild mouse (ala the one at Hershey Park) just indoor... the description matches PERFECTLY. I mean, hopefully the themeing will make it one of the best wild mouse coasters ever, but as for the ride itself, I'll be a monkey's uncle if it isn't just the standard Mack Wild Mouse..

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I really hope that they actually put some planning into the theming of this coaster. For some reason I feel this coaster is just a gimmick. I would rather they rename and enclose Ragin Cajun and add the Batman theming. Then add a Tony Hawks Big Spin over where Splashwater Falls is/was. Two wild mouse rides in fairly close proximity will just seem strange.



Just my two cents.

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I really hope that they actually put some planning into the theming of this coaster. For some reason I feel this coaster is just a gimmick. I would rather they rename and enclose Ragin Cajun and add the Batman theming. Then add a Tony Hawks Big Spin over where Splashwater Falls is/was. Two wild mouse rides in fairly close proximity will just seem strange.



Just my two cents.

Having two mice that close does seem weird... but I guess they're banking on the enclosure making it unrecognizable to the GP. If you can't see it's a mouse, you won't know it's a mouse.


I like your proposed idea... Ragin Cajun was pretty lame, but enclosing it might actually add some enjoyment to it. I guess perhaps they don't want people to just be riding the same coaster - but in the dark, instead riding a "brand new coaster" in the dark so they won't know what's coming.

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"...Mack spinning coasters--with trains--like the one at Knott's Berry Farm." (Mind Eraser)


I'd like to see more of those. Sierra Sidewinder is actually a lot of fun and easy to ride. My only complaint is that it isn't a bit longer.



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After doing some research, I have a few questions. Will these Dark Knight coasters be a themed clone of Cheetah Chase at BGA? http://rcdb.com/id2595.htm. It is the exact same length. It is made by the same company. It has a very similar ride time. It has six hairpin turns. The capacity is similar(I am guessing TDK will have 8 cars holding 4 people each). I hope that is not the case, but we shall see.

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This ride will fill a need for the park, but it seems odd to go with another wild mouse. Something with a 36” requirement seems more needed. Does anyone know if this will replace Theater Royale, or just be placed near it?

Also the website announces a season pass holder preview on May 21st, which is a Wednesday. So looks like it won’t open with the park.

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^Yes, it will be the same coaster.


While I'm happy that another coaster is being built, I just wish they chose a different design as there already is a mouse at SFGAM. However, as said earlier, the GP probably won't notice, and hopefully Six Flags does a decent job when theming this and not build it in some shed.

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I think we all think that it is weird that they are putting in another mouse. However when you stop to think about it they are going to be completely different leagues.


1. This is an indoor themed mouse

2. It IS NOT a spinning mouse.


If you just think about those two differences you can see that they can coexist in the same park. Personally I think the ball is in Six Flags' hand. It all depends on how well they theme it. They have the Opportunity to set this attraction apart from everything they have done up to this point. They have the ability to invest the money and theme it to the disney point. It would be great to see it happen. Or laugh at them when they don't take it far enough.

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I don't know what is up with Six Flags, but all of these announcements seem VERY rushed. No concept art, no CGI. It's almost like they knew Hershey moved their announcement up and still wanted to try and steal their glory.


I'm interested to see exactly what theming will actually be inside these rides vs just in the queue. I also agree with those confused as to why a park that already has a crazy mouse is getting a standard wild mouse as well, even if it is indoors, it's the same sensations (at least for the turns section).

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I have a feeling that this isn't the same mouse layout as Mullholland Madness (DCA) and such, I think that it's the layout as seen with Ricochet (KD)and Technic Coaster (Legoland California). I was looking at Mack's website, and the length for the latter is 410 meters, which is about 1300 feet I believe. Isn't the new coaster supposed to be around that long?

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