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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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4 hours ago, DBru said:

Those Premier spaghetti bowls are works of art. Hopefully one day Kings Island will stop destroying theirs with that mid course brake...

Thanks for the report!

On the plus side, I believe the MCBR allows the Flight of Fears to operate 3 trains.  I'm not sure if KI's still does but I believe that KD's still operates that way.

That said, I didn't notice the MCBR slow the train all that much on Kings Island's Flight of Fear during my rides this summer.

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7 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

On the plus side, I believe the MCBR allows the Flight of Fears to operate 3 trains.  I'm not sure if KI's still does but I believe that KD's still operates that way.

That said, I didn't notice the MCBR slow the train all that much on Kings Island's Flight of Fear during my rides this summer.

the restraints on Poltergeist cause loading to be so slow, they don't often even run 2 trains - and when they do, the 1st train is always sitting out in the sun on the brake run while the 2nd train takes forever to load as people try to figure out where that "side seatbelt" clicks (it connects to the lap bar), and struggle to figure it out.

but at least they (and SFA) don't use the MCBR, so the train just flies thru the 2nd half, and that "hidden" inversion towards the end is taken as an amazing speed.

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18 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

On the plus side, I believe the MCBR allows the Flight of Fears to operate 3 trains.  I'm not sure if KI's still does but I believe that KD's still operates that way.

That said, I didn't notice the MCBR slow the train all that much on Kings Island's Flight of Fear during my rides this summer.

Interesting, every time I’ve ridden Kings Island’s Flight of Fear for the last 8 years or so, the mid course has brought the train to an complete halt before releasing it into the second half of the layout. That includes this summer.

The Flight of Fears also have a block between the load and unload stations, so they could run 3 trains, regardless. Unfortunately, Kings Island’s now only has 2 trains on site.

Neither Poltergeist nor Jokers Jinx even have the mid course brakes installed, so those things run like bats out of hell.

While most of the Premiers track smoothly, Kings Island’s FOF is one of the roughest rides in the park. When the train hits the mid course, you can feel (and see) the entire structure shaking back and forth. I just can’t imagine that’s good for the ride’s longevity.

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I've been on all 4 Premier "spaghetti bowls" in the U.S., and Poltergeist and Joker's Jinx are miles better than the Flight of Fears. It's kind of weird to me since you think the two that run faster would be more prone to roughness and discomfort, but the opposite is true. The Flight of Fears are slow and rough, and the Six Flags ones are glossy smooth and incredibly fast and intense. Joker's Jinx is actually my favorite ride at SFA.

I wonder what those rides would be like backwards. I remember when the Mr. Freeze rides were turned backwards, I predicted it would happen to JJ or Poltergeist as well. I guess it would just be a puke machine at that point? lol

Nice photos, by the way!

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15 hours ago, bert425 said:

the restraints on Poltergeist cause loading to be so slow, they don't often even run 2 trains - and when they do, the 1st train is always sitting out in the sun on the brake run while the 2nd train takes forever to load as people try to figure out where that "side seatbelt" clicks (it connects to the lap bar), and struggle to figure it out.

Yeah that plus if I remember correctly from my last trip to SFFT back in 2006 the second train can't even advance from the brake run until the previous train clears the high point after the third inversion. I remember that day the crew was pretty good, but by the time you stop on the brakes the other train has only been parked in the station like 20-30 seconds. It can't really increase capacity that much. 

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KIngs Dominion FoF runs 2 trains. The brake was intended to allow 3, but after they figured out that doesn't really work, later models didn't have it. However I think the brake is necessary for the coaster to run as originally designed, with the first half total insanity, a slowdown at the top accompanied by space sounds and atmosphere, the curves later not too intense, and a bit of hang in the final corkscrew. I used to far prefer it over JJinx, but have noticed while Jinx has a weaker launch, you do come out of your seat some going in and out of inversions, so while the end is still too fast, the slower first half has something going for it. Subjectively though, I find more variation in my impressions of either than the rides themselves are different.

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I prefer the outdoor ones as well.  Not having the mid-course bring you to a stop mid-ride results in a far wilder second half.

That being said, I still enjoy the indoor Flight of Fear clones.  The Kings Island one is a bit shakier, but I still have no issue with it thanks to those lap bars.

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On 12/8/2020 at 6:59 AM, coasterbill said:

I find the Kings Dominion Flight of Fear to be really smooth and the Kings Island one to be much rougher but I still enjoy those more than the outdoor unthemed ones. They're honestly great rides and I find them incredibly underrated.

The experiences are literally (and figuratively) night and day between the indoor and outdoor models. FoFs give me that "I'm kind of boarding Space Mountain feel". 

Runaway Mountain at SFOT was pretty damn fun as well. Definitely surprised me 

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14 minutes ago, coasterbill said:

What a weird post. 

My Google search for “Blueprints that are just shaped like dicks” let me down so I guess rather than making a joke I’ll answer this honestly...


Now, Bill. . you have to search for the clinical term:  "Blueprints shaped like penis"


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10 hours ago, bert425 said:

Now, Bill. . you have to search for the clinical term:  "Blueprints shaped like penis"


I saw the picture first and  my inner enthusiast saw a hidden Mickey first and then I read what you wrote and now I'm seeing.....

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My wife and I are planning a trip to San Antonio for three days this upcoming week. We will be in town Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (12/20-12/22). How busy does this park normally get around this time of year? Which day would you recommend we go to the park or does it really matter? We do have Six Flags season passes. We are also planning on going to Sea World one day and to the downtown area attractions another day as well. I appreciate any feedback. 

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16 hours ago, bert425 said:

Now, Bill. . you have to search for the clinical term:  "Blueprints shaped like penis"


Dude if my penis looked like that I'd be at the doctor faster than a covid patient.

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3 hours ago, bigcwd2000 said:

My wife and I are planning a trip to San Antonio for three days this upcoming week. We will be in town Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (12/20-12/22). How busy does this park normally get around this time of year? Which day would you recommend we go to the park or does it really matter? We do have Six Flags season passes. We are also planning on going to Sea World one day and to the downtown area attractions another day as well. I appreciate any feedback. 

it's all a crap shoot, due to the year that 2020 has been.

Historically, Sunday morning is the way to go - Texans love going to church.  (and Canobie Coaster was just there on a Sunday last week, and he said was dead in the morning).
so if for me?   I'd go on 12/20, and go early, as it will get more crowded as the day goes on.

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I was at the park last Sunday and the weekend prior.  The forecast was sunny and 60-65ish on both Sundays.

Iron Rattler got a rush right at rope drop, but by mid-afternoon, there were only two rides with long waits were Joker and Wonder Woman.  I think Pandemonium had a decent line at points, but that one was a one and done for me.  In several cases, I was able to stay on the coasters without getting off.  My recommendation is to go straight to Wonder Woman at opening.  And if you want to ride Joker, I'd get in line right before closing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I had to guess, the new Mardi Gras Voodoo walkthru (I'm assuming TPR will be posting more details) is going to be in the Haunt that's over there across from the SpassBurg Train Station entrance.
(that Haunt was always walking thru a mad professor's laboratory. . so seems like it would be an easy "overlay" to make it a House of Voodoo).


great use of a space that's off the main path, and isn't used other than a Haunt, if that's where it is.

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